The Last Adventurer - Chapter 35

Published at 10th of June 2024 06:14:50 AM

Chapter 35

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Chapter 35

[Translator – Prøks]

[Proofreader – Prøks]

Chapter 35: Hell of Snow (3)


Adventurers say:

“In an adventure, it’s experience, not ability, that determines life and death.”

They say that experience is more important than anything.

However, in the era of Mystic Gates, it was harder than one might think to gain experience.

This is because there were so many different types of monsters beyond the Mystic Gates.

Even if you had a lot of experience fighting monsters in general, you couldn’t have a lot of experience fighting a particular monster.

In any case, if you had experience, it was enough to make up for your lack of ability.

So, what would happen if someone with enough ability also had experience?


The El Paume party was showing the answer to that right now.


The snow that covered the forest and the horde of Cold Eyes that easily surpassed 100, covering the snow.

Even though it was no exaggeration to call this stage a snow-covered hell, the El Paume party didn’t flinch at all.

“I am Dibo, the Polearm Hero!”

Dibo, instead of backing off from the approaching Cold Eyes, charged forward.

“Dibo, don’t go off alone!”

Kiri followed behind him.

“Ralph, you say something too!”

“Smash their heads properly. It’ll be hard to pick them up if the Magic Stones break. And the leather as thin as possible. Cold Eye leather is quite expensive, you know.”

Finally, Ralph.

In this way, the three of them, huddled together, began to sweep away the approaching Cold Eyes like garbage.

It wasn’t difficult.

The three of them stood in a triangle formation.


“Slash Blizzard!”

“Solar Slash!”

“It’s worth 2,000 mesos!”

And they began to mercilessly crush the Cold Eyes that were rushing at them each.


The sight of the Cold Eyes being crushed with screams was gruesome.

However, the Cold Eyes were not just being pushed back.



They fought back with their sharp claws and icy breath.



But the El Paume party was not to be outdone.

They dodged the Cold Eyes’ attacks with practiced movements and countered with their own powerful blows.



The Cold Eyes were no match for the El Paume party’s overwhelming strength and experience.

One by one, they fell to the ground, defeated.



In the end, the Cold Eyes were completely wiped out.

The forest was once again silent, except for the sound of the wind blowing through the trees.

The El Paume party stood there, panting, but victorious.

They had once again proven that they were one of the best parties in the world.

Instead of being frightened by the death of their comrade, they were filled with anger, and their cries provoked the Cold Eyes around them.



The Cold Eyes began to swarm in, forming a siege around Dibo, Kiri, and Ralph.

The siege formed by dozens of Cold Eyes was overwhelming.

Moreover, since the Cold Eyes and the snow-covered ground were difficult to distinguish, it seemed as if they were surrounded by hundreds or thousands of Cold Eyes.

The whole world seemed to be Cold Eyes.

It was a sight that could freeze one’s fighting spirit.


However, the El Paume party members didn’t flinch at all in the face of this sight.

They had no reason to.

As he said, they were the El Paume party.

“Boss, we’ve gathered them all!”

As the three of them gathered the Cold Eyes in one place, El Paume’s enhanced Fire Arrows began to move.


The fire arrows that appeared flew like swallows and tore through the bodies of the Cold Eyes like snakes.

They ripped through the tough Cold Eye leather like paper.

It was an unreasonable level of power, even for magic that had been enhanced with Magic Acceleration.

And it was indeed unreasonable.

‘The effect of two Phoenix Feathers is indeed certain.’

El Paume, who used these enhanced Fire Arrows, had two unique rank items, Phoenix Feathers, in his hand, even though one alone would be terrifying.

Thanks to these two Phoenix Feathers, the power of El Paume’s fire attribute magic was increased by over 30%.

Of course, the most unreasonable thing was El Paume himself.

The last adventurer to survive an encounter with Hontale, a dragon that no one else had ever defeated.

In the face of his existence, the difficulty of the Mystic Gates became meaningless and worthless.

‘His senses are superb.’

El Paume was even evolving now.

He was becoming stronger than when he was the last adventurer.

Of course, Nir didn’t let his guard down here.

“I have to catch them for sure.”

This was not just a matter of hunting adventurers.

“For the Black Mage.”

A holy service and devotion for the great Black Mage.

There could be no dust or error.

So Nir made a more concrete plan.

“The moment I use Poison Mist in the igloo entrance, they will smell it and come out. Then Joey and Argo, you two go into the igloo and deal with them.”

He deployed two of his subordinates.

But it wasn’t a simple deployment.

Nir’s Poison Mist was powerful enough to kill a monster the size of a Cold Eye in an instant.

Adventurers were no different.

Being exposed to that poison without an antidote meant accepting death.



However, Joey and Argo, Nir’s two subordinates, nodded without any hesitation at the order.

They were ready to accept death.

And Nir took it for granted.

These were the followers of the Black Mage.

Those who would gladly give their lives for the dire situation of the Black Mage’s resurrection.

Those who would not feel any pity for those who were sacrificed in the process.

It was the same now.

Nir spoke calmly.

“The moment you are exposed to my Poison Mist.”

He calmly predicted the tragic condition of the sacrifices.

“They will vomit blood at that moment.”

That moment was.


The moment Nir spoke and took a breath, he coughed.

It wasn’t just a cough.


A cough accompanied by blood, a huge amount of blood.

At the same time as the cough, Nir had a seizure and fell to the ground.

“Mr. Nir!”

Nir’s subordinates, who were surprised by the sight, were unable to respond properly.

‘What the hell?’

This was a situation that was completely unimaginable.


It was the moment one of them was attacked by a Fire Arrow that Nir’s frozen subordinates began to move their bodies.

Crack! Crack! Crack!

The moment the leather armor and the Fire Arrow collided, a harsh sound rang out like a drill piercing steel.


And at the end of that sound, the last words that someone who had their heart pierced could utter were heard.

“T-There’s an attack!”

It was only after hearing the last words that Nir’s subordinates finally reacted.

Everyone turned their heads to where the Fire Arrow had come from.

And they could see it.


The Fire Arrow that pierced their eyes with precision.


“M-My eyes!”

Those who were hit by the attack screamed and fell to the ground.

In an instant, five people, including Viper Nir, had fallen to the ground.

Only five were left.

However, the remaining five did not panic here.

They realized.

“It’s an ambush!”

That this was an attack.

The moment they realized it, they prepared themselves immediately.

A response made possible by their long training and accumulated experience, as well as their innate abilities.

“There will be more attacks!”

It was an excellent response.


“Fire Arrows!”

The only problem was one thing.

“Raise your shields......”


That they were facing an existence beyond common sense and norms.

‘W-What, the Fire Arrows are bending?’

In front of this existence beyond norms, the remaining five fell to the ground in a state of utter helplessness.

There was only one survivor.

“Krrr... .”

Viper Nir, convulsing from poison and in a state of shock.

Nir could see.

“I have some questions. You don’t have to answer.”

Thump! Thump!

“Your heart will give me the answers.”

El Paume, his face.

[Translator – Prøks]

[Proofreader – Prøks]

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!