The Last Adventurer - Chapter 38

Published at 10th of June 2024 06:14:45 AM

Chapter 38

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Chapter 38

[Translator – Prøks]

[Proofreader – Prøks]

Chapter 38: The Snow Yeti (3)


“I miscalculated.”

The moment El Paume said those words, Dibo, Kiri, and Ralph, who were on the battlefield, all made dumbfounded expressions.

El Paume’s words were so unexpected.

“I think it’s going to be over faster than I thought.”

And when they heard the next words, the three of them thought,

‘Is he joking right now?’

That El Paume was just playing a word game.

But El Paume was serious.

‘It was a miscalculation.’

He had definitely expected it to take 3 minutes.

Of course, it was impossible to calculate something like this perfectly, but the one who did the calculation was none other than El Paume.

El Paume, who had been in battles where a single second’s mistake could determine the life or death of not only himself but also hundreds, thousands of adventurers, and tens of thousands of people.

And yet, even El Paume was wrong.

‘I never thought it would be this wrong.’

He had expected it to take 3 minutes, but it was over in 1 minute and 30 seconds.

‘I didn’t know Hydra’s Fang would be this strong.’

The reason for this fatal miscalculation was none other than Hydra’s Fang, which he had obtained from the poisonous snake Nir.

In fact, El Paume had never used Hydra’s Fang before.

He couldn’t help it.

‘Only three have been found.’

The item Hydra’s Fang itself was an item that could only be obtained beyond the Mystic Gate, and only three had appeared in Maple World.

Even then, the owners were only revealed later, and the item itself had never been on the market.

All El Paume knew about Hydra’s Fang was that it was one of the secret cards of the Kania Guild, that it was possessed by the poisonous snake Nir, and that it greatly increased the power of poison-based magic.

‘Powerful, but powerful.’

However, he never thought it would be this powerful.

‘The nature of the poison has changed.’

One of the most unexpected things was that the poison of Poison Breath, which El Paume had used, had changed.

‘It’s gotten more vicious.’

The poison worked much faster.

That was the key.

‘Thanks to Dibo’s provocation, the poison spread even faster.’

The fact that Dibo had properly provoked the Snow Yeti.

No wonder. From the Snow Yeti’s point of view, a human who was infinitely smaller than him was mocking him by circling him.

In human terms, it was like a mosquito repeatedly landing on and taking off from his body, leaving him fuming with anger. And the angrier the Snow Yeti was, the faster his heart rate had to be.

This meant that the poison spread even faster.

‘I never thought it would do this much.’

In many ways, it was an unexpected situation for El Paume.


And so, as the 30 seconds El Paume had mentioned passed, the Snow Yeti, who had been chasing Dibo, spat out bright red blood.

The snow-white snowfield was stained with blood.


At the same time, the Snow Yeti collapsed to the ground.


The Snow Yeti began to gasp for breath.

That was it.

The Snow Yeti could no longer stand up. Its entire body was poisoned.

And because of its anger, because of its heightened excitement, the pain it had been ignoring began to rush in.


Only then did the Snow Yeti realize its plight and begin to let out mournful cries.

However, none of the adventurers felt sorry for it.

They knew.

They knew that this Snow Yeti was the worst monster that had eaten hundreds of adventurers so far.

“Don’t approach.”

So everyone just watched.


“Be on guard for any attacks from the surroundings.”

In the falling snow, in case of an attack they might not see.

And then the time came.Finndd the newest novels on n/o/velbin(.)com

As the Snow Yeti’s body was covered in snow, two trees emerged from behind the Snow Yeti, and soon intertwined to form a door.

The moment the exit appeared.


El Paume, who saw it, said.

“Collect the items of the deceased adventurers.”


The number of scars that adventurers who raided Mystic Gates liked the most was less than 5.

For Mystic Gates with 10 or more scars, adventurers would not embark on an adventure unless it was something serious.

It was dangerous in many ways.

However, Mystic Gates with 30 or more scars were the main targets of adventurers.

The reason was simple.

The fact that there were adventurer items overflowing beyond!

Therefore, Mystic Gates with 30 or more scars were treated as no ordinary gate, even more so.

Among them, the Gate of a Hundred Scars, the Gate of a Hundred Scars, was treated similarly to the Red-rank 100-person Mystic Gate.

“Collect the items of the deceased adventurers.”

It was also for these items that El Paume wanted to enter this Mystic Gate.

“Even if it takes a few days.”

‘I don’t know what’s there, but.’

Once again, the El Paume party moved with Mano’s help, and soon they were able to find what Mano’s eyes were pointing at.

An adventurer crouched and dead.

The state of this adventurer was not very good.

His whole body was bitten by the teeth of a Cold Eye, so of course, there was no hope of finding any items.

To be honest, it was not even worth touching.

“Boss, should I check it out?”

However, El Paume checked the state of the corpse.

Dibo tilted his head at the sight.

“You’re not going to find anything, are you?”

El Paume knew too.

The chances of getting a decent item from a corpse this badly mangled were low.

However, El Paume wasn’t just looking for items.

Rather, El Paume needed a reason more than an item.

The reason why the followers of the black mage had to kill them.

So El Paume rummaged through the corpse.

Of course, there was nothing.

Even if there was, there was no way it would be in good condition, and in fact, there was nothing at all.

“Boss, why don’t you look for something else? Ralph is just standing there too?”

Even Ralph, who was crazy about money, was just watching the situation with his hands in his pockets this time.

It was then.

El Paume opened the corpse’s mouth.

“Huh? Boss?”

And then it showed up.

“A letter?”

A neatly folded letter inside the mouth.

And after taking out the letter and unfolding it, a ring was revealed inside.

Everyone’s attention was drawn to it.

“Boss, what is it?”

At those words, El Paume handed the letter to Dibo instead of answering, and Dibo read the letter.

“I beg the adventurer who finds this letter, please deliver this letter...”

Dibo’s expression hardened as he read the contents.

“It’s a will.”

It was a common occurrence.

When adventurers left a will before they died, it was often heartbreaking.

What was even more heartbreaking was that the wills left in this way were rarely, if ever, delivered as the deceased wished.

That’s why adventurers usually left something of great value with their wills.

It was a payment.

Payment in exchange for the favor of delivering the will.

“Yeah, it’s a will.”

“Will you deliver it?”

“Of course.”

And usually, adventurers would deliver the will to the person the deceased wished it to go to.

“It’s our duty as adventurers.”

That was the duty of an adventurer, and El Paume had no intention of shirking that duty.

He had no intention of giving it any more meaning than that.

‘This ring.’

However, the moment he saw the ring, El Paume couldn’t help but change his mind.

It looked like an ordinary ring, but El Paume knew the meaning of the small inscription on the inside of the ring.

‘Cross Ring, the symbol of the Cross Hunter.’

Cross Hunter.

A group of hunters who did not engage in adventures but only hunted monsters beyond the Mystic Gates.

That was how they were known to the world.

‘The only organization that understood the Black Mage’s plot and was working against it.’

But their true identity was that they were the only true enemies of the Black Mage’s followers, in a sense.

Of course, the Cross Hunters were a very secretive group.

It was even difficult to find out where their base was.

But now, there was an opportunity to meet them.

For El Paume, it was a welcome opportunity.

He knew.

No, he knew more than that.

El Paume had fought with them to the very end against the followers of the Black Mage.

‘Cheryl, she fought to the end too.’

And it was El Paume who saw their end.

Of course, he knew.

What the Cross Hunters were like now.

‘At this point in time, they have more items than the Cygnus Knight Order, the Resistance, or the Adventurer’s Guild.’

And even what they had.

At that moment, El Paume’s goal was set.

‘What a profit.’

El Paume’s eyes lit up at the unexpected income.

In other words, El Paume thought he would not have any more income.


“Boss, it looks like there’s another body over there.”

Until then, that was all.

“This time it’s a mage adventurer. The body seems to be more intact than I thought. Oh? He’s wearing a monocle? Why would someone who usually wears glasses wear a monocle? Boss, is this an item? What kind of magic is on it?”

But the moment he discovered the corpse, his mind changed.



“Clairvoyance magic is on it.”

[Translator – Prøks]

[Proofreader – Prøks]

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!