The Last Adventurer - Chapter 41

Published at 10th of June 2024 06:14:41 AM

Chapter 41

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Chapter 41

[Translator – Prøks]

[Proofreader – Prøks]

Chapter 41: Cross Hunters (3)


Cross Hunters

Those who fight against the followers of the Black Mage.

In other words, they are the top priority targets for the followers of the Black Mage.

Naturally, Cross Hunters were bound to react most sensitively to those who knew their true identities.

Of course, it wasn’t like the Cross Hunters would indiscriminately eliminate everyone they encountered.

“A will?”

“Yes, I found this letter and ring while I was attacking the Mystic Gate.”

Due to their closed nature, the bonds between them were stronger than anyone else’s.

Their unity was stronger than any other group’s.

They were willing to sacrifice their lives for their comrades, and therefore, they were ready to give more than what was expected in return to the one who brought their comrade’s letter.

El Paume was no exception.

“He said he would give me a fair reward if I brought this.”

He was prepared to give a generous reward in exchange for the letter and Cross Ring he had brought.

“......How did you know about this place?”

The problem was that El Paume had found the Cross Hunters’ secret hideout.

“Surely the letter didn’t specify the location of this place?”

In fact, the letter mentioned a plain tavern that the Cross Hunters operated as a front.

Common sense dictated that El Paume and the Cross Hunters should have parted ways there without knowing each other’s identities, simply paying the price for the letter.

That’s why El Paume came here in person.

‘Just taking the money and leaving doesn’t make sense.’

He didn’t want money.

To achieve that, El Paume took things step by step.

“Let’s read the letter first.”

He handed the letter over.

The Cross Hunter picked up the letter.

The contents were ordinary.

It was just a letter to a family.

However, the Cross Hunter knew that what was seen on the surface was a disguise, and that the real content was written separately.

And in order to read it, one had to use a method that only the Cross Hunters knew.

“The true identity of the Kania Guild is that they are a follower of the Black Mage, it will be written like that.”

El Paume said about the hidden content.

At that moment, the atmosphere around the place changed.

The murderous atmosphere became even more murderous.

They can see the code that only they know? They know so much about their secrets?

‘We must eliminate him.’

At that moment, the Cross Hunters gathered here started pointing guns.

[TL/N: The original TL for the line is “At that moment, the Cross Hunters gathered here became guns.” But This don’t make sense so i changed it a bit]

Guns ready to fire on El Paume at any moment, as soon as the signal to pull the trigger was given.

The killing intent of the Cross Hunters was blatant and vicious.

It was enough to take his breath away.

It was that intense.

The fate of the Cross Hunters was on a different level from the fate of the adventurers, and their determination was on a different dimension.

Of course, El Paume was an exception.

This murderous intent didn’t give him any kind of stimulation.

More than anything, El Paume saw this as a good opportunity.

‘Originally, I had a different plan... but that’s beside the point now.’

El Paume’s initial strategy involved carefully presenting himself as an exceptional individual. With that groundwork laid, his goal was to eventually meet a Cross Hunter executive through a series of carefully planned steps.

It was a long-term objective, but things had changed.

‘Cheryl is here.’

Since a Cross Hunter executive was present, there was no need for a drawn-out plan.

That’s why El Paume didn’t hesitate to say, “I’d like to speak with the person in charge in greater detail.”

He glanced directly at Cheryl as he spoke.

The man who had been pointing a gun at El Paume seconds before spoke.

“Follow me.”



El Paume had only recently learned of her existence. The news came some time after the monsters started emerging from the Mystic Gate; he’d learned that the former Cross Hunter leader, Gerechter, had died, and Cheryl was the new head of the organization.Updated chapters on novelbin(.)com

El Paume calmly replied, “If I die, the information I hold will die with me. But if I live, the Kania Guild will be even more desperate to kill me. They’ll have the followers of the Black Mage come and kill me.”

At those words, Cheryl didn’t even bother to think anymore.

“What’s your job class?”


“What’s your attribute?”

All El Paume wanted was for her to give him the right item for him.

That was all.

Cheryl didn’t think there was any need to attach any more meaning to this than necessary.

“Give me anything.”

“So tell me your attribute. Is it fire or poison?”

“You can give me anything.”

“What do you mean...”

“Any item is fine, from fire to psychic abilities.”

But the moment she heard that, Cheryl had to think again.

“Allmaster, that’s my ability.”



El Paume arrived there late at night.

“You’re late?”

“I had something to do.”

By the time El Paume arrived, the Gafor Merchant Union was already prepared.

Ebis had been waiting for El Paume until late at night.

“Here’s the deposit.”

He had prepared a whopping 20 million mesos.

But that wasn’t all he had prepared.

“And here’s a list of Mystic Gates we need to raid.”

The Gafor Merchant Union demanded a Mystic Gate raid.

This was not unusual.

It was written in the contract that the El Paume Party would raid Mystic Gates periodically.

And any adventurer would know.

“In this situation, the other side of the Mystic Gate is actually safer.”

When facing the same adventurer, the outside of the Mystic Gate was much more dangerous.

This was because there was an entry condition for the Mystic Gate. In the case of an Orange-rank Mystic Gate, only those with 3 circles or less could enter.

In other words, there was absolutely no chance of encountering an adventurer with 4 circles or more on the other side of that gate.

Of course, it was still dangerous in its own way, but there was no need to even think about which was more dangerous, raiding an Orange-rank Mystic Gate or being attacked by a 5-circle adventurer in reality.

“You’ve found the safest places possible. With a maximum entry of 50 people and a low level of adventurers participating in the raid.”

Above all, the Gafor Merchant Union had focused on finding the Mystic Gates with the lowest difficulty among those.

This was a level of consideration that the El Paume Party should have been grateful for.

‘I can’t refuse.’

In other words, the El Paume Party had no choice but to accept this offer, whether they liked it or not.

The problem was that El Paume knew.

‘Even if it’s hell.’

No matter which one they chose, the list that the Gafor Merchant Union had presented was nothing more than a trap for the El Paume Party.

In truth, the answer was simple.

“You’ve given me a generous amount of money, so I can’t just half-heartedly raid a Mystic Gate.”

“What do you mean?”

He could just choose another one.

Of course, there was no problem with just choosing any other one.

“I mean exactly what I say. If I’ve received a deposit of 20 million mesos, shouldn’t I show you my ability that matches that amount?”

A place with guaranteed merit.

“I’ll raid the Mystic Gate with a bounty of 9.99 million mesos.”

In the world of adventurers, the word “merit” meant exactly that.

“9.99 million mesos? Are you talking about the Mystic Gate that the Nautilus has a bounty on?”


“Now, wait a minute! That’s...”

“The place where Eagle Eye Leia, one of the disciples of Captain Kyrin of the Nautilus, failed to raid.”

A place where the risk was as great as the merit.

“Since then, no one, not even after a year, has dared to attempt an adventure there.”

El Paume’s next adventure stage was that place.

[Translator – Prøks]

[Proofreader – Prøks]

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