Published at 28th of June 2024 05:59:40 AM

Chapter 10: Sharpening the Blade towards Mutant Beast

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Chapter 10: Sharpening the Blade towards Mutant Beast

Currently, Su Chen has 640 energy points, which is not enough to build a power plant. Without a power plant, the construction yard deployed by the MCV (Mobile Construction Vehicle) is useless.

Su Chen had an idea. He wanted to build an ore refinery that could melt ore, but he needed more energy to do so. In other words, he had to accumulate some energy to have a steady income. Simply put, he was broke.

With that in mind, Su Chen reluctantly restored the construction yard to the MCV's appearance and had the system retract it. Once other buildings were established, they could not be taken away unless he bought them back at a low price.

"According to the map Leng Yuwei gave me, there seems to be a place nearby with many first-order Mutant Beasts. Let's go there to kill them and accumulate some energy. At least we need 5,000 energy points," Su Chen said.

For the first time, Su Chen felt that he couldn't do anything without energy. Fortunately, the system allowed him to summon nine Soldiers. Otherwise, he would have been looking for death if he had to face the Mutant Beasts barehanded.

The group quickly arrived at the location of the first-order Mutant Beasts. Soon, they discovered that the so-called first-order Mutant Beasts were actually a group of chickens!

There seemed to be a poultry farm nearby, and after the mutation, these chickens became first-order Mutant Beasts. Although they were not strong, chickens were gregarious animals. When they gathered together, even second-order Mutant Beasts dared not easily provoke them, and third-order Mutant Beasts ignored them.

Otherwise, after more than thirty years, first-order Mutant Beasts would have become extinct.

There were at least two hundred of these chickens, which was a considerable number. If they attacked head-on, there would probably be some damage.

However, these chickens were all first-order Mutant Beasts, and for Red Alert Soldiers with firearms, they were like a gift from heaven.

"Be careful and see what abilities these chickens have. After understanding them, use firearms to deal with them," Su Chen said.

For this mission, Su Yi was the most suitable. He was the strongest among all the Soldiers, and even if he failed, he would not be in danger of losing his life.

To ensure that this battle would not be dangerous, Su Chen promptly used energy to upgrade the remaining eight Soldiers to the early second-order level. This consumed all his energy, and now he was a pauper.

Su Yi roamed around the trees, moving very agilely. Soon, he came to the top of a group of chickens. Su Yi picked up his firearm and fired at them fiercely.

Da da da...

"This is a setting of this system. The higher the host's Commander level, the higher the authority and benefits. Currently, the host's authority is level 2, unlocking a new ability that can borrow any subordinate's ability for an hour without any side effects."

"So, my strength is the same as Su Yi's because of my level 1 Commander authority?"


Su Chen's eyes lit up. This was good news for him. He knew that there were many units in Red Alert with various abilities, such as mind control, magnetic waves, and radiation!

If he could have these abilities, wouldn't he be invincible?

Su Chen happily collected the mutated chicken corpses on the ground with the Soldiers. These were future food. How could he waste them?

Fortunately, the MCV (Mobile Construction Vehicle) of the system could serve as a warehouse. Su Chen promptly collected all the mutated chickens and returned to the coal mine.

With energy, he could now begin his construction project.

The MCV unfolded, and the construction yard appeared. Then he built the first power plant. However, the power plant required half an hour to build. After waiting for half an hour, he placed the power plant next to the construction yard.

He could choose the appearance of the power plant as he pleased. Su Chen thought for a moment and finally decided to choose the power plant model that the Allied forces had in the game. Instantly, a boiler with three long bars and over ten meters high appeared in front of Su Chen.

This was the first time Su Chen had seen a Red Alert power plant in reality. Standing far away, he could feel the heat coming from inside. The power output of this thing was probably enough for a small city to use.

After building the power plant, Su Chen continued to build the ore refinery. This would be his main source of energy in the future. As long as he had a mining truck, these coal mines would become his energy source.

After a while, several buildings appeared here, including barracks, war factories, and the airfield that Su Chen needed most.

Looking at his dwindling energy points, Su Chen laughed mischievously.

"I can finally make a fortune quietly. Lovely Mutant Beasts, here I come!"

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