Published at 28th of June 2024 05:57:26 AM

Chapter 100: Old man, do you need electricity?

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Chapter 100: Old man, do you need electricity?

Eighth Order Mutant Beast, terrifying as it is!

In Wangchang City, there are few who have truly witnessed the power of an Eighth Order Mutant Beast. Generally, only a few Transcendents of Fifth Order or higher have the opportunity to witness the horror of an Eighth Order Mutant Beast.

The Controller who came to support had a grim face. This was the Eighth Order Mutant Beast, and he had miscalculated!

He thought he could hold out for one minute, but now it seems that if this Eighth Order Mutant Beast really attacks him, he fears he won't be able to hold out for even half a minute!

However, the Controller looked at Wangchang City not far away. He knew he had no way to retreat!

Even though this was not his Base City, for humans, this was still human territory, and Mutant Beasts were not allowed to invade!

Thinking of this, the Controller's expression turned cold, and he moved even faster. In just a few seconds, he charged onto the head of the Eighth Order Mutant Beast.

"Get out of my way!"

The Controller yelled loudly, and a faint green light appeared on the surface of the big knife in his hand. He struck hard at the Lizard Dragon's eye.

With the size of the Lizard Dragon's body, its eyes were at least the size of an adult's. Once this knife hit, it would definitely cause considerable damage to the Lizard Dragon.

However, the next moment, the Controller's big knife seemed to have hit something, and he was suddenly bounced back.

"Oh my god, it's a defensive field?" Someone saw this scene and was greatly surprised.

Even an Eighth Order Mutant Beast didn't have a field that everyone possessed. It can be said that with this thing, an Eighth Order Mutant Beast became even more invulnerable.

When humans reach the Eighth Order, they have a domain, while an Eighth Order Mutant Beast has a field. Although the names are different, the overall effect is quite similar.

Previously, humans feared the strength of Eighth Order Mutant Beasts themselves, but now they suddenly remembered that Eighth Order Mutant Beasts possessed fields.

"Why is it not another kind of field, but a defensive field? This is like a turtle shell." The Controller cursed inwardly. He quickly stabilized himself so as not to fall off the Lizard Dragon.

But he had some doubts about whether he could hold on until the second Controller arrived.

An unparalleled momentum suddenly erupted, carrying an immense power that heavily struck the Lizard Dragon's head. Although it did not break its defensive barrier, the force was so strong that it caused the Lizard Dragon's head to deviate slightly.

It was a close call, but it saved the Controller from before.

"Is that the Fist King with such a domineering punch?" someone exclaimed.

In fact, because the Controllers were too powerful, some people gave them titles based on their characteristics. For example, the Controller who used a knife was called the Blade King, while the one who had just appeared was the Fist King. He was a Seventh Order advanced-stage Controller, with strength close to the pinnacle of the Seventh Order, which was why he could punch the Lizard Dragon's head off course.

"Thank you," Blade King stepped back onto the city wall and coughed up some blood.

"Do you still have the strength to fight?" Fist King wasted no time.

It was at this moment that others finally saw what Fist King looked like. If Blade King was a rather cold man, then Fist King was a man full of hot-bloodedness. Just seeing his muscular body gave people in Wangchang City a sense of security.

"Of course," Blade King would not back down at this point.

"Then let's fight!" Fist King charged forward before the words had even left his mouth, fully demonstrating the principle of not wasting time with talk.

Blade King smiled bitterly. How could he forget that this guy was a battle maniac?

The next moment, he rushed forward again, fighting against the Lizard Dragon alongside Fist King.

At this moment, the battle was being broadcast live to Wangchang City, and everyone in Base City was watching. The survival of Base City was at stake, and everyone had the right to know the outcome.

Life or death, it all depended on now!

Just then, a Transcendent approached Wang Dezhi and whispered, "Master, someone wants to contact you."

"Get lost! I don't have the mood to talk to anyone at this time," Wang Dezhi impatiently waved his hand.

"But Master, this person says he can help us defeat the Lizard Dragon..."

Before his subordinate could finish speaking, Wang Dezhi snatched the communicator away. As soon as he had it in his hand, he heard these words: "Old man, do you need power?"

Wang Dezhi frowned. Of course he needed power. With power, he could fire the Hell Laser Cannon again. But the key was, did you know how much power he needed? (To be continued)

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