Published at 28th of June 2024 05:57:24 AM

Chapter 101: Selling Electricity, I'm a Professional

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Chapter 101: Selling Electricity, I'm a Professional

"Can you provide electricity for a Base City?" Wang Dezhi sneered.

As soon as he heard the first sentence from the other party, he defined him as a scammer in his mind.

Damn, he scammed me. Is he looking for death?

"Speak up, how many Base City electricity do you want?"

However, the other party actually continued the conversation, making Wang Dezhi unable to respond for a moment. Can't you make a draft before bragging?

There is only one Base City here. How dare you say you want several Base City electricity? Why don't you say that all Base City around the world belong to you?

"I don't have time to waste with you. If I find out your true identity, you will die a miserable death!" Wang Dezhi was very unhappy, and started to threaten the other party.

"Selling electricity is my profession. Don't you want to charge your Hell Laser Cannon?" The other party's voice contained a hint of amusement.

Wang Dezhi was about to end the call, but stopped when he heard about the Hell Laser Cannon. If the Hell Laser Cannon had unlimited power, he wouldn't have to fear even an eighth-order Mutant Beast!

"How do you know about the Hell Laser Cannon? Who are you?" Wang Dezhi couldn't figure it out. The number of people who knew about the existence of the Hell Laser Cannon, along with the other family heads, would not exceed ten. He believed that these people would not blabber about it. How could this person know?

Did he just guess it?

As soon as this thought came to mind, Wang Dezhi rejected it. The Hell Laser Cannon has not been seen for a long time, and yet this person could guess its name just from one cannon. This is ridiculous.

"I don't know how I know. You don't need to worry about it. I'm just a seller of electricity. I happen to know that you are short on power, so I came." The other party's voice contained a hint of laughter.

Wang Dezhi forcibly suppressed his anger. What if the other party really could provide a large amount of electricity?

Thinking of this, he asked with a hint of expectation, "Can you really provide electricity for a Base City? What do you want in return?"

Wang Dezhi couldn't believe it. Did he not know everything about Base City? How could there be a power plant there? It sounded ridiculous.

However, he held onto a glimmer of hope. It wouldn't take much time to send someone to check it out.

"I'll give you a few minutes. If there's nothing there, forget I said anything," Su Chen said before hanging up.

Wang Dezhi hesitated for only a few seconds before sending someone to check. Two Controllers were fighting Lizard Dragon, and an extra Hell Laser Cannon could make all the difference.

Less than half a minute later, he received a call from his subordinate. "Master, it's unbelievable. There's a power plant here that just appeared out of nowhere. It's small, but it can provide enough electricity for all of Wangchang City, and even more."

Wang Dezhi took a deep breath. He'd never felt this way before. How did this power plant appear out of nowhere?

"Are you sure?" he asked.

"I can guarantee it with my life," the subordinate replied.

"Good. Connect the power from the power plant directly to the Hell Laser Cannon. That fool just gave me a power plant for free and wants me to provide Energy Crystals? Dream on!" Wang Dezhi sneered. He didn't believe that the person who gave him the power plant would come back and demand it back after he used it. This was his territory, and everyone had to follow his orders.

Just then, he heard his subordinate cry out in shock. "It's gone!"

"What's gone?" Wang Dezhi asked.

"Master, the power plant was here just a moment ago, but now it's gone!" the subordinate exclaimed.


If this subordinate wasn't his trusted confidant, Wang Dezhi would have spat in his face. Was this a movie? Could a power plant just disappear like that?

"Master, it's true. The power plant really is gone," the subordinate said.

Wang Dezhi was still on the line, and he heard a voice he hated. "Old man, you're not very trustworthy, are you? I wanted to make an honest deal with you, but you just wanted to cheat me. No, that's not right. You wanted to take what you wanted without paying for it. Do you think this is Taobao, where you can return items without reason?" (To be continued)

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