Published at 28th of June 2024 05:57:21 AM

Chapter 104: Too Weak

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Chapter 104: Too Weak

With a cold and stern face and a thin, weak body, the teenager in front of them appeared to be a non-mainstream youth. But in an instant, the three Controllers felt a chill run down their spines upon seeing him.

"The humanoid form of an eighth-order Mutant Beast?"

Almost everyone knew that when the strength of a Mutant Beast reached the eighth order, they could transform into a humanoid form that made it difficult to tell whether someone was a human or an eighth-order Mutant Beast in disguise.

Although they had only heard of such things before, this was the first time they had seen an eighth-order Mutant Beast transform into a human.

However, there was still a bloody hole in the teenager's abdomen, and fresh blood was seeping out of it.

"It hurts a lot, you lowly humans, you deserve to die!" The teenager's expression suddenly became ferocious.

"Lizard Dragon, I advise you to leave. Our Supreme Controller will be here soon. Even if you die, other eighth-order Mutant Beasts won't come to your aid. You started this fight!" Blade King said.

Blade King didn't know everything, as Wang Dezhi had hidden some information from him. Blade King thought that Lizard Dragon had simply come looking for trouble.

"Started it? If you humans hadn't stolen my offspring, I wouldn't have come here," Lizard Dragon sneered.

The other side was also playing for time, and even with his eighth-order Mutant Beast's powerful recovery ability, he still needed time to recover from his injuries.

Blade King's expression changed. Someone had touched Lizard Dragon's offspring?

Who the hell did this? They had even made the three Controllers come and clean up the mess?This chapter made its debut appearance via N0v3lB1n.

Upon hearing this, the other two Controllers' expressions also soured. They had been used as pawns.

No one doubted Lizard Dragon's words. After all, it was easy to verify such things, and they all knew that eighth-order Mutant Beasts didn't lie, as it was a point of pride for them.

"Wang Family Master, do you have an explanation?" Blade King's gaze was sharp, and even though they were some distance away, his voice still reached Wang Dezhi on the city wall.

Wang Dezhi's expression remained unchanged, as if he had done nothing wrong. But the others did not have his composure, and some showed signs of nervousness when questioned.

Blade King was a Seventh Order Controller and had a keen sense for reading people's expressions, so he naturally noticed their changes.

Now, there was no need for any explanation. Blade King understood.

In an instant, the two of them turned into phantoms and fought on this open ground. They were too fast, almost no one could see clearly.

Only Blade King and Gun King could barely see a little. Fist King was suppressed.

Yes, even Fist King, who used his Transcendent Ability, was still no match for Lizard Dragon and was suppressed in all aspects.

He couldn't match his speed, and his strength was not as powerful as Lizard Dragon's. Even his proud body was completely defeated.

If he didn't have his own persistence, Fist King would have fallen to the ground long ago.

"So weak, is this the strength of humans? I really don't know how they lost in the Great War. If it were me, I could definitely change the outcome." Lizard Dragon laughed recklessly.

At that time, it had not reached level eight yet and did not qualify to participate in the highest level battlefield. But it knew that it was that great war that laid the foundation for the coexistence of humans and Mutant Beasts today.

The strength of humans had forcibly equaled that of Mutant Beasts.

This made Lizard Dragon quite unhappy. It wanted to let other Mutant Beasts know that it, Lizard Dragon, was the first to annihilate the human Base City!


Fist King was slapped away by Lizard Dragon and fell to the ground motionless.

"Um, it's time to eat. I'll eat you three, which is equivalent to thousands of ordinary humans." Lizard Dragon grinned and walked towards Fist King's direction. Among the three, Fist King was the strongest, so he naturally had to start with the best.

Just as Lizard Dragon opened its mouth to prepare to eat, a dazzling light suddenly appeared not far away, followed by a figure appearing there.

"Another one who came to die..."


Lizard Dragon didn't finish speaking before its body was hit by something and flew away, hanging on its defensive position.

"A move that can knock me away...Is eighth-level human?" (To be continued)

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