Published at 28th of June 2024 05:59:38 AM

Chapter 11: The Primitive Accumulation of Capital is One Word: Kill!

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Chapter 11: The Primitive Accumulation of Capital is One Word: Kill!

In recent days, the people of Number 160 Gathering Place have noticed something strange. Normally, they would see some first-order Mutant Beasts not far from the Gathering Place, but now there's nothing, not even a trace.

"Have any of you noticed the whereabouts of the first-order Mutant Beasts?" one person asked another.

"If I could find them, I wouldn't be sitting here. I'd be out hunting Mutant Beasts," the other person replied impatiently. "With our team's strength, we can only handle first-order Mutant Beasts at best. Who made us all ordinary people? If it weren't for our firearms, we'd be nothing."

Ordinary firearms are effective against first-order Mutant Beasts, but they fall short against second-order Mutant Beasts. Only more powerful firearms can handle Mutant Beasts of second order or higher.

They have heard that some base cities have powerful weapons that can deal with large Mutant Beasts, but they don't know what they are.

"Quick, look, there's a new mission!"

With a shout from someone, everyone in the bar looked at a bulletin board that displayed various tasks. A very obvious document was posted on it.

"Let me see what it says. Hmm, we need to investigate the reason for the decrease in Mutant Beasts outside, find accurate clues, and earn 1,000 Hope Coins based on different contributions!"

As soon as these words were spoken, everyone in the bar became excited.

That's 3,000 Hope Coins, enough to make them happy for a while. They'll have food and women!

Soon, the bar was empty, and everyone had taken on the task to investigate the situation.

This investigation task does not limit the number of teams. Whoever finds the clue first and confirms it to be true will receive the reward of Hope Coins.

It is clear that this task was issued by the three giants of the Gathering Place, and no one else has that much money.

Only Leng Yuwei seems to have noticed something. She suspects that the disappearance of these Mutant Beasts is related to Su Chen. After all, the number of Mutant Beasts has decreased since he left.

Su Chen sat happily in the construction factory, looking at the interface displayed by the system.

As long as it's a Mutant Beast, regardless of whether it's first or second order, Su Chen will accept it. In addition, the ore refinery continuously refines ore every day, bringing Su Chen a lot of energy points. Otherwise, he wouldn't be able to get so many energy points.

Su Chen came to the barracks, which looks like a square pedestal with a statue of a person standing on it. To his embarrassment, the statue is him.

He suggested that the system remove the statue, but the system refused, saying that its Commanders right and it cannot be canceled.

At first, Su Chen was a little embarrassed, but after three days, he got used to it. Human habits are really scary.

Soon, five hunting dogs and four engineers walked out of the barracks. They lined up, and the engineers saluted Su Chen, while the hunting dogs sat on the ground and barked loudly.

Su Chen carefully looked at the hunting dogs. They were indeed very handsome, with muscles that couldn't be hidden by fur. Their sharp teeth gleamed, and he believed that no one could stop them with one bite.

The engineers were ordinary, wearing yellow safety helmets and ordinary worker clothes, holding blue boxes in their hands.

In the game, engineers have no attack power, but this is not a game. These engineers carry a Desert Eagle and have some attack power.

"Well, the surname Su has been used, so you four will be called Chen One to Chen Four," Su Chen said to the four engineers.

"Thank you, Commander, for giving us names!" the four engineers shouted in unison.

"As for you five, you'll be called Dahua, Erhua... and Wuhua from now on," Su Chen said, feeling inspired and giving names to the five hunting dogs.


The hunting dogs wagged their tails happily. They didn't know what kind of lousy names their Commander had given them.

Finally, the big head came. He needs to produce a large number of soldiers. The nine soldiers around him are far from enough!

"System, start building 100 soldiers for me. Don't reduce the production time. I don't lack time, I lack energy."

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