Published at 28th of June 2024 05:57:12 AM

Chapter 110: Hope

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Chapter 110: Hope

"Who are you?" Zhu Hui was a bit surprised. He didn't recognize this Sixth Order pinnacle Transcendent.

There were only a few Sixth Order pinnacle Transcendents in Wangchang City, and he knew their names and appearances. But the person in front of him was unfamiliar, which was strange.

"Commander sent me here. If you believe in Commander, then..."

Su Chen sent Su Yi not to send him to his death, but to save Zhu Hui, one of the strongest humans.

Through his observation just now, Su Chen could see that Zhu Hui was someone who understood the bigger picture and was willing to sacrifice everything for humanity. Such a person could be called a hero!

He could hold off three powerful Mutant Beasts with his own life, just to protect the human Base City. If such a person died here, Su Chen would feel it was a pity.

That's why he sent Su Yi to wait in the Black Hawk for this critical moment.

No one knew what Su Yi said to Zhu Hui, but his expression didn't change. Only those who truly knew Zhu Hui could sense the hope rising in his heart.

In this moment of despair, a glimmer of hope was so precious.

"A Sixth Order pinnacle human, really doesn't know his own limitations," the Parasite sneered at Su Yi.

On this battlefield where the lowest was a Seventh Order pinnacle, a Sixth Order pinnacle human was too weak. The aftermath of their battle could easily kill him.

Just as the Parasite was about to continue towards the Base City, Zhu Hui spoke up, "Golden Peng, I can die, you can even have my body, but not here. Two hundred kilometers away from Wangchang City, otherwise..."

"Then let's die together here!"

Zhu Hui's words echoed throughout the land, and the people of Base City heard his voice.

During this time, the people in Base City finally learned who Zhu Hui was. He was one of the strongest humans, Emperor Ming!

The parasite obediently came back and stood beside Lizard Dragon, who was once the protagonist but was now a bystander.

"Damn Golden Peng, damn Zhu Hui, you both deserve to die!" Lizard Dragon was extremely unhappy. It could have successfully entered Base City and enjoyed its food, but now it was in this situation.

Not only did it not gain any benefits, but it also owed Golden Peng a lot. In the end, even the biggest benefit went to Golden Peng. How can Lizard Dragon turn the situation around?

Once Golden Peng becomes a late-stage eighth-order Mutant Beast, it will be one of the most powerful beings among all Mutant Beasts. How can Lizard Dragon, who is at the bottom of the food chain, not be bullied when it sees Golden Peng in the future?

Zhu Hui ran towards the distance, and Golden Peng's figure retreated. Lizard Dragon and the parasite kept a certain distance from Zhu Hui. If Zhu Hui dared to self-destruct, they would run away immediately.

They knew that Zhu Hui would not dare to self-destruct. Some minor injuries were nothing to them, but only if they were not seriously injured and needed to spend a lot of time recovering.

Su Yi did not follow them, but silently came to Base City.

The others did not know how Su Yi appeared, but the two Controllers could see clearly with their eyes. Oh, and Gun King was still unconscious, being dragged back by the two.

"Who are you, and when did Wangchang City have a Sixth Order peak Transcendent?" Blade King came down from the city wall and asked Su Yi.

"I'm not from Wangchang City. I'm from a military base. You can call me Su Yi."

Blade King seemed to have figured something out and was surprised. "You're from the Military Base that killed Wangchang City's Controller? You have guts to participate in this kind of battle. So, the person behind you hasn't betrayed humanity yet."

Blade King had just learned some news. There was a military base near Wangchang City, and it was this military base that made Wangchang City suffer and killed the Controller. This surprised Blade King.

"Commander has never betrayed humanity. This time, we still have hope."

Blade King widened his eyes. "You better not talk nonsense. Emperor Ming is already prepared to die. How can there still be hope?"

From what Zhu Hui said earlier, Blade King knew that Zhu Hui had already prepared to die. Once Emperor Ming died, their countdown to death would begin. (To be continued)

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