Published at 28th of June 2024 05:57:09 AM

Chapter 112: Two Dead, One Injured

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Chapter 112: Two Dead, One Injured

Golden Peng wanted to know if Zhu Hui was controlling this, but Thunderstorm didn't give it any time to speak.


Another lightning bolt struck Golden Peng, causing it to cry out in pain. It realized that these lightning bolts seemed to be targeting them, and Zhu Hui nearby was completely unharmed.

Of course, they didn't know that Thunderstorm only attacked enemies selected by Su Chen, and Zhu Hui had been shielded from Thunderstorm's attacks. No matter what the situation was, Zhu Hui couldn't be hit.

Zhu Hui was shocked. The Commander's methods were too powerful. How was this possible? Was it someone's Transcendent Ability, or some kind of special weapon?

"Golden Peng, this is not a place to stay. Let's leave quickly," Lizard Dragon shouted at Golden Peng, enduring the pain in his body.

Just as he said these words, another lightning bolt struck, leaving a wound on his body.

Lizard Dragon's face was grim. If this continued, he wouldn't last long.

The most unlucky one was the parasite, whose strength was far inferior to that of Lizard Dragon and Golden Peng. It had only taken a few lightning strikes, but its entire body was covered in blackened scars. If a few more lightning bolts hit it, it was likely to die.

Before the two Eighth Order Mutant Beasts could say anything, the parasite didn't hesitate to run. In its mind, as long as it ran at full speed, even lightning couldn't hit it accurately...


The parasite's thoughts were interrupted. It looked up at the sky in disbelief. Could this lightning really track them?

Golden Peng felt uneasy. It had a sense of impending doom. If this continued, it really might fall!

As an Eighth Order Mid-Term Mutant Beast, its status was equivalent to that of Zhu Hui among humans, quite high. If it were to fall here, other Mutant Beasts would be shocked.

"Zhu Hui, you humans are really cunning. You probably led us here just to wipe us out, didn't you?" Golden Peng's voice was full of pride, despite the injuries it had sustained.

Zhu Hui looked at Golden Peng calmly. He knew that this method wasn't his own, but since the owner of the Military Base was human, there was no problem with using it as a human method.

Golden Peng really wanted to curse out loud. Yes, it was an Eighth Order Mutant Beast and it was fast, but in this kind of environment, even its speed was useless unless it could surpass the lightning.

Bolts of lightning struck Golden Peng repeatedly, almost every kilometer. These were water-bucket-sized lightning bolts, many times more powerful than the lightning at the beginning of the storm. At first, it had only caused some of its feathers to turn black and created a few wounds, but now its back was almost completely covered in wounds and bumps. If it weren't for its strong physique as an Eighth Order Mutant Beast, it would have had trouble even flying.

"Almost there, hold on!" Golden Peng gritted its teeth and exerted all its strength to accelerate. It faintly saw the boundary of the Thunderstorm. As long as it left this range, it could survive!

The distance was getting closer and closer: fifty kilometers, twenty kilometers, five kilometers, and finally one kilometer!

Victory was within reach!

A glimmer of hope appeared on Golden Peng's face, if you could even call it a face. At this moment, Golden Peng had lost all its regal bearing and looked like it had rolled out of a coal pile. Its entire body was pitch black, and one of its eyes was blind.

Golden Peng's eyes were filled with resentment. If it weren't for Zhu Hui, how could it have ended up so miserably? Of course, Lizard Dragon was also a major factor. If it hadn't summoned Golden Peng, how could it have ended up like this? At this moment, Golden Peng hated both Lizard Dragon and Zhu Hui to the extreme.

Golden Peng could see that the boundary of the Thunderstorm was getting closer and closer. It was about to surpass it!

In that instant, a hundred-meter-wide lightning bolt suddenly enveloped Golden Peng, and its consciousness dissipated in an instant. It fell from the sky.

Eighth Order Mid-Term Mutant Beast Golden Peng, dead!

"Damn, it almost got away. Is an Eighth Order Mid-Term Mutant Beast that powerful?" Su Chen was somewhat surprised.

If Golden Peng had heard Su Chen's words, it would have come back to life in anger.

Not only Golden Peng, the parasite had long been blasted into cooked octopus, the fully cooked kind.

Only Lizard Dragon, using its powerful defensive force field and body, managed to withstand the lightning strikes. It didn't run away, but looked at Zhu Hui.

"Zhu Hui...Emperor Ming, I surrender. As long as you spare my life, I can offer you my energy pearl." (To be continued)"

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