Published at 28th of June 2024 05:56:55 AM

Chapter 120: So Expensive!

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Chapter 120: So Expensive!

At first, Su Chen didn't pay much attention, but when he took a glance at his remaining energy, he almost vomited blood.

He had spent a whopping 400,000 energy to upgrade his super soldiers to the Seventh Order peak. That meant it cost 100,000 energy to upgrade just one person?

"System, come here. I think we need to have a serious talk!" Su Chen felt the need to vent his frustration.

"Master, as we progress further, the difference in strength between each level becomes significant, so the required energy also increases. 100,000 energy is already very little," the System explained.

Su Chen thought about it and realized that it was true. Because of the System, his subordinates only needed energy to upgrade their strength without any bottleneck. However, in this world, when humans upgrade even a small level, they get excited.

If he told someone that they only needed 100,000 energy to upgrade from the Sixth Order peak to the Seventh Order peak, countless people would go crazy trying to get it.

After doing the math, Su Chen suddenly felt like he had struck gold. "Forget it. I won't think about it anymore. The energy consumption is too high. I'll just upgrade the strength of four super soldier types and a Spy."

Su Chen almost forgot about the important Spy, who had no presence at all. If it weren't for the Spy's initiative to contact him, he would have forgotten about the Spy's existence.

Seeing his energy decrease by half, Su Chen couldn't help but sigh. "Indeed, energy is still not enough."

Su Chen calculated that he needed at least several hundred thousand energy to produce all the weapons that Zhu Hui needed, which would bring his energy reserves to the bottom.

If he didn't have several mines, he wouldn't be able to sustain such a large expense.

Since he wasn't planning to upgrade other combat units at the moment, Su Chen turned his attention to the lottery.

"What's the difference between this lottery and my Level 4 permission lottery?" Su Chen remembered that his Level 4 permission allowed him to do one lottery per day, and he had gotten many combat units from it, saving him a lot of energy. It was a pretty good ability.

"Master's Level 4 permission lottery is limited to combat units only, while this lottery can draw all Red Alert units, and there is even a small chance of drawing units from the Red Alert game itself," the System explained.

"Really?" Su Chen was surprised. He didn't expect this lottery to be so powerful that it could even draw units from the Red Alert game.

However, when it came to probability, Su Chen felt like he was about to be scammed.

The probability of the lottery was almost zero, even for the small probability of drawing a unit from Red Alert. Su Chen didn't think he would be lucky enough to win.

Su Chen didn't waste any time, using all three chances to draw.

"Congratulations to the master for drawing a giant octopus."

"Congratulations to the master for drawing a dolphin."

"Congratulations to the master for drawing a giant Cannon."

Su Chen didn't really care about the first two, but the last one made his eyes light up. He had wanted a giant Cannon for a long time, but his Commander authority was never high enough, which made him give up.

"Wait, let me see if I can build a giant Cannon with Level 7 Commander authority."

After Su Chen checked, he was a bit helpless. He really could build one now, which meant that drawing it only saved him some energy.

"Never mind, it's better than nothing. What about the giant octopus and dolphin? There's no water around here."

The giant Cannon was a famous unit in Red Alert, a powerful defense weapon that could kill a Seventh Order strongman with a single shot. Even an Eighth Order strongman would likely be injured if hit head-on.

The only flaw was that it had a long firing interval and could not attack enemies that were too close. In other words, it was purely a long-range attack weapon.

"The giant Cannon should be placed on a high point to maximize its power."

With Su Chen's command, a tall giant Cannon appeared on the top of a small mountain nearby, its black mouth looking terrifying.

Of course, the Sub-base couldn't be overlooked, so he built another giant Cannon using his energy.

Now that he had taken care of these matters, Su Chen finally had time to check the units unlocked by his Level 7 authority. He had been waiting for this moment for a long time.

"Haha, Spy Satellite, Chronosphere, here I come!"

Su Chen opened the interface and saw that some of the gray images had now become bright colors. He immediately spotted something he wanted. (To be continued)

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