Published at 28th of June 2024 05:56:35 AM

Chapter 124: Enhanced Half-Beast!

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Chapter 124: Enhanced Half-Beast!

Spy was sent to a Mutant gathering point, where his disguise ability allowed him to appear like a Mutant without any flaws. However, the problem was how he would communicate with intelligent Mutants. Everything depended on Spy himself.

Just then, an Engineer from the Sub-base contacted Su Chen.

"Commander, there has been a breakthrough in the Half-Beast research."

Su Chen was overjoyed. He had always valued the Half-Beast research, as it would allow him to deploy a new unit: the Crazy Beastman.

This was a unit belonging to Yuri's faction, created using genetic mutation to produce a monster with great destructive power. It was originally designed to counter the enemy's Tank units and was very formidable.

If the Half-Beast research were added to the Crazy Beastman, Su Chen could already imagine how powerful the Crazy Beastman's strength would be.

"Do you have confidence in transplanting the Half-Beast research onto the Crazy Beastman?" This was critical, and Su Chen asked specifically.

"We need test subjects to determine how successful it will be."

Su Chen slapped his forehead. He had been too eager for this research and had forgotten the most basic thing. Without test subjects, how could they know?

"How many test subjects do you need?"

"About 10."

Without hesitation, Su Chen immediately built five Crazy Beastmen on the Sub-base side, and, due to the replication center, he had an additional five Crazy Beastmen, totaling ten.

"Commander, we can have the results tonight."

Su Chen let them continue with their research. He could already imagine what kind of impact the appearance of the Crazy Beastmen would bring.

This was a special unit that was different from other units. Their prototypes were humans, created using Yuri's faction's super weapon, the genetic mutation device, which could cause a large number of humans to undergo genetic mutation and become Crazy Beastmen.

Su Chen would not use the super weapon on Base City, but Mutants were still considered human. What if he threw the genetic mutation device among the Mutants?

Su Chen's eyes lit up. Don't underestimate this half strength, as the difference in battles between peak Seventh Order experts often lies in this half strength.

Moreover, this is only their first research result. If they completely master the technology of the Half-Beast people, the Half-Beast people will only become stronger!

"All Engineers, fully transform the Half-Beast people!"

Su Chen's command was issued, and all the Engineers immediately began to transform the Half-Beast people. These were the meat shields for future battles, and they had to be well taken care of.

"In the future, when the Half-Beast people charge, dealing with Mutant Beasts should not be too difficult." Su Chen smiled.

In the following days, Su Chen occasionally chatted with Zhu Hui. His injuries had not completely healed, so he was temporarily recuperating with Su Chen.

Establishing a good relationship with an Eighth Order Transcendent was a profitable deal for Su Chen.

Zhu Hui also had plans to establish a good relationship with Su Chen, otherwise he would not stay here. The fall of two Eighth Order Mutant Beasts was believed to bring temporary stability to the Mutant Beast side.

As Zhu Hui expected, information transmission on the Mutant Beast side was not as convenient as on the human side. When those Eighth Order Mutant Beasts learned of the Golden Peng's fall and the Lizard Dragon's disappearance, they were extremely angry.

"Humans, you have a lot of nerve. Are you trying to provoke a war by tearing up the agreement?" an Eighth Order Mutant Beast roared, its voice echoing for miles.

"Crocodile King, I am aware of the situation. Your Lizard Dragon attacked our human Base City first, and Emperor Ming only intervened. Golden Peng was called by the Lizard Dragon for help and got what he deserved!" A majestic voice sounded, and the humans who heard it couldn't help but feel at ease.

"Emperor Kong, you humans have always said one thing and done another. Do you think I don't know? Hand over Emperor Ming, or I will inform other Eighth Order rulers, destroy the agreement, and start another war!" Crocodile King's voice was somewhat irritable.

"It's been said that you, Crocodile King, have well-developed limbs but a simple mind, and it seems to be true. Do you think we humans are a race of waste that abandons our own kind?" Emperor Kong sneered, "If you have the guts, call for a battle directly!"

Seeing their own ruler so domineering, the humans' morale soared!

Strangely, Crocodile King seemed to have some concerns and actually backed down without saying anything harsh. This matter seemed to be over just like that.

Humans had not seen this kind of dialogue between rulers for a long time, and they were excitedly discussing what had happened to make Crocodile King act this way. (To be continued)

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