Published at 28th of June 2024 05:56:27 AM

Chapter 129: The Smiling Merchant

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Chapter 129: The Smiling Merchant

The trade went smoothly, with Su Chen presenting a weapon and Zhu Hui responding with the corresponding Energy Crystal. It was systematic and very convenient.

It took half a day to complete the transaction. Su Chen looked at the ten large crates of Energy Crystal behind him, which were all relatively high-level with the lowest being third-tier. If they were first-tier Energy Crystal, even a hundred crates wouldn't be enough.

Zhu Hui was satisfied with the trade, but he had a concern. "What about supplies? We have the fuel for the tanks and planes in Base City, but do we have to come to you for missiles and bullets?"

This was Zhu Hui's main concern. Su Chen had already thought about this and discussed it with the System, and they had produced a large amount of consumables such as bullets and missiles with relatively little energy.

Su Chen pointed to the hundreds of large crates behind him and said, "Those are the bullets and missiles that you cannot produce. There are some Cannon shells as well, but you should be able to make those yourselves. Of course, you can also research these items. If you can figure out how to make them, you can use them freely, and I won't charge you any patent fees."

Zhu Hui was very satisfied with so many crates of weapons. He believed in the research abilities of his Base City's researchers. It was impossible for them not to figure out how these bullets and missiles were made before the supplies ran out.

In fact, the researchers in Longxin City did figure it out later, but by then, Su Chen's weapons had become even stronger.

With so many weapons, especially the tanks and planes, Zhu Hui could only extract some manpower from Wangchang City and nearby Base Cities. These people would go to Longxin City, and it was unlikely that they would be able to come back.

If it weren't for the special circumstances of this situation, Zhu Hui would not have sent his people so far away.

Getting manpower from Wangchang City was simple; Yuri could handle it with one command. As for the other three Base Cities, it would take some time.

So Su Chen and Zhu Hui stayed in Base City for a few days, waiting for those people to arrive.

This was Su Chen's second time entering Wangchang City, but this time, he came as the Controller. Life was really strange. Su Chen couldn't help but exclaim, "Huige, can you imagine that when I first came here, I was being chased and almost didn't make it out?"

"Haha, what did you do to get chased?" Zhu Hui was very interested.

The people from Longxin City were stunned to see Emperor Ming and a young man talking so casually. They wanted to see who this person was.

In fact, they had been guessing Su Chen's identity before. After all, he was the person who traded weapons with Emperor Ming. When did Longxin City start to trade weapons outside?

Su Chen, standing next to Zhu Hui, was ignored by everyone. After all, everyone knew who Emperor Ming was, but no one knew who Su Chen was.

Su Chen didn't mind and went directly with Zhu Hui to the central palace in Base City.

Yuri was originally sitting in the main seat, but this time, Su Chen and Zhu Hui sat at the top together.

Except for the nine family heads controlled by Yuri, the other Transcendents who came to pay their respects were all stunned. This person was sitting on the same level as Emperor Ming. Who is he? Is he a new eighth-order Transcendent among humans?

Without taking Zhu Hui's place, Su Chen's identity was explained. Since he didn't reveal his own identity, Zhu Hui wasn't stupid enough to expose it.

"Golden Peng is dead, Lizard Dragon is missing, and it's safe around Wangchang City for now. We can send some people out for training, and we must not forget about fighting even in winter," Zhu Hui said with great momentum, and the words were remembered by everyone.

"Yes, Emperor Ming!" The Transcendents below responded in unison. In their hearts, Emperor Ming must be doing it for their own good. He was their guardian god among humans.

After a few more words of encouragement from Zhu Hui, everyone left.

"Stronger strength means heavier burdens. Others may fall, but I cannot," Zhu Hui spoke to Su Chen, but it was also like talking to himself.

"What if one day, Mutant Beasts no longer pose a threat to humans?" Su Chen suddenly asked.

Zhu Hui's eyes flashed, and in that instant, he looked like Emperor Ming, the human emperor.

"If that day really comes, even if it means my death, I will have no regrets!" Zhu Hui's voice was resolute, and his expression told Su Chen that he wasn't lying.

As long as it could help humans out of their current situation, he was willing to give everything!

"I wonder if Hui-ge is interested in hearing some news?" Su Chen's face once again showed a familiar smile, ah, the smile of a shrewd merchant. (To be continued)

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