Published at 28th of June 2024 05:56:25 AM

Chapter 131: Come on, Commander will handle it for you!

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Chapter 131: Come on, Commander will handle it for you!

Awesome, my Spy!

Su Chen really didn't expect that the Spy could actually infiltrate into the Mutant group. How the hell did you do it?

Come on, Commander will handle it for you!

Spy didn't know Su Chen's thoughts and explained actively, "I have been slowly getting in touch with the Mutant population these few days. After a few days of observation, I found that the Mutant population is similar to the primitive human society. The most powerful Mutant is called the Chieftain. Only Mutants with intelligence are considered their own kind, and those without intelligence are just cannon fodder."

"The most surprising thing is that for each Mutant with intelligence, the Chieftain keeps a close eye on them. As soon as a Mutant shows intelligence, he sends someone to take them away immediately. To avoid exposure, I pretended to be a Mutant without any intelligence at first, and suddenly awakened my intelligence. Soon, two intelligent Mutants came over and brought me to the Chieftain. Fortunately, his strength was not above mine and he couldn't detect my disguise."This chapter was first shared on the Ñøv€lß1n platform.

"I successfully penetrated their internal structure, but unfortunately, my status was not high and I didn't get much useful information. Only the Chieftain knows the real secret. It's difficult for me to uncover anything in a short time by myself, but what if there were more people? After that, I started looking for Henchmen among the Mutants. As long as there is intelligent life, they will not be willing to be under someone else's command. I used this point and finally found three intelligent Mutants with rebellious tendencies. This woman is one of them."

Su Chen bit down hard on a piece of jerky to calm himself down. He found that his Spy's skills were truly excellent. His performance in Wangchang City was already outstanding, and now he had come up with such a clever way to deal with the Mutants.

This was simply using the Spy's abilities to the fullest. What would happen to future Spies?

"How do you communicate, using sign language?"

"This is the sign language invented by the Chieftain. The meaning is simple and easy to learn. He invented sign language mainly for intelligent Mutants like me who cannot speak."

For the first time, Su Chen felt that intelligent Mutants should not be underestimated. In just a short time, they had developed the beginnings of a tribe and invented language and sign language. If given enough time, would they eventually develop to the level of humans?

"Do they have intelligence that is newly born or from the past?" This was important.

Spy hesitated for a moment before answering, "From what I understand, their intelligence is newly born, but there are some fragments of memories from the past in their minds, which makes them feel confused. In order to deal with this, the Chieftain specially summoned all the intelligent Mutants and told them that those memories were illusions, and only the present was real."

As a Commander, he really only needed to give orders, and everything would be taken care of by his subordinates.

Just as Su Chen felt that everything was peaceful, a piece of news spread at an extremely fast speed to all the Base Cities. Tens of thousands of kilometers to the west of Wangchang City, a second-level Base City was destroyed, the Controller was killed, and the people in the Base City became a playground for the Mutant Beasts!

Those Mutant Beasts possessed intelligence. They didn't directly kill all the humans in the Base City but selectively ate the high-level Transcendents inside, leaving behind some weak people and allowing their offspring to go in and train.

The so-called training was carried out on the corpses of humans, and this news made humans angry.

"Wind Tide, are you trying to start a war?" An angry voice echoed through the heavens and the earth.

"Tsk tsk, Western Emperor, don't get excited. It's just a second-level Base City. After all, you humans still have 99 Base Cities left. What's the rush?" Wind Tide, a Mutant Beast also at the eighth level, spoke with a hint of sarcasm in its voice.

"You bastard, you destroyed one of my human Base Cities, and I will surely destroy one of your Mutant Beast royal families!" Western Emperor's anger stained the white clouds in the sky red.

Among the Mutant Beasts, there was a special race called the royal family.

Only groups of Mutant Beasts at the eighth level had the qualifications to be called royal families. Golden Peng was the leader of the Golden Peng family, while Lizard Dragon was relatively unique, a lone wolf.

If a royal family was destroyed, it was a big deal, comparable to the destruction of a Base City.

"If you have the guts, come and face me. I want to see if you can handle the three of us alone." Wind Tide sneered.

The number of eighth-level Mutant Beasts was far greater than that of humans. Basically, a human Emperor had to deal with several eighth-level Mutant Beasts at the same time, which put a lot of pressure on human Emperors. (To be continued)

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