Published at 28th of June 2024 05:56:13 AM

Chapter 136: The MCV (Mobile Construction Vehicle) Guardian Beast

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Chapter 136: The MCV (Mobile Construction Vehicle) Guardian Beast

From System, Su Chen learned that the Lizard Dragon's core had fused with the MCV (Mobile Construction Vehicle), making it impossible for the Lizard Dragon to betray him. It had become Su Chen's true pet.

Even if Su Chen ordered the Lizard Dragon to commit suicide now, it would not hesitate.

This was completely different from the previous situation where he had threatened the Lizard Dragon with the core. This was the core's greatest use.This chapter's initial release occurred on the n0vell--Bjjn site.

Since the MCV (Mobile Construction Vehicle) was built with the Lizard Dragon's core, it possessed all of the Lizard Dragon's abilities and could be considered a weapon of the 8th Order Early-Term.

"I can't believe our main base doesn't have a sub-base yet?" Su Chen's mouth twitched.

"Master, the main base has unlimited growth potential, while a sub-base, once fused with a core, has a fixed upper limit. The main base is still the strongest," replied the System.

After Su Chen had provided energy for some time, the main base had currently been upgraded to level four, and all the building attributes had doubled compared to the beginning.

"Summon the Lizard Dragon."

Soon, the Lizard Dragon, who was mining, was brought over by a Soldier. Su Chen couldn't help but laugh when he saw the Lizard Dragon's appearance. The creature was all black, with only its eyes shining.

"What are your orders, Master?" asked the Lizard Dragon respectfully.

Su Chen nodded slightly. System hadn't lied to him. The Lizard Dragon had completely become his pet, as evidenced by its behavior.

When he had ordered the Lizard Dragon to mine earlier, he had to threaten it with the core. Without that threat, the Lizard Dragon probably wouldn't have gone mining, let alone a Mutant Beast of the 8th Order being sent to do such work.

"You will follow this vehicle and be responsible for guarding the third sub-base. From now on, you are the Guardian Beast of the third sub-base," Su Chen's mischievous side emerged as he gave the Lizard Dragon a title.

Listen, Guardian Beast, what an awesome title.

Fortunately, the Lizard Dragon had now become Su Chen's pet. Had this been earlier, it probably would have jumped up in protest.

"Is there a point to this Q&A? Just say what you have to say," Su Chen rolled his eyes.

He heard a faint laugh coming from the other end, and Leng Yuwei continued, "No patience, huh? If you want to quickly control Base Cities, first, you must have an individual strength that surpasses the Controller. Tanya and her team's strength is not a problem. Second, to control a Base City, you must clear out the original family forces inside, or it will cause you a lot of trouble."

Su Chen had considered this point. Yuri was able to easily control Wangchang City because of his unique mental control ability. It would be difficult for others to do the same, especially Guangtou Qiang. This guy's brain was all muscle. He could beat people up, but he would probably be overthrown on the first day as a Controller.

Su Chen didn't allow himself to waste time on this. He asked, "What's your plan?"

"You should know that my Transcendent Ability is illusion, but illusions have different focuses. Generally, illusions only have a certain focus in one direction. But I found that my illusions seem to be omnipotent. I can put an illusion seed in the minds of some important people in the Base City. As long as they see a specific person, they will be under my illusion, and they will support the new Controller in all aspects."

Leng Yuwei's plan was quite good. Su Chen could control Base Cities without a single drop of blood. However, Su Chen thought of a problem, "What is the highest level of Transcendent that your illusion seed can affect?"

"I am currently at the early stage of the Fifth Order, and the highest level I can affect is probably the early stage of the Sixth Order. After all, illusions are attacks on the spirit. Unless there are special mental defense methods, almost no one can resist my illusions," Leng Yuwei said confidently.

Generally speaking, people who become family heads may not necessarily be very strong, and those above the Sixth Order are rare. Most of them are around the Fourth or Fifth Order. So, Leng Yuwei's illusions should not be a problem.

"Okay, I will let Tanya accompany you and protect you. You two sneak into the surrounding Base Cities carefully," Su Chen said.

Since Leng Yuwei needed to absorb Energy Crystals every day, Su Chen simply gave her some Seventh Order Energy Crystals that would be enough for her to absorb for a long time.

No one knew that a person wanted to change the entire Base City's pattern through Transcendent Ability.

Leng Yuwei chose Blade King's Base City, which was the closest to Wangchang City, named Hongzhong City.

When Su Chen heard the name of this Base City, he almost didn't spit out a mouthful of water. Did the Controller of this Base City like playing Mahjong? The name was related to Mahjong.

"It seems that we need to speed up the progress of the first sub-base. The second-round missions only have one month, and the Base Cities around Wangchang City are not enough!" (To be continued)

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