Published at 28th of June 2024 05:59:34 AM

Chapter 14: Advanced Mission

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Chapter 14: Advanced Mission

Leng Yuwei stood about ten miles away from the base and looked back with a complex expression.

Just now, in the command room, she had received a large amount of energy crystals from Su Chen. Now her backpack was full of energy crystals, enough for her to reach the fourth level.

"Big Sister, what did you and Su Chen talk about in there? Who is he, the illegitimate child of some big shot?" Luo Hang asked curiously.

With such a powerful base, Su Chen was definitely not an ordinary person. As he had suspected before, this guy was definitely a young master.

"Don't ask what you shouldn't ask. Don't you know the old saying that has been passed down?" Leng Yuwei replied before Luo Hang could finish his sentence.

"I know, I won't ask. I just didn't expect his strength to be even stronger than I imagined. Those people in the past were just asking for trouble," Luo Hang said, looking disappointed.

"When we go back, we'll pretend we don't know what's going on here. We'll say those people died in the mouths of Mutant Beasts, and we only managed to take away some of their relics with great difficulty," Leng Yuwei said, looking at some small things in her hand.

These small things were given to her by Su Chen, with the purpose of confusing people at the Gathering Place and not letting them know the true situation here.

Back on Su Chen's side, he accelerated the speed of accumulating energy. According to the system, once his energy points reached 50,000, he could upgrade to the Commander level.

He checked his remaining energy points and found that he still had over 20,000. He needed more energy points!

"The energy points obtained from hunting Mutant Beasts every day are not many anymore. At most, a few thousand points can be obtained in a day. At the ore refinery, relying on the transportation of the space-time mining vehicle, we can get about 1,000 points of energy per day. Even if we add five more workers, it won't increase the speed by much," Su Chen said, knowing that there was no other way.

The energy provided by the coal mine itself was not much. If it were changed to gold, silver, or rare earth mines, the energy points would probably be more.

Or maybe he could have more mining vehicles, which would increase the speed of energy points.

With the idea of not wasting any manpower, Su Chen changed his strategy. The number of people going out to hunt Mutant Beasts was reduced, and all the remaining people, except for the necessary guards, went to mine!

Su Chen frowned, "Why not let all the Soldiers advance? What's the point of this mission?"

"The mission can select Soldiers with truly strong qualifications. If they can't even pass this mission, it's just a waste of energy," the system replied coldly.

Without refuting the system's words, Su Chen also felt that the system was right. If he couldn't even pass this mission, continuing to train would only make him useless.

In the future, he would have more and more soldiers under his command, and this mission would be a good way to distinguish which soldiers had potential. Those who could complete the mission were worth continuing to train, but those who couldn't would likely be cannon fodder in the future.

After ending the conversation with the system, Su Chen looked at Su Yi and asked, "Do you have confidence in completing this mission?"

When the system released the mission, Su Yi already knew about it. He looked serious and respectfully bowed to Su Chen, saying, "Please rest assured, Commander. Su Yi will definitely complete the mission!"

"Very well, then you go out and complete the mission alone. Once the mission is completed, return immediately."


Su Yi left the base alone to face a fourth-level peak Mutant Beast. Su Chen didn't know how strong it was, but the strongest Mutant Beast he had faced recently was only third-level. With his swarm tactics, even the strongest third-level Mutant Beast was like a piece of cake.

During these days, Su Chen didn't waste his time. He was trying to understand more about this world, and the source of his information was, of course, the system.

However, the system only told him about major events, such as the changes in the world. It didn't know about some small things.

Su Chen suspected that the system knew, but didn't tell him.

"Forget it, let's focus on developing myself first. When my Apocalypse Tank army is deployed, I will crush all the Mutant Beasts around me!" Su Chen's mouth watered at the thought of a bright future.

He had just upgraded and it would take some time to establish a war factory.

"Oh, and let's build a radar first. With a radar, I can build my Patriot missiles and Prism Towers. I want to see if those flying Mutant Beasts have the guts to fly over my head!"

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