Published at 28th of June 2024 05:56:05 AM

Chapter 142: Bloodline Wisdom Pearl

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Chapter 142: Bloodline Wisdom Pearl

The light disappeared quickly, and in front of Spy appeared a red pearl. The pearl looked like it was only the size of an egg, and it was a strange red color, giving people a eerie feeling.

Spy didn't touch the pearl easily. He found that there was a piece of paper in the box besides the pearl.

He picked up the paper, and some things were written on it in the language unique to Mutants. If he hadn't learned the Mutant language, he really couldn't recognize it.

The content above was left by the Chieftain. It was probably saying that this pearl was called the Bloodline Wisdom Pearl and was accidentally discovered by the Chieftain. It was this pearl that allowed all Mutants to open their wisdom!

Chieftain also didn't know where this thing came from. At that time, he was just a confused Mutant. After accidentally coming into contact with the pearl, he gradually gained wisdom.

The effect of this pearl was very strong. It could enhance the intelligence of the first person who came into contact with it and gradually influence the intelligence of all similar creatures on a planet, making them bow to the Chieftain as their king. That's why he would say that he was the true Chieftain of all Mutants.

Moreover, this pearl had a magical effect. It could allow Mutants to break through their innate shackles and enhance their strength through a sacrificial ritual. The Chieftain didn't need to sacrifice and could directly enhance his strength.

So, does this mean that Mutants' intelligence is all caused by this thing?

Spy immediately notified Su Chen, and Su Chen was surprised.

"Are you saying that Mutants appeared intelligent because of such a red pearl? Is this pearl so magical?"

Su Chen couldn't imagine that there could be such an unscientific thing in the world. This was even more unscientific than his Red Alert system.

The first person who comes into contact with it can enhance their intelligence and also influence all Mutants. What kind of artifact is this?

Suddenly, Su Chen had an idea. Could it be that humans' ancestors also came into contact with this pearl, and that's why human intelligence exceeded that of other Earth creatures so much?

"Bring the pearl back."

Su Chen wanted to see how magical this red pearl was. If he couldn't figure it out, he would let his Engineer study it. Maybe they could discover something.

So Zhu Hui and Su Chen talked about other things. Besides him, the other emperors were all very interested in Su Chen's weapons, but unfortunately they were too far away from here. It would be very difficult to cross such a long distance just to get some weapons.

Although Longxin City was relatively close, it was still thousands of miles away.

Su Chen had no solution to this problem, unless his base was spread all over the world. Otherwise, it would be almost impossible to buy weapons all over the world. The transportation time alone would consume a lot of time, and there would be various dangers on the way. In general, it would not be worth the effort.

But what if they focused on communication first instead of transportation?

"How many satellites that humans can control are still operational?" Su Chen suddenly asked.

Originally, only a few people knew about this, but when Su Chen asked, Zhu Hui hesitated a bit and then said, "There are a total of five, each with various problems, and many functions are missing. Why do you ask?"

Su Chen always felt that communication here was too troublesome. If someone in Base City wanted to contact someone in another Base City, they could only do so through the only communication station in Base City, and this thing was not something everyone could use. Generally, it was only used in emergency situations to contact the neighboring Base City.

"You have not provided enough satellite signals to each Base City. Is it because those satellites are damaged?"

From the beginning, Su Chen didn't understand why, although Zhu Hui had a satellite phone that could communicate almost anywhere, he had never seen anyone else use it, even the Controllers didn't have it.

At most, they had phones that could be used near Base City. If everyone could use the satellite phone in Zhu Hui's hand, then the situation of humanity would be better than before.

Many times, humans lose because of communication. For example, in the last Lizard Dragon invasion, if Wangchang City could establish direct contact with Longxin City and know that Zhu Hui could arrive quickly, they would not have been so nervous.

Regarding this matter, Su Chen once asked Zhu Hui how he was able to arrive at Wangchang City so quickly, and Zhu Hui told him that Longxin City actually had a teleportation device!

Yes, it was a machine similar to Su Chen's spatial teleportation device, but it was inferior to it in many ways.

The first disadvantage was that it required too much energy for teleportation. Even Longxin City could only provide it once, and it would cause a large-scale power outage.

The second disadvantage was that the number of teleportations was limited, and the strength of the person being teleported could not be lower than Seventh Order, otherwise the power of teleportation would tear their body apart.

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