Published at 28th of June 2024 05:54:26 AM

Chapter 146: Technology Leak

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Chapter 146: Technology Leak

Throughout history, there have been countless traitors among humanity, especially in the first few years after Apocalypse appeared, when human survival was extremely difficult.

Because some people believed that humans would lose to Mutant Beasts, they sought forgiveness from the Mutant Beasts and betrayed humanity by bringing important information about humans.

The result was that humans suffered heavy casualties, and these traitors were eaten by the Mutant Beasts without hesitation.

These foolish acts were not exceptional, as every now and then, there were always a few who betrayed their own kind.

Fortunately, after the establishment of Base City, most human traitors were just ordinary people or Transcendents with relatively low strength, and there were few Transcendents above the fifth order who betrayed humanity.

Generally speaking, Transcendents at this level have a strong conviction and would never betray humanity.

However, when the Controller of a second-level Base City betrayed humanity, everyone was stunned. How could this be possible?

"What exactly happened?" Su Chen asked his subordinates.

"Commander, the information we received was issued by the first-level Base City to all the high-level officials of the Base Cities. The people below don't know yet, but the news will soon spread. Besides, with the popularity of mobile phone cards, some Base Cities have already been able to communicate with each other. When these people are able to contact their loved ones, they become excited and tearful."

"For now, some people who can't find their loved ones just find a stranger with a mobile phone and call them. They chat enthusiastically with each other," said Yuri.

Yuri continued, "The message said that the Controller of Huangye City, a second-level Base City, Lu Jian, has revealed the most critical wall-building technology of Base City to the Mutant Beasts. From now on, Mutant Beasts may target the weakness of the wall and attack, which is very disadvantageous to humans."

Su Chen frowned. The brain of a second-level Base City Controller should not be foolish. Why would he do this? His behavior may be satisfying to him, but ultimately it would be disastrous for all humans.

After all, the wall-building technology of Base City was the same for all Base Cities. Once the Mutant Beasts obtained this technology, they could target the weakness of the wall and cause devastating damage to the human wall.


"It's possible, but whether they can study it themselves depends on them."

"That's enough."

Su Chen had already seen the System's walls, which had excellent defensive capabilities. Even Fifth Order Mutant Beasts would find it difficult to leave a mark on them. The most important thing is that the height and thickness of the walls can be adjusted, which is completely different from the game.

Su Chen immediately had someone pass the data to Yuri and Su Yi, the two Base Cities he controlled. He naturally wanted to give the good stuff to them first.

Yuri immediately had the researchers in Base City start studying it. Su Chen's goal was not to rebuild the walls, but to use the new wall technology to eliminate some of the original wall's flaws.

As soon as Su Yi received the news, she told Linglong.

"Commander has the wall technology, and it's even better than my current wall technology?" Linglong couldn't believe it. If Su Yi hadn't given her the data, she wouldn't have believed it even if she were beaten to death.

As a Controller, she naturally knew all the wall construction technologies. She only took a quick glance and confirmed that this was genuine!

"I'll have people study it immediately and hopefully fix some of the flaws in the current walls."

Linglong's shock was written all over her face. She never imagined that just as a traitor had leaked the wall technology, the Commander had given her a new technology so quickly. Was he a god?

"When can I meet the Commander?" Linglong asked.

"It depends on the Commander's decision, I don't know either."

"Okay." Linglong sighed helplessly and started playing Snake.

Yes, because there hadn't been any research and development for decades, the state of the phones was similar to those before the Apocalypse, with the only difference being that they were intelligent phones. Unfortunately, they could only play some of the pre-installed games.

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