Published at 28th of June 2024 05:54:25 AM

Chapter 147: Proud Crocodile King

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Chapter 147: Proud Crocodile King

The technology for building city walls has fallen into the hands of an eighth-order Mutant Beast, the Crocodile King.

The Crocodile King has always been in competition with Emperor Kong, but unfortunately, it is no match for Emperor Kong. It spends its days exchanging insults with Emperor Kong from a distance, and is usually left with the short end of the stick.

If you want to engage in a war of words with humans, you won't win.

Before the Apocalypse, humans were known for their ability to spout three thousand insults and could verbally take down anyone. In terms of verbal sparring, no one was weak.

This time, after obtaining the technology for building city walls, the Crocodile King couldn't wait to shout, "Emperor Kong, you didn't expect this, did you? A second-level Base City Controller is willing to betray you humans and even hand over the technology for building walls to me! Tsk tsk, this technology is really well-designed, but unfortunately it's mine now."

The Crocodile King was very pleased, and the surrounding crocodile Mutant Beasts laughed along with it.

Emperor Kong's expression was not good. East Emperor had already gone to deal with this matter. If this matter was not handled properly, it could affect the entire human race.

Even a Seventh Order peak Controller could be threatened with betrayal by Mutant Beasts, so what about others, even...the Emperor?

No one is without ties. They all have their own loved ones. If they were captured by Mutant Beasts and used as leverage, how would they choose?This chapter was first shared on the Ñøv€lß1n platform.

Those who can truly put justice above their loved ones are few and far between. This choice is very painful, but when it really comes down to it, they have to choose.

Lu Jian chose his own loved ones. He would rather fight on the front lines with his own life, giving up all his status and reputation.

His actions were seen as a betrayal to humans, but to his loved ones, his actions saved them.

Emperor Kong didn't say anything, which made the Crocodile King even more pleased. It was the first time it had gained an advantage in a verbal exchange. Emperor Kong actually had nothing to say. This feeling was really great.

"Haha, Emperor Kong, don't rush, next time I'll have my subordinates attack a Base City and see if this wall technology is really good. I'll help you test the quality of the wall. You must thank me well!" The Crocodile King laughed.

There are too many Mutants, and even if he orders everyone to attack them now, they will only find an opportunity to break more Base Cities.

But if they don't take action against Mutants, once their strength becomes stronger, humans will be even more passive.

The current situation is no different from when the Apocalypse first appeared. Humans do not have the strength to face the joint attack of Mutant Beasts and Mutants.

With the new wall technology, Emperor Kong's heart is full of confidence. He directly replied to the Crocodile King with, "Screw you, bitch!"

Hmm, that's how domineering it is.

Humans didn't think Emperor Kong's foul language meant he had low quality. Instead, they thought that Emperor Kong was still so full of blood.

The Crocodile King was stunned. Although they had intelligence no less than humans, they still couldn't understand some of their words, like this one.

At this time, a small Mutant Beast said softly, "Master, this is a curse word used by humans."

"What? Emperor Kong, you bastard, did you just curse me?" The Crocodile King was furious.

"What's wrong with me cursing you? Not only am I cursing you, I also want to eat crocodile meat!"

The Crocodile King was so angry that it gnashed its teeth. It knew that it couldn't match Emperor Kong's sharp tongue, so it could only shout in a low voice, "Wait until my sons take down a Base City, and then we'll see if you still dare to say such things!"

The Crocodile King passed on the technology to some of the smarter Mutant Beast races, allowing them to study the weaknesses of the wall technology and facilitate their attacks on human Base Cities.

Humans also took various precautions. They knew that if Mutant Beasts obtained the wall technology, they would certainly take action. The people in the first-level Base Cities were relatively safe as they had an emperor sitting in their city, so they didn't have to worry much.

The most worrying ones were the people in the third-level Base Cities. Their Controllers might not be able to stop the Mutant Beasts' attacks. Everyone knew that this time, Mutant Beasts would definitely try their best to test the weaknesses of the walls. Could the walls really withstand the Mutant Beast's attacks once their weaknesses were known?

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