Published at 28th of June 2024 05:54:24 AM

Chapter 148: Crocodile Tribe

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Chapter 148: Crocodile Tribe

Zhonggu City was a third-level Base City, and its Controller's strength was only at the early Seventh Order, making it the weakest Base City among all.

Recently, many major events had occurred, and a Base City of humans had been destroyed. In response to the Beast Hunting Order, Mutant Beasts had actually come up with a plan to lure humans out of their cities and almost caused some Base Cities to be destroyed, including Zhonggu City.

The Controller of Zhonggu City was only a Transcendent at the early Seventh Order. If he had not been relatively fast and run back at full speed, Zhonggu City might have been the second Base City to be destroyed.

"Lu Jian, this bastard, as a Peak Seventh Order Controller, he dared to hand over the most important city wall construction technology to the Mutant Beasts. Is he trying to destroy humanity?" Li Jinzheng angrily slammed his hand on the table in front of him, and the table broke on the spot.This chapter's initial release occurred on the n0vell--Bjjn site.

The Deputy beside him remained calm. This was already the third table the Controller had broken, and he calmly had someone clean up the broken table and bring in a new one.

"Controller, we must be vigilant. Once the Mutant Beasts know the Weakness of the city wall, they are likely to attack it. Zhonggu City will be in danger then," the Deputy said.

Of course, Li Jinzheng understood this. He was the only one in the entire Base City who knew where the Weakness of the city wall was located. No one would have thought that the weakest point of the city wall would be around the city gates!

When designing the city wall, the main consideration was the wall's defense, resulting in the weight-bearing points being in the easiest place to attack. This ultimately led to some problems with the design around the city gates, but it wasn't a big problem.

It was difficult for ordinary Mutant Beasts to break through the city gates, but if a Peak Seventh Order Mutant Beast kept bombarding the area around the city gates, it could potentially break through the city wall and leave a huge gap.

This was the only Weakness of the city wall, and originally, only Transcendents of the Seventh Order or higher knew about it. Now, even the Mutant Beasts knew.

Li Jinzheng was very anxious. His strength was only at the early Seventh Order, and for years, he had been trying to improve his strength, but unfortunately, his talent was a little lacking, and he had been stuck in the same place. At most, he had made a slight improvement and was still far from the mid-Seventh Order.

What made him even more frustrated was that Zhonggu City, perhaps due to its bad feng shui, only had two Peak Sixth Order Transcendents. They were also far from the Seventh Order, so the overall strength of Zhonggu City was at the bottom.

Insufficient strength had always made Li Jinzheng a little worried. He was afraid that one day a powerful Mutant Beast would attack Zhonggu City, and he couldn't ask for help from nearby Base City Controllers every time.

Crocoair was a descendant of the Crocodile King and a mid-Seventh Order Mutant Beast. This time it was ordered by its ancestor to lead the crocodile tribe to attack a Base City, and a Level 3 Base City was the best choice for its first target.

Level 2 Base City Controllers were almost all mid or peak Seventh Order Transcendents. Their strength was too strong and Crocoair was no match for them. Only Level 3 Base City Controllers were mostly mid-Seventh Order or below, especially in this Zhonggu City, where the Controller was said to be in the early Seventh Order, making it too weak.

"Ancestor, I will definitely destroy Zhonggu City and let humans know the horror of our crocodile tribe!" Crocoair opened its big mouth and revealed a fierce smile.

They approached Zhonggu City and were quickly discovered.

A huge alarm sounded, and Zhonggu City was suddenly on high alert.

"Controller, it's the crocodile tribe!" The Deputy's voice was trembling.

These were not just any miscellaneous Mutant Beasts, but the royal crocodile tribe among the Mutant Beasts. The crocodile Mutant Beast in the front was obviously a Seventh Order Mutant Beast, and its strength was likely above that of their own Controller.

Once the battle began, Li Jinzheng had to come out and deal with the Seventh Order Mutant Beast, otherwise it would be difficult to defend the city walls against such a strong attacker.

Li Jinzheng stood on the city wall with his subordinates, looking into the distance. He saw various crocodiles coming towards them in dense numbers.

Before long, Li Jinzheng gave the order to fire all the cannons as the crocodile tribe entered the defensive circle.

"Li Jinzheng, are you coming out on your own, or do I have to force you out?" Crocoair's voice reached the city wall. As a Seventh Order Mutant Beast, it was difficult for ordinary weapons to harm it, and it had enough confidence to boast.

"You garbage crocodile, who gave you the courage to appear in front of me? Do you think my Base City doesn't have enough crocodile meat and you had to deliver it to me?" Li Jinzheng sneered.

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