Published at 28th of June 2024 05:59:33 AM

Chapter 15: Radar

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Chapter 15: Radar

In order to accumulate energy to break through the Commander-level authorization, Su Chen has not used any energy these days. This time, he is preparing to arm his base well. Otherwise, the base has little defense capability, and several buildings will become targets.

The radar must be established, but it takes ten hours. While building the radar, Su Chen focused on two things: one is the wall, and the other is the defensive building.

In Red Alert, the walls are similar, surrounding the base to form a certain defense.

In the game, this thing is almost gone with one shot, but in reality, the defense of this thing makes Su Chen quite confident. At least ordinary shells cannot cause fatal damage to the wall.

There are also defensive buildings, which have several types, one is the sentry gun, one is the Gatling gun, and the other is the machine gun bunker.

Of course, these three are currently buildable, and there are many things that Su Chen cannot build.

The sentry gun and Gatling gun are similar, both are defensive guns. They mainly play a defensive role. The other machine gun bunker is very suitable for hiding around. Several soldiers can be placed inside to use the equipment inside for various outputs.

"Build ten machine gun bunkers, scattered around the edge of the base, and build five sentry guns and five Gatling guns, placed on the edge of the machine gun bunkers. Once encountering invaders, fire a warning shot first. If the other party still advances, they can be killed on the spot." Su Chen gave the order coldly.

He is not worried about accidentally injuring his own people. As long as they are people he approves of, they can pass through this line of defense safely. Of course, the defense behind cannot be unobstructed.

Under Su Chen's series of orders, the wall is being built quickly, with the shortest construction time.

In just a few minutes, Su Chen saw a wall surrounding his several buildings, with only a few doors left as exits, all equipped with soldiers and hound guards. It can be said that not even a fly can enter.

"Well, prepare a sentry gun for each door." Su Chen was still not at ease and built some more sentry guns.

Now Su Chen is waiting for the radar to be built. When it is built, he can build Patriot missiles and prism towers. The power of these two things is absolutely amazing.

Just when Su Chen was dreaming of the radar being built, the system's voice sounded: "Warning, not enough power."

"So fast, the power is not enough?" Su Chen was a little speechless.

But he also knew that maintaining three huge buildings with one power plant, and also being responsible for so many sentry guns and Gatling guns, would indeed cause insufficient power.

On the map, the color of Su Chen's units is blue, and other units are marked in yellow. Only units confirmed as enemies are marked in red, making it easy to distinguish between friend and foe.

This time, Su Chen sent his most capable soldier, Su Er, to complete the task. Except for Su Yi, he is the strongest soldier.

Su Yi went out to complete his promotion task and has not returned yet, so only Su Er can do this.

Su Er came to the Gathering Place with a dog. Many people come in and out here every day, but after seeing Su Er's clothes, the surroundings fell silent for a while.

A few days ago, something happened that still has many people talking. A newcomer to Gathering Place actually killed one of the three giants of Gathering Place and became one of the new three giants. However, this new giant did not stay in Gathering Place but instead stayed outside, which was shocking to people.

Everyone knows how difficult it is to survive in the wilderness, with various Mutant Beasts constantly appearing. One wrong move and you could be hit.

So many people have died in the wilderness, and their bodies can't even be found.

"Is that clothing from that big shot?"

"It looks like it. But why did that big shot send someone over?"

"Who knows, it's none of our business anyway."

Su Er ignored the crowd's gaze and went straight to Leng Yuwei in the tavern.

"Young Master wants me to ask you who in Gathering Place has a car, a good quality one. I need to borrow it." Su Er said expressionlessly.

When it comes to cars, anyone at a certain level has one. The only trouble is gasoline, which is hard to come by.

Leng Yuwei has a car, and she was a bit surprised that Su Chen, who owns so many things, doesn't even have a car.

The three giants of Gathering Place, except for Guangtou Qiang who died, Wang Daqiang and Ma Sanyan both have cars of good quality that can withstand the impact of second-order Mutant Beasts.

"I understand. This is what Young Master ordered me to give you."

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