Published at 28th of June 2024 05:54:19 AM

Chapter 152: Do you want to be the Emperor?

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Chapter 152: Do you want to be the Emperor?

Zhu Hui contacted Su Chen immediately: "Brother, where did you find so many Controllers? All the Controllers should be in the various Base Cities, right?"

Zhu Hui could hardly believe the intelligence his subordinates had sent him. It said that Su Chen had sent five leaders to the first-level Base Cities, and all of them were Seventh Order peak Transcendents. This news was simply terrifying.

There were only about twenty Seventh Order peak Transcendents in the entire human race. Where did Su Chen find these five Seventh Order peak Transcendents that he had never seen before?

If it weren't for all kinds of evidence proving that these people were human, he would have thought that they were all Mutant Beasts.

Su Chen knew that once his subordinates' strength was exposed, someone would definitely ask him about it. Zhu Hui was the only person he had a relationship with, so it was best for him to ask.

"Brother Hui, they are all elites that I have worked hard to cultivate. You must take good care of them. If your Base City is in danger, they can help you defend it."

Su Chen knew that according to the System's nature, the ultimate goal was probably to let him control all the Base Cities. Therefore, every Base City was crucial, and he could not let more Base Cities be destroyed.

He was still thinking about how to retake the Base City that had already fallen.

Fortunately, the Mutant Beasts were going to create some kind of trial ground, which would allow some humans to survive in the ruined Base City. As long as they reoccupied it, humans could once again build a new Base City.

No matter how Zhu Hui asked, Su Chen did not reveal where these people came from.

Su Chen couldn't say that these people were not real humans, but rather Bio-engineered soldiers who looked no different from humans with the help of the System.The inaugural upload of this chapter took place via N0v3l-B1n.

Zhu Hui knew he couldn't get an answer, so he sighed helplessly. As long as Su Chen continued to help humans, these questions were not a problem.

"Do you want to be the Emperor?" Zhu Hui suddenly asked.

Su Chen was taken aback. Emperor?

Damn, I'm not mentally prepared yet. Is this too sudden?

He really wanted to see how many eighth-order Mutant Beasts Su Chen could kill if they gathered together and he used that weapon.

Just thinking about that made Zhu Hui tremble with excitement all over.

"Brother Hui, I refuse to become the emperor, but if you need any weapons, you can find me anytime."

"I want to, too, but Longxin City is too far away from you, and other Level-1 Base Cities are even farther away. It's almost impossible to transport your weapons there. Longxin City's weapons are sufficient for now."

Zhu Hui was very frustrated. The other emperors also wanted Su Chen's weapons.

Last time, four emperors sent envoys to Zhu Hui's place to take some weapon samples and test them. The results shocked all four emperors, and they all wanted to buy these weapons from Su Chen. But how could they transport the weapons to their own Base Cities?

Longxin City was already the Level-1 Base City closest to Su Chen, and even then, it was thousands of miles away. The other Base Cities were even farther away, and there was no way to transport the weapons there.

Su Chen scratched his chin. He had already considered this, but building a Sub-base required the Mobile Construction Vehicle (MCV) to go there.

The MCV was a heavy-duty vehicle that weighed a lot. Even the Kirov Airship couldn't carry it, and it could only move on land.

Su Chen scratched his head. He really had no solution.

Just then, an idea appeared in his mind, and he excitedly asked the System, "Isn't my Level-6 authority able to teleport Soldier units? Can I teleport other units as well?"

"Yes, you can."

Su Chen suddenly breathed a sigh of relief. If he could teleport between each base, he finally knew how to spread his bases all over the place.

"System, continue building two more MCVs. Let them depart from the first and second Sub-bases respectively, and keep a minimum distance of one thousand kilometers between each Sub-base!" Su Chen's eyes shone with fiery determination.

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