Published at 28th of June 2024 05:54:11 AM

Chapter 159: Plan in Progress

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Chapter 159: Plan in Progress

The only two people who knew about this plan were Su Chen and the Five Emperors.

Su Chen was paying attention, Chapter 160: What Are They?and so was the Five Emperors. This plan was quite bold, and if the Mutant Beasts found out that the giant egg was not a human thing, they would likely go crazy.

On Su Chen's map, some large dots were moving around. Every time they went to a place where there was a black dot, the black dot would disappear shortly afterwards, indicating that the Mutant Beasts had eliminated it.

Only beings at the Eighth Order Mid-Term could deal with the giant egg. Even among the Mutant Beasts, there were not many at this level, only about seven or eight of them, running around to try and break the egg.

Su Chen was considering whether to give them a commendation for being good citizens. There weren't many Mutant Beasts that fought so hard for humanity.

However, while Su Chen knew about the plan, no one else did.

The actions of so many Eighth Order Mutant Beasts were immediately noticed by the people in the five first-tier Base Cities, who reported the situation to their superiors.

Zhu Hui and the others were somewhat helpless. They couldn't tell their subordinates about the plan, but if they didn't deal with the situation, even a fool could see that there was a problem.

"Stay flexible and keep tracking them. Let's see what they're up to," they could only issue this vague command.

So these people continued to manipulate satellites to track the Eighth Order Mutant Beasts. They soon discovered that in some specific locations, their satellites couldn't detect anything. It seemed like something was blocking their probes.

This was strange because, other than underground and in the deep sea, there was nothing that could block satellite detection. If it had been just one location, it wouldn't have been so strange, but they had found many such places.

They didn't know that even Su Chen's Spy satellites couldn't see these places. How could their damaged satellites see them?

After tracking them for a while, they were all confused.

They found that the movements of the Eighth Order Mutant Beasts were very strange. They didn't go to any of the Base Cities, nor did they even look at any of the Gathering Places they passed by. Instead, they went to places that the satellites couldn't see, and they didn't know what they were doing.

Not only Longxin City but also other Level One Base Cities have experienced the same thing. Some elders have come forward, hoping that the kings will take action. They are helpless and can only reveal the plan.

These elders are very cunning. With their superb acting skills, they have fooled the people below. As Zhu Hui said, they are all human elders who will not betray humans. After learning about the plan, they were all shocked.

Sudden giant eggs appeared all over the world, and there was even a humanoid creature inside one of them that was captured by Emperor Ming for research.

These eggs were dangerous, and the kings used the Mutant Beasts to eliminate them.

As the creatures inside the eggs were identical to humans, the Mutant Beasts could not imagine that the eggs had nothing to do with humans.

The Mutant Beasts acted quickly, and eight eighth-order mid-term Mutant Beasts acted separately. In just three short days, they solved most of the giant eggs in the world. However, they forgot one place, the ocean!

Land Mutant Beasts and ocean Mutant Beasts have never interacted with each other. Their battles are more intense than those of various animal groups on land.

Land Mutant Beasts look down on ocean Mutant Beasts, and vice versa. Both sides generally do not interfere with each other.

However, this time, land Mutant Beasts took the initiative to contact the eighth-order Mutant Beasts in the ocean.

"Octopus King, humans have studied a giant egg. Once the person inside hatches, an eighth-order strongman will be born. If you don't want anything to happen to the ocean, it's best to take care of the egg." Crocodile King contacted Octopus King.

As the ruler of the ocean, Octopus King is the most well-known ocean Mutant Beast to land Mutant Beasts. Crocodile King, as an amphibious Mutant Beast, is one of the few who has contact with Octopus King.

"Giant egg? A product of human research has entered my territory? Do you think I will believe such lies?" Octopus King sneered.

Compared to the ocean, the land on the earth is too small. Even if he is the Octopus King, he cannot control all the ocean. Searching for giant eggs in the ocean is like looking for a needle in a haystack!

"Believe it or not, you'll be unlucky later. It has nothing to do with me."

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