Published at 28th of June 2024 05:54:09 AM

Chapter 160: What Are They?

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Chapter 160: What Are They?

Octopus King ultimately chose to believe Crocodile King's words. It didn't think that Crocodile King would bring up this matter for no reason.

There were a huge number of Mutant Beasts in the ocean, and under Octopus King's command, they searched everywhere for giant eggs.

In less than an hour, they found one.

When Octopus King took a closer look, the giant egg was ordinary except for its size.

It wasn't until after it attacked that it realized the egg's uniqueness. If its strength hadn't reached Eighth Order Mid-Term, it might not have been able to defeat the egg. Crocodile King's words were indeed true!

Moreover, after breaking the egg, it saw a human inside. It was certain that this was a human.

Considering that it had parasitized many humans and was quite familiar with their structure, the fact that a human was inside the egg made it wonder if this was really a special weapon created by humans?

Thinking of what Crocodile King had said, Octopus King became concerned about this matter. After all, although one or two 8th Order Early-Term mutants posed no threat to it, if their numbers increased, it would be dangerous.

The number of giant eggs in the ocean was gradually decreasing, and there were less than twenty left on land, mostly in dangerous locations that were difficult to find.

On the human side, elite teams were sent to take action against some Mutant Beasts, which made the Mutant Beasts feel that they were doing the right thing. The humans began to worry.

Just as the Mutant Beasts understood humans, humans also understood Mutant Beasts. If there was no reaction from the human side, the Mutant Beasts would also sense something was abnormal.

After the disturbance caused by the humans, the Mutant Beasts became even more convinced that the giant eggs were created by humans.

At this time, five humans hatched from the giant eggs gathered in a gathering place. They seemed to have the ability to communicate over long distances, otherwise, they would not have been able to come together from such a distance.

The five people sat in a private room in a bar, their expressions somewhat serious.

"You should all know about the situation of the others. Perhaps only the five of us are left out of all our brothers and sisters," said a man.

"No, there is a sixth person, but the news about him is sporadic, he was caught by the human emperor," said the second man.

"Humans are really despicable. We must not let this evil race go. As long as we don't expose ourselves and don't do anything out of line, we shouldn't be discovered. Our goal this time is to infiltrate a Base City."

"That's a good idea, but because of the winter season, few people have come out of Base City recently. It's not so easy for us to blend in as newcomers," another person objected.

In the Gathering Place, they had learned a lot of information, including about Base City.

"So what should we do? Just sit here and do nothing?" a woman complained.

Suddenly, one of the men's eyes lit up. "I have an idea."

"What idea?"

"We can naturally change our appearance. Among humans, it's a form of disguise. With our strength, we can kill some humans who are out and about, and take their place. As long as we're careful and don't encounter a human emperor, no one will be able to detect our disguise!"

This was a good plan, especially for their current situation.

Originally, they had planned to wait until all the eggs had hatched and then attack a level-one Base City, but problems arose when the Mutant Beasts actively searched for the eggs to destroy them. Luckily, there were five of them, and only they could complete this mission.

"We have five people, so let's split up and go to the five level-one Base Cities. With our strength, as long as we're careful on the way, it shouldn't be a problem."

The five of them glanced at each other and left the private room.

Su Chen rubbed his chin. "They're definitely not creatures from Earth. I just don't know what they are. I wonder if there's any progress on Hui's research."

Su Chen contacted Zhu Hui and asked about the matter.

"Bro, your timing is perfect. The research results just came to me. Let me take a look," Zhu Hui's voice came through.

Soon, Zhu Hui finished reading the results, but his voice carried a hint of shock. "Through their research, they are almost 99.9% sure that this man is not a creature from Earth! Even if their genes are similar to humans, there are still some differences. It's bad enough that Mutant Beasts have appeared, now even extraterrestrial life has emerged. What's happening to this world?"

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