Published at 28th of June 2024 05:53:59 AM

Chapter 165: You said it well, I almost believed you

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Chapter 165: You said it well, I almost believed you

Su Chen didn't know how the Zerg improved their strength, but now it seems that they do so through what they call "evolution"?

"Tell me more."

The Zerg Brood now only wants to delay time until the five Zergs arrive. It will let the five Zergs escape first, believing that as long as the Zergs escape, this human will not be able to discover them.

The Zerg's ability to hide is top-notch.

When the Zergs leave, it will immediately self-destruct, taking away the only human who knows the identity of the Zerg.

From the mouth of the Zerg Brood, Su Chen roughly understands the situation of the Zerg.

In simple terms, the Zerg is very powerful. Each Zerg has different branches and abilities, and any creature that has been consumed by the Brood can have its abilities attached to the Zerg's body.

And the evolutionary material that the Zerg needs comes from various creatures in the universe, among which humans are the Zerg's favorite materials.

They are not interested in ordinary people, but humans with Transcendent Ability are the Zerg's favorites because they have a certain possibility of obtaining this ability from these Transcendents and attaching it to the Bugs they give birth to. These Bugs are often the elites of the Zerg, causing great destruction to humans.

The reason why this Brood stays here is that it sees the weakness of human strength on Earth and the possibility of the appearance of Transcendent Ability. When that happens, the Zerg Brood can harvest these humans and improve themselves.

According to the Brood, it did not come here before the Apocalypse but arrived on Earth about ten years after the Apocalypse and has been staying underground ever since.

"Have you had anything to do with the mutations on Earth?" Su Chen frowned.

"I don't know what happened on Earth. I think this kind of mutation is caused by some kind of potion."This chapter's initial release occurred on the n0vell--Bjjn site.

What kind of potion can affect a planet?

The Brood of the Zerg was silent for a few seconds and said, "How did you detect it? I thought my deception was flawless."

"From the beginning, I never believed you. How could your words deceive me? As a Brood of the Zerg, would you really communicate with humans? When you were willing to communicate with me, I knew you wouldn't tell the truth. I just wanted to get some information from you, and I didn't expect to get so many surprises from you," Su Chen said.

"You, you..." Just as the Brood of the Zerg was about to curse Su Chen, five figures rushed in. They were the five Zerg who had hurried over.

They had gathered outside specifically to deal with Su Chen, and now they rushed in together.

Unexpectedly, as soon as they entered, they saw a large number of weapons aimed at them. Even though they were Zerg with Seventh Order strength, they felt a tingling sensation on their scalp.

"Who is in charge here? We are emissaries sent by Emperor Ming to take over here," one of the Zerg said loudly, trying to come up with a clever solution.

One has to admit that the Zerg are still intelligent. If Su Chen were an uninformed person, he might have been fooled.

"I am the Commander here. You say you are emissaries sent by Emperor Ming?" Su Chen's expression was somewhat amused. If you said you were sent by other emperors, it would be different, but you had to be Emperor Ming.

"That's right."

Although he didn't know why Su Chen was laughing, the Zerg insisted.

"Okay, I'll make a phone call to him." Su Chen pretended to make a phone call to Zhu Hui in front of the five people and lifted the effect of the fake Rift Generator.

"You five idiots, you are no match for him. Run!" The Brood's voice exploded in the minds of the five Zerg. They were shocked, but they didn't doubt the Brood's words and immediately tried to run.

"Break their limbs and bring them here." Su Chen waved his hand and, with just a few moves, broke the limbs of the five super soldiers, dragging them to his front like dead dogs.

"Now, I'll give you two choices. One is to use all kinds of torture on you for 65 days until you say the purpose of your visit here. The second choice is that I can let them go and promise not to harm them within a month, on the condition that you tell me the purpose of your visit here."

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