Published at 28th of June 2024 05:53:58 AM

Chapter 166: Come, Make Your Choice!

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Chapter 166: Come, Make Your Choice!

Brood was faced with a difficult decision. It wanted to complete its mission, which meant that these five Zerglings could not die. But the mission was too important to risk being exposed to humans. If humans found out, it would be almost impossible to complete the mission.

Su Chen didn't give Brood much time to think. He put his foot on the head of one of the Zerglings and said, "Every minute, I will kill one of these Zerglings in front of you. You have five minutes to make a choice. Choose now."

For a moment, there were no sounds except for the cries of the Zerglings.

Su Chen was patient. When one minute passed and Brood still hadn't made a decision, Su Chen stomped on the Zergling's head, crushing it and killing it instantly.

Even a Seventh Order Zergling was just a corpse without a head.

"You!" Brood was furious. It didn't expect Su Chen to be so decisive and not even give it time to hesitate.

"You have four minutes left," Su Chen said calmly.

Brood didn't continue to resist. It was now the lamb to be slaughtered and could only trust Su Chen's words.

"I can tell you my purpose, but what if you kill them after I tell you?" Brood was smart, and it had to ensure the safety of the remaining four Zerglings.

"That's simple. I can give them one minute. If you tell me after one minute, I'll spare them. If you don't tell me after one minute, you won't have another chance," Su Chen said.


Su Chen waved his hand, and all the soldiers stepped aside, revealing a path. At the same time, the four Zerglings lying on the ground stood up. Their bodies looked human-like, but their regenerative abilities were still at the level of a bug. In just a short while, their broken bones reconnected.

The four Zerglings didn't say anything threatening. It was suicidal to do so at this point, so they just ran away.

Soon, one minute passed. Su Chen looked at Brood, who knew that it didn't have time to hesitate at this point. It made a decisive decision... to self-destruct!

There was no way ZergBrood would reveal its mission to humans. The four Zerglings that had left were actually shape-shifting Zerglings. Brood didn't believe that Su Chen could find them again outside, and this was Brood's trump card!

"Pathetic," Su Chen shook his head. He punched Brood, and its body shattered into pieces, revealing a large Energy Crystal.

With a sudden change, the jet in front of Su Chen transformed from an airplane into a mech standing on the ground!

The appearance of the Tengu Mech still showed the shape of a jet, and there was no change in the cockpit. It was like a mech with a cockpit for an airplane.

But overall, it was indeed a mech and was beyond the scope of ordinary weapons.

Su Chen couldn't wait to try the feeling of controlling a mech. The romance of a man was a mech!

When Su Chen sat in the cockpit, he felt some ways of controlling the mech in his mind. The System directly transmitted them to him, and he didn't even need to learn. He just needed to practice slowly to become proficient.

At first, Su Chen was a little shaky when walking, but soon he could make some large movements, such as running, jumping, and even doing a Thomas spin.

After experiencing it, Su Chen was very satisfied. Indeed, mechs were fun to use.

But he also found the downside of the Tengu Mech. The requirement for the driver was a bit high. It was almost impossible for an ordinary person to drive the Tengu Mech. All the pressures generated by the movements of the mech would be exerted on the driver. Without a strong body, the driver would likely be consumed by the mech.

Another one was that although the Tengu Mech could fly, it could only hover a few meters above the ground. It couldn't continue to fly to higher places. Compared with a real mech, the Tengu Mech was still far behind.

Su Chen was not worried about this. The engineers in the combat laboratory were not idle. With a sample, they could continue to develop better mechs. He was looking forward to the modified Tengu Mech.

A single mech didn't help much in the battle, but if a mech could help the engineers develop new things, then the role of the mech was not in vain.

Su Chen ignored the Tengu Mech for the time being and let the five super units play with it. He was focused on the Genetic Mutator.

In terms of destructive power, this super weapon was not as good as the Weather Control Device and the Nuclear Missile Silo, but in some ways, its effect was stronger than both.

Imagine a large number of enemies attacking, and then using the Genetic Mutator to turn them into berserkers, controlled by oneself. Wouldn't that be double the pleasure?

Compared with the two weapons that directly destroy things, the Genetic Mutator would have a miraculous effect.

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