Published at 28th of June 2024 05:53:53 AM

Chapter 168: Declaration of the New Human class!

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Chapter 168: Declaration of the New Human class!

Su Chen thought for a moment. This could be a contingency plan that ZergBrood had left behind, thinking that it would help the Zerg break through to become stronger and make it easier for them to infiltrate the upper echelons of humanity.

Perhaps even ZergBrood did not expect that someone like Su Chen would come along and destroy it, wiping out all the Zerg as well.

It could be said that Zerg's plan had completely failed, and everything they did actually helped humanity.

At this moment, people all over the world suddenly felt that their strength was rapidly increasing!

The power of first-order Transcendents was rapidly increasing, becoming second-order, third-order, and almost breaking through to fourth-order!

Among ordinary people, there were a large number of first-order Transcendents appearing. Originally, there were very few Transcendents in a Gathering Place, but after this incident, Transcendents accounted for nearly half of the population!

The most excited were the Controllers of the various Base Cities. Some Seventh Order early-stage Controllers were stimulated by these energies and suddenly stepped into the mid-stage of the Seventh Order.

Among them, those Seventh Order peak Transcendents benefited the most. Some of them actually stepped into the eighth-order level!


In the sky of a Base City, a figure shouted to the sky, his voice shaking the clouds, he was extremely excited.

"I have become an eighth-order Transcendent. From now on, I am the new emperor of humanity, with the title of Golden Emperor! The second-level Base City will be upgraded to the first-level Base City, and humanity will have the sixth first-level Base City in the future!"

The people in the Base City cheered and never imagined that their Controller had taken that step and become the emperor of humanity.

Basically, as long as one becomes an eighth-order Transcendent, one can be crowned emperor, but one needs to communicate with the original five emperors in advance. His behavior can be said to be preemptive, and even if Zhu Hui and the others do not agree later, it will not matter.

The appearance of a new emperor made humanity's heart more cohesive. Zhu Hui would not refuse such a thing as crowning a new emperor.

Not just him, among some Seventh Order peak Controllers, there were actually two eighth-order Transcendents appearing, and humanity suddenly had three more emperors, shocking the world.

The faces of the Mutant Beasts were all ugly, and even the Five Emperors were afraid of them. Now, with three more emperors, it would be even more difficult to deal with humanity.

"Why did Mutants gain intelligence? Why did eight Tier 8 emperors appear among the Mutants?"

No one dared to believe such a thing, but after human satellites captured the images, everyone had nothing to say. Mutants really did have eight Tier 8 emperors, and their numbers reached as many as eight!

If it weren't for the fact that humans had just produced three emperors, the number of emperors might not even match that of Mutants!

"Kill these Mutants! What qualifications do they have to call themselves the New Human class? They're just a bunch of stinky bugs!" someone who hated Mutants shouted.

"Do Mutants with intelligence still have their memories from before? Are they still our loved ones?" someone said with a glimmer of hope.

The situation suddenly became complicated. Humans didn't know how to deal with the Mutants, especially in the second situation.

If your enemy is your own parents, can you still bring yourself to kill them?

Many people are discussing whether Mutants with intelligence can return to their previous state.

Eight human emperors are discussing this matter. They have opened a new function, the conference mode, in which one person's words can be heard by the other seven.

"I don't believe that Mutants with intelligence are still the same as before. Once they become Mutants, they become monsters, and monsters cannot turn back into humans." A new emperor said coldly.

"I agree with this. I once killed my own Father, who had become a Mutant, with my own hands. As long as they become Mutants, they are monsters and must be killed!" yelled the second new emperor.

The third new emperor only said one sentence: "I agree with their views."

All three new emperors have the same attitude, and the remaining five veteran emperors' ideas must be considered.

"I think we need to verify the accuracy of this matter. Currently, we have no information showing that they lose their past memories when they gain intelligence. I think we can try it out." This is Emperor Ming's idea.

Before the second veteran emperor could speak, a man who called himself the Golden Emperor said, "Emperor Ming, they are Mutants, not humans. Even if they regain their past memories, what can they do? They are already monsters and cannot become humans again! Do you think those human loved ones who died at the hands of these Mutants would agree with your views?"

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