Published at 28th of June 2024 05:53:50 AM

Chapter 170: The Sneaky Operation of Spy Protocol

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Chapter 170: The Sneaky Operation of Spy Protocol

Su Chen only had two Spies at his disposal. Spy No.1 had been sent to other Mutant gathering points after returning the Bloodline Wisdom Pearl, where he continued to blend in with the Mutants. Spy No.2 had chosen a Level 2 Base City and, after this period of time, should have become quite a big shot by now.

At the time, Su Chen didn't pay much attention, but he didn't expect that the Level 2 Base City Spy No.2 chose would turn out to be the new Emperor's base city, Golden Emperor's Base City, also known as the City of Golden Light.

Originally, Golden Emperor's Base City was only a Level 2 Base City. However, all aspects of this Base City were not inferior to those of a Level 1 Base City, except for the lack of an Eighth-Order Transcendent. With one, the Base City would naturally be promoted to a Level 1 Base City.

Currently, there were 8 Level 1 Base Cities and 48 Level 2 Base Cities under human control, while the number of Level 3 Base Cities had dropped dramatically to just 4.This chapter was first shared on the Ñøv€lß1n platform.

Su Chen contacted Spy No.2 proactively, "What's the situation over at Golden Emperor's Base City?"

"Commander, this is what happened..." Spy No.2 briefly explained what had happened, then continued, "Originally, my plan was to become the Deputy Controller here. After all, I am at the same level as him, and he cannot see through my disguise. However, he has advanced to the Eighth-Order, and if I were to appear in front of him now, there is a good chance he would see through my disguise, putting me in danger."

"So I decided to abandon the plan to become the Deputy and implement the second plan: to disguise myself as a woman to attract the attention of the Deputy and obtain a lot of confidential information from him."

Su Chen blinked. Did he mishear something just now? Spy No.2 disguised himself as a woman? What kind of sneaky operation was this? Were all Spies cut from the same cloth?

Why can't they do without a sneaky operation? The previous Spy No.1 liked to do unexpected things, but Spy No.2 was even more extreme. He even went for cross-dressing.

Although he knew that Spies could disguise themselves as anything, he never imagined that a Spy would disguise himself as a woman to attract men. This was simply mind-boggling.

He recalled Spy No.2's youthful appearance. He was quite a cross-dressing expert.

"Forget about the plan, tell me about your results." Su Chen pinched his brow.

"Currently, under my attack, the Deputy has become completely subservient to me. As long as it does not violate the Controller's orders, he will agree to anything I ask. The only person I am worried about now is Golden Emperor. Without him, I have enough confidence to take control of the Base City within a week."

This was the confidence of a Spy. Spy No.2's situation was much better than Spy No.1's at the time. Su Chen had low authority back then, which resulted in Spy No.1's weak strength, making it easy for people to see through his disguise. But now, Su Chen had a Level 7 authority, and the Spy's strength had also reached the peak of the Seventh Order. Unless it was a human Emperor, no one could see through their disguise.

"Yes, Commander."

If the Mutants and Mutant Beasts were in conflict, it would be good news for humans.

Both spies brought good news to Su Chen. After the Four-Armed Emperor and Golden Emperor fought, the two spies could act, and this was the so-called "fisherman gains profit while birds fight."

"It feels good to be a fisherman."

Su Chen smiled. He thought of something: the battle between Golden City and the Mutants would definitely require many weapons, and this was his best opportunity.

Where there was a battlefield, there would be Arms dealers!

Su Chen carefully looked around and found that he had a sub-base about 100 kilometers from Golden City. His sub-bases were blossoming everywhere, and he already had almost ten of them!

His core could no longer limit his movements. He had almost 100 cores, but there had not been a second core as powerful as the Lizard Dragon.

Su Chen sent a Red Alert Soldier to represent him and go to Golden City.

The appearance of a stranger in a helicopter made the City Defender nervous.

They were afraid that it might be a clever Mutant coming to cause trouble, so they had the helicopter land in front of the gate.

"Who are you?" the City Defender shouted as he and some others approached.

"I'm a soldier from the Red Alert base. I'm here on the Commander's orders to talk to your Golden Emperor."

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