Published at 28th of June 2024 05:53:49 AM

Chapter 171: The Greedy Snake Swallows the Elephant

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Chapter 171: The Greedy Snake Swallows the Elephant

"What's your relationship with the Red Alert group?" City Defender asked.

Soldier replied, "The Red Alert group is a subsidiary of our base."

City Defender was silent upon hearing this explanation. If it were an ordinary person, he would have chased them away already. However, Soldier was representing the Commander of Red Alert Base, and City Defender was unable to handle the situation.

City Defender had to report the matter to his superiors. As he was not able to directly contact Golden Emperor due to his rank, he had to wait for the higher-ups to handle the matter.

To his surprise, the order came down in less than ten minutes.

"Let him come," were Golden Emperor's exact words!

City Defender led the Red Alert Soldier to the central palace of Base City to meet with Golden Emperor.

"Greetings, Your Highness," City Defender kneeled.

The Red Alert Soldier remained calm and composed, not making any other movements. City Defender was about to reprimand him when Golden Emperor said, "You may leave."

City Defender left with a puzzled expression. Golden Emperor's gaze was fixed on the Red Alert Soldier. After observing him for a while, he couldn't help but praise him, "You have a good attitude in front of me. Would you like to follow me?"

Su Chen had been paying attention to the situation. Upon hearing Golden Emperor's words, he couldn't help but grin. It seemed that many people's first reaction upon seeing his subordinates was to try to recruit them. How thirsty were these people for talent?

"Your Highness, I was sent here by the Commander of Red Alert Base to ask if you need weapons," the Red Alert Soldier spoke up.

Golden Emperor frowned slightly. He didn't like the Red Alert Soldier's attitude, but he didn't say anything. Instead, he was interested in what the soldier had to say.

"I know about the Red Alert group, but where is Red Alert Base City? Are you here to sell weapons? What kind of weapons could be stronger than the ones in my Base City?" Golden Emperor chuckled.

As a newly promoted Level 1 Base City, the weapons here were no worse than those of the five veteran Level 1 Base Cities. He didn't believe he was inferior to them in this regard.

Golden Emperor did not hesitate and contacted Emperor Ming directly. Soon, he received a positive reply that the Red Alert base was trustworthy and could be traded with.

"I understand. I need a lot of weapons. Can you deliver them tonight?" Golden Emperor asked.

"We can, but the amount is huge and we need a deposit. The deposit is 30% of the total transaction amount."

"That's fine."

This trade was not much less than the trade with Zhu Hui. Even if it was only a 30% deposit, the Red Alert Soldier still filled the entire helicopter.

The Red Alert Soldier reported back, while Golden Emperor sat on his throne, revealing a cold smile.

"A mere base is not qualified to have so many advanced weapons. Only I have the right to control everything. As long as I take down this base, humans will be under my control!"

Among those Energy Crystals, Golden Emperor left a tracking device. He wanted to know where this base was located.

If it was far away, those weapons alone couldn't be transported over. So, the distance wasn't very far.

Sure enough, when he found out that the tracking device was transmitting a distance of over a hundred kilometers, he smiled triumphantly.

"I didn't expect it to be this close. Red Alert base, from tonight onwards, you will have a new master." As soon as Golden Emperor finished speaking, his figure disappeared from the throne.

No one knew about Golden Emperor's actions. He left Base City alone and headed towards Su Chen's sub-base.

Before Golden Emperor acted, the telepathic detector had already detected his intentions and directly marked his route and destination.

"He really is insatiable. Some weapons couldn't satisfy his appetite. Does he want to take my place?" Su Chen smiled."

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