Published at 28th of June 2024 05:53:48 AM

Chapter 172: No Risk, No Death

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Chapter 172: No Risk, No Death

Outside the Red Alert Sub-base, Golden Emperor stood on top of a large tree, looking at the base in front of him.

In his memory, there should be nothing here, so how did such a large base suddenly appear? He couldn't understand it. Building such a huge base would require a lot of resources, and he had not heard of any massive resource flow going towards an unknown location, which was strange.

Without thinking too much, Golden Emperor walked straight towards the Sub-base. After becoming an emperor, his mentality had expanded, and a mere base could no longer suppress him.

Golden Emperor's arrival was immediately detected by the Sub-base. A large number of Red Alert Soldiers stood on the wall, all weapons aimed at him. The surrounding machine gun bunkers and sentry cannons were also in position, ready to fire at him if he made any moves.

Golden Emperor completely ignored the Sub-base's actions. This was the arrogance of being an emperor. His strength was not something that these weapons could threaten.

"Bring out your Commander," Golden Emperor said lightly, his voice carrying far.

At this moment, a figure stood on the wall and said to him, "Commander is not someone you can see just because you want to. As the new human emperor, what brings you here?"

The figure was Ju Ling, who had been teleported to this Sub-base by Su Chen.

Without a super unit, it would be difficult to stop a human emperor with just the power of a Sub-base.

"Oh, a Seventh Order peak Transcendent among humans. When did such a unfamiliar Controller, especially a woman, appear among humans?" Golden Emperor looked at Ju Ling with great interest.

Controllers themselves were already rare among humans, and female Controllers were even rarer. As far as he knew, there were probably less than five female Controllers among all humans, and the highest level among them was probably only in the late Seventh Order. He didn't expect to see a beautiful Seventh Order peak female Controller here.

"I have taken a liking to you. From now on, you will be mine," Golden Emperor said to himself, completely ignoring Ju Ling's opinion.

In his view, as the new human emperor, his words were like royal decrees in ancient times. What right did a non-emperor woman have to resist his order?

Ju Ling's face turned cold. As a super unit created by Commander, she was loyal to Commander. If Commander had any such intentions, she would be the first to offer herself.

Now someone dared to speak to her like this. This was not only disrespectful to her, but also challenging Commander's authority. This was something that Ju Ling could not forgive.

"Why...?" Golden Emperor's voice leaked out. All his teeth were knocked out. If he didn't have the physique of a Tier 8 Transcendent, he would have died long ago.

"Commander knew you were coming to cause trouble and specially sent us to deal with you. You're pretty good, being able to withstand me for so long. I finally got a good time because of you. If it weren't for Commander's orders, I really hope you could keep fighting with me like this in the future," Guangtou Qiang said sincerely.

But he didn't know that his words deeply stimulated Golden Emperor's proud heart.

He became a monarch, but could only be a punching bag?


Blood gushed out of Golden Emperor's mouth, forming a bloody fountain in mid-air. Then his head tilted and he died without closing his eyes.

Guangtou Qiang's fist directly shattered his bones and internal organs. He had done well to last until now.

To be honest, Golden Emperor was just asking for it. It's true that if you don't mess around, you won't die, and Su Chen couldn't help it.

Originally, he didn't want to kill Golden Emperor. At least he would wait until the second spy had control of Jinguang City, and at that time, Golden Emperor could be a high-level thug.

But he insisted on attacking Su Chen's Red Alert base, sealing his fate.

Su Chen told the second spy about Golden Emperor's death. Except for the second spy, no one in Jinguang City knew that their new monarch, Golden Emperor, had already kicked the bucket.

"Without Golden Emperor, I am now the strongest in Jinguang City. It seems that the plan will have to be modified again."

In a high-end restaurant in Jinguang City, the second spy disguised herself as a beautiful woman and was dining with the city's deputy.

Then, when the second spy returned to her original appearance and looked at the deputy, the deputy's expression was unforgettable.

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