Published at 28th of June 2024 05:53:40 AM

Chapter 177: Global Coverage

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Chapter 177: Global Coverage

After Four-Armed Emperor's Mutants fought against Jin Guang City, they once again faced off against Wolf King in the Mutant Beast camp. The surprising move of breaking Wolf King's leg left countless people in shock.

"What the hell, has Four-Armed Emperor lost his mind? Why did he go and pick a fight with Mutant Beast instead of causing trouble for us humans?," exclaimed one person.

"I think it's because Four-Armed Emperor thinks we're too strong, and Mutant Beast is an easier target," said another.

"Do you really believe what you just said? They're all just dogs fighting over a piece of meat. We can just sit back and watch the show," said another person.

While the humans gloated, Wolf King was on the verge of going crazy.

"Four-Armed Emperor, what are you doing? Tell your people to leave now!" Wolf King shouted.

"Before Mutants rose to power, how did you let your subordinates bully us like this, Wolf King? Now, we're just returning the favor," said Spy No. 1 with a cold laugh.The inaugural upload of this chapter took place via N0v3l-B1n.

Wolf King had nothing to say in response, as it was indeed true.

Before Mutants rose to power, both humans and Mutant Beasts could bully Mutants at will. Humans rarely attacked Mutants since there was no benefit to doing so. However, Mutant Beasts were different. Although Mutants had undergone mutations, they were originally human and were still easy prey for many Mutant Beasts. This led to many Mutant Beasts preying on Mutants.

Mutants and Mutant Beasts fought each other, and no one could stop them.

No one knew that all of this was the result of someone's secret plan.

Seeing the results of the two Spies' work, Su Chen was very satisfied. They were his capable assistants who always carried out their tasks with clever and cunning strategies.

At this moment, a voice rang out, "Commander, as of just now, communication coverage has been achieved in all 99 Base Cities worldwide."

Su Chen's eyes lit up. He had been paying close attention to this matter, as global communication would bring him immense benefits.

Just the large amount of Energy Crystals and Hope Coins would be a huge fortune, and his subordinates could use these resources to quickly increase their power.

He had said it before, every Red Alert unit in each Base City could use these resources at their discretion, with the condition that they prioritize power enhancement.

Now that all Base Cities had achieved communication coverage, Su Chen believed that every Base City must be very lively.

In addition to communication, the network of the G era has also been opened, and they can now go online!

For some middle-aged people, who were the internet-addicted youth before the Apocalypse, what is it like to not touch the internet for thirty years?

Now they can go online, even if it's just a very simple forum, it is enough to excite them for a long time.

"Hahaha, the first post is mine, I am destined to be remembered in history!" a post suddenly appeared on the forum.

"Darn, the first floor was snatched by the guy above me, oh well, the second floor is mine."

"Why are you guys so fast, are you octopuses? Why is our internet speed different?"

This place was instantly flooded with a large number of spam posts. There was no way, they hadn't been online for a long time, so they were just venting.

Gradually, some serious posts began to appear, such as analysis of the Mutant Beast division and other topics, making many people aware of the situation in other places.

Some people mentioned a particularly bad situation in a Base City.

This Base City is located on an island, which is not small in size but surrounded by the sea. The number of Mutant Beasts in the ocean is terrifying, and they attack the Base City every once in a while. The people in this Base City have long been unable to bear it.

This Base City is also the only one without a Gathering Place nearby.

Other Base Cities had to drive away some people because of their large population, but here, they welcomed as many people as possible. The losses of human beings in each battle are too difficult to replenish.

According to this person, although Base City had been attacked before, the frequency and number were not high. However, in the recent months, something happened to the ocean Mutant Beasts, and the frequency of attacks increased. Each time, it was like a sea of Mutant Beasts, making the people of Base City desperate.

This Base City is called Haichen City, a second-level Base City.

It was just promoted from a third-level Base City to a second-level one, and the Controller is a Seventh Order peak Transcendent.

"Controller, the ocean Mutant Beasts have appeared again!"

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