Published at 28th of June 2024 05:53:33 AM

Chapter 181: The Secret of the Eighth Order Mutant Beast

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Chapter 181: The Secret of the Eighth Order Mutant Beast

The Giant Squid had never encountered a king-level Mutant Beast in the ocean, and the strongest one it had encountered was only a peak Seventh Order. However, those peak Seventh Order Mutant Beasts were no match for it.

During this time, it had eaten many Seventh Order Mutant Beasts, and its strength had improved significantly since the beginning. Although it had not yet reached the Eighth Order, it was not far off.

The Giant Squid tightly coiled its numerous tentacles around the Shark King's body. Its body was not a hundred meters long, but it was still over ninety meters in size, and it was no problem at all to bind the Shark King.

The only difference was that the Shark King was an Eighth Order Mutant Beast, and it had its own territory!

The Shark King roared loudly, and a light blue film appeared around its body. This was its territory, the water territory.

This kind of territory could enhance its strength by at least thirty percent in the water!

For a king-level Mutant Beast, how terrifying it was to increase its strength by thirty percent!

The Shark King, who had been struggling to break free, suddenly shook its body violently and bit off one of the Giant Squid's tentacles.

The Giant Squid screamed in pain and its other tentacles once again swept over the Shark King. In the Giant Squid's mind, there was only one thing: to complete Commander's command, tightly entangle the Shark King, even if it died!

All Red Alert units would never disobey Su Chen's orders, even if it was just a biological weapon.

In addition to its huge size, the Giant Squid had two abilities. One was parasitic ability, which was similar to the Octopus King's ability. However, the difference was that the unit parasitized by the Giant Squid would be blocked and unable to move.

Of course, it could still attack.This chapter was first shared on the Ñøv€lß1n platform.

The second ability of the Giant Squid was its super recovery ability.

The tentacle that had just been bitten off by the Shark King was visibly recovering at an alarming rate.

During the attack just now, the Giant Squid was constantly using its parasitic attack, but the Shark King's strength was too strong. It had to parasitize more to truly block all its movements.

"We humans are very good at learning and creating. Based on some information you revealed, some people speculated that mental power is also a type of wave, so they invented this."

East Emperor took out a silver iron piece from his body, and before Octopus King could speak, East Emperor explained, "This is a device that can shield mental power. You can try it and see if you can contact other eighth-order Mutant Beasts."

Octopus King was a little uneasy in his heart, so he tried it and found that the sound did not go through, as if it had disappeared into the void.

It should be noted that it was not very far from Octopus King to Shark King, and Shark King did not respond to it, which was simply impossible.

"It seems that you have noticed that your mental power has been blocked, but our human mobile phone signals have not been blocked. Someone just told me some good news." East Emperor's mouth lifted, revealing a smug smile. "Someone has taken action and stopped Shark King."

"Impossible! Your human rulers only have eight, and the closest one is you. The other rulers can't make it in time. You are lying to me!" Octopus King didn't believe it at all.

"Is that so?" East Emperor pressed a button on the silver iron piece, and the next second, Shark King's heart-wrenching voice appeared in Octopus King's mind.

"Octopus King, come and save me!"

Octopus King was shocked and immediately wanted to go back, but East Emperor's figure appeared in front of it in an instant.

"Octopus King, it seems you have forgotten about me. It was you who stopped me just now, and now it's reversed."

"Get out of here!" Octopus King was furious and disdained the rough seas.

East Emperor didn't bother to speak and took action directly. There was no problem on that side, but he had to stop Octopus King.

"Octopus King, it won't be long before your ocean Mutant Beasts lose a king-level Mutant Beast!" East Emperor shouted.

Although he said so, East Emperor was actually very curious. The message came from Emperor Ming, who only said one sentence: "Leave the Hai Chen City side to Su Chen, and you are responsible for holding Octopus King."

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