Published at 28th of June 2024 05:53:30 AM

Chapter 183: Mecha Technology

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Chapter 183: Mecha Technology

Amazing, my System!

System seemed to sense Su Chen's confusion and took the initiative to speak: "The first two explanations for the evolutionary direction of the Giant Squid's magic pattern type can go in two directions. It can continue to dominate in the ocean, or it can become a flying Mutant Beast in the sky. As for the last question mark, that is an unknown evolutionary direction."

"What does magic pattern type mean?"

"Originally, the Giant Squid had no special abilities. Its only defense was still dependent on its parasite. After becoming a magic pattern type, it will gradually develop some unique abilities, such as controlling water, and so on."

"So, you mean that the Giant Squid, which originally only relied on its body, like a warrior, can become a mage in the future?" Su Chen's eyes lit up.

Just think about it. The Giant Squid, which already had strong melee strength, suddenly gained magical abilities, which could compensate for its weakness in long-range combat. Its strength would increase greatly.

"That's basically how you can understand it."

"How can I make my subordinates evolve?" Su Chen did not forget that since System had opened the plan template for him, other units might also continue to evolve.

"The first method requires killing or devouring a large number of Mutant Beasts, and then there is a certain probability of evolution when upgrading to a higher level. The second method is only possible when the master's authority is raised to level 8."

"Huh, didn't you used to refuse to tell me anything beyond my authority?" Su Chen keenly noticed this.

"The fact that the master encountered the Zerg ahead of time was unexpected to me, so I can appropriately tell the master some things."

Su Chen did not continue to ask. He knew System's temperament. If it didn't want to say something, no amount of coercion would work.

Su Chen did not expect that as long as his authority reached level 8, he could allow his subordinates to freely activate the evolution mode. This was good news for him.

Originally, even if the Giant Squid broke through the eighth level, its strength would not be stronger than it is now. After a successful evolution, the strength of any creature would increase significantly.

Su Chen knew that the reason why the Giant Squid was able to break through was not only because of the Shark King's body, but also because the Giant Squid had been devouring various Mutant Beasts in the ocean, and the quantity had caused a qualitative change, leading to this result.

He didn't know when the dolphins would evolve.

Just as Su Chen was thinking this, he suddenly realized that there was an additional piece of information in the evolution template.

Su Yi (Commander)

Su Yi only faintly felt that his body was somewhat different, but he didn't think too much about it.

"Where did these monsters come from?"

"We've sent people to investigate, but we don't know the specific situation yet."

Su Chen pondered. The appearance of these monsters seemed to have been altered by humans, but how could things modified by humans turn against themselves? Could it be that these monsters had gone out of control?

As a result of the investigation, it was discovered that Linglong City's people had found a deeply hidden research base less than one hundred kilometers away from Base City, where almost all the people inside had been killed by these monsters.

According to the survivors, they had been conducting research there since before the Apocalypse, and all contact with the outside world had been cut off. They had no idea that the outside had become like this.

"Thirty years of research, and no one wanted to go outside?" Su Chen didn't believe it.

"Commander, that base has a self-sustaining ecological environment, and those who went in signed an agreement saying that this research might last for decades, allowing them to focus on their research inside. For the researchers, research is their life, and they don't care about anything else," Su Yi said.

"What kind of research is worth their sleepless nights, just these monsters?" Su Chen felt that these people might have been foolish in their research. After all, it had been thirty years.

No, it might have been more than thirty years. They had been conducting research before the Apocalypse.

"According to the people inside, they were researching many things, and these half-machine, half-beast monsters were just one of them. The most important thing was... mecha!"

Su Chen's eyes lit up. Mecha. This was what he wanted the most, but so far, he had only won a Tengu mecha in a lottery, and there had been no research results yet.

"You mean that base has mecha technology? How is that possible? Earth's technology shouldn't be that advanced," Su Chen questioned.

"It was said that the mecha technology was obtained from a certain ruin. However, they have been researching it for decades and haven't fully understood it," Su Yi replied.

"How many people know about this?"

"Only Linglong and I," Su Yi was very certain.

"Okay, bring the people who know about this back to the base and don't let anyone else get close to them. This mecha technology, I want it!"

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