Published at 28th of June 2024 05:53:24 AM

Chapter 186: Human Frontline

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Chapter 186: Human Frontline

On the entire planet, humans only occupy one-third of the previous area, while the rest is occupied by Mutant Beasts and Mutants.

Humans have established various Base Cities in the remaining areas to protect the remaining human population.

The so-called frontline is the place where Mutant Beasts invade and is found in many areas. The four main frontlines are as follows: East Emperor guards the eastern front, Western Emperor guards the western front, South Emperor guards the southern front, and Emperor Kong guards the northern front after the fall of the previous North Emperor in the last great war.

Emperor Ming is stationed in the center and is the only human emperor with the greatest mobility.

Currently, humans have three emperors, making it easier for humans overall and less strenuous than before. However, Mutant Beasts still exist in human territory, but most of the elite Mutant Beasts are on the frontlines.

The eighth-order Mutant Beasts are aware that if they defeat humans on the frontlines, humans will lose at least a quarter of their fighting capability because the elites are stationed there.

Similarly, there are a few eighth-order Mutant Beasts in human territory, such as Lizard Dragon and Golden Peng. The former is hidden too deeply and has been dormant, making it difficult to detect. The latter is too fast, and no one except the emperor can stop it.

Other Mutant Beast emperors are outside of human territory, and the only true human territory is the Base City. Everything around it is vulnerable to Mutant Beast attacks. If humans did not frequently kill the Mutant Beasts around the Base City, there would be more of them.

Even within the Base City, life is difficult due to the brutal frontline. Every so often, various Base Cities must send soldiers and criminals to the frontlines to defend humanity. Except for the Controllers, the Transcendents living in the Base City are not the strongest.

Su Chen is going to send Leng Yuwei to the battlefield to unlock her potential and help her become an eighth-order powerhouse as soon as possible. Otherwise, if Leng Yuwei dies, the entire planet will be doomed.

Of course, Su Chen is considering the possibility of unexpected events on the battlefield and is preparing to have Erhua accompany her. He has increased Erhua's strength to the peak of the Seventh Order, so even an eighth-order Mutant Beast can be stopped if Erhua unleashes its full power. This way, Erhua can help Leng Yuwei escape.

Erhua is not too happy about the mission after Dahua's absence. It has become the new top dog, and it's going to miss the good old days. But Commander's orders are absolute, and it can't refuse, so it reluctantly looked back at the base and followed Leng Yuwei onto the plane.The inaugural upload of this chapter took place via N0v3l-B1n.

"Sanha, I'm leaving the Hounds at the base to you." Su Chen appoints.

He saw a team of ten Navy SEALs quietly infiltrate the area where the monsters were located. Suddenly, their combat suits began to change color, turning pure white and perfectly blending in with the surrounding snow!

At this point, Su Chen suddenly realized that Navy SEALs did indeed have this kind of effect. In an environment of ice and snow, their clothing could change color, making it easier for them to blend in.

With this effect, their presence was almost invisible to the naked eye, relying only on smell.

However, in winter, smells are not as prominent, and even the strengths of Hounds can't be fully utilized. These monsters seem to have been modified and appear to have lost their sense of smell, making it even less likely for them to detect the Navy SEALs.

After a while, these Navy SEALs easily made it to the back, where they saw the entrance to the research base.

After a period of time, no other monsters seemed to appear, and the captain beckoned lightly. Immediately, all the team members orderly entered the research base.

At this point, Su Chen decisively switched to the captain's perspective and saw a vast space. It seemed to be a hall, with some objects falling on the ground and some bloodstains, but no corpses were seen.

"Do these monsters eat corpses?"

As the Navy SEALs delved deeper, they found that the area was much larger than the underground lab that Su Chen had discovered before, at least ten times larger!

"Commander, we found a laboratory with many jars inside. Those monsters should have appeared from these jars," the captain said.

"No, check the number of jars carefully."

The captain checked and realized the problem: "There are clearly no more than a thousand jars here, so why are there nearly 100,000 monsters outside?"

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