Published at 28th of June 2024 05:53:17 AM

Chapter 189: Battlefield

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Chapter 189: Battlefield

The Eastern Front was filled with the smell of gunpowder, and the ground was covered with the bodies of Mutant Beasts and humans. Everyone's eyes were bloodshot, and their only thought was to kill the Mutant Beast in front of them.

"Die, Mutant Beasts! I've killed 78 of you, I'm making a fortune, hahaha!" A soldier chopped off the head of a Mutant Beast and laughed like crazy.

"Watch out!" someone nearby shouted a warning, but the soldier reacted too slowly.


The soldier's head was eaten on the spot, leaving only a headless body that fell to the ground. The sound of his laughter seemed to still echo in the air.

"The bastard, I'll kill you!" The soldier who had given the warning was angry and rushed forward to fight the Mutant Beast.

This kind of situation was common on the battlefield. Humans did not have walls, and if they only defended, it would be very disadvantageous. Humans had to fight the Mutant Beasts outside in order to train their warriors.

The Mutant Beasts had the same idea. Only those who could survive the battlefield were the most elite warriors.

Leng Yuwei arrived at such a place. When she came here for the first time, she was deeply shocked by the cruelty of the battlefield.

Before this, she had gone on a mission with Su Chen's subordinates, but the scale and brutality of that mission were far less than what she was seeing now.

To be honest, she was stunned at first.

It was only when the Hounds around her reminded her that she had to act that she rushed forward.

On the Eastern Front, military management was implemented. Everyone who came here was a Soldier and had to obey orders, even if it meant being ordered to die. You had to obey!

The only outcome for those who disobeyed was death!

Deserters were also dead!

There was a cruelty here that Base City could not even look at. Otherwise, this would not be a place where many criminals would rather die than go to the front lines to fight.

Many criminals would rather die than fight on the front lines. For those whose crimes were not serious, killing enemies here could reduce their time in prison, but for those with serious crimes, they had to fight until they died!

For example, the fate of the Controller who gave Crocodile King the city wall technology last time was to fight on the front lines until he died, and no one could plead for him.

"Fortunately, I brought some Energy Crystals with me before I left. Su Chen, why is he so good to me?" For a moment, Leng Yuwei was lost in thought.

"Big shot, another Sixth Order Mutant Beast is coming!" Someone shouted.

A wolf Mutant Beast rushed towards Leng Yuwei. It sensed that Leng Yuwei posed the greatest threat to it, so it charged directly at her.

The people around suddenly realized that something was wrong. The big shot seemed... distracted?

"Oh no, the big shot is in danger!" They widened their eyes and wanted to go help, but their speed was too slow.

"Ah?" Leng Yuwei finally came to her senses and instinctively wanted to counterattack, but the wolf was faster. Its fangs were less than twenty centimeters away from her, and she could even smell the stench in its mouth.


A dog's bark sounded, and a black figure flashed by. Those people saw that the docile dog that had been following Leng Yuwei suddenly bit off the wolf's neck. Blood spattered on its body, and at that moment, it looked like a wolf!

"Erhua, thank you." Leng Yuwei felt a bit embarrassed and touched Erhua's fur.

"Wang." Erhua shook its head. Its mission was to protect Leng Yuwei. Whenever Leng Yuwei was in danger, it was time for it to show up.

Those people couldn't believe what they were seeing. Some of them had almost been injured by the Mutant Beasts, and now a dog had killed a wolf. Was this some kind of joke?

"I was wrong. That dog is actually a Sixth Order Mutant Beast. This beauty is really strong, not only has she reached Sixth Order herself, but even her tamed dog has reached Sixth Order too." Someone envied.

"Damn, isn't that like having two Sixth Order powerhouses? We're so lucky."

In general, there were very few Seventh Order or higher powerhouses on the battlefield. Even if there were, their battlefield was not a place where ordinary people could approach.

In other words, the strongest here were generally Sixth Order peak, and with Leng Yuwei's initial Sixth Order strength, she was considered a strong person here.

On her first battle here, Leng Yuwei stood out and became a small captain, commanding 50 people. This was considered a good record.

But the good times didn't last long. Within two days, there was an incident where the East Emperor was injured. On this day, Mutant Beasts attacked like a tide, and humans could only rely on the city walls for defense."

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