Published at 28th of June 2024 05:59:28 AM

Chapter 19: Crisis of Death

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Chapter 19: Crisis of Death

Countless Mutant Beasts rushed towards them, causing even the ground to shake slightly. Along with the shaking, the hearts of the people in the Gathering Place also trembled.

They had always heard that many Gathering Places had been destroyed by Mutant Beasts, but since it had never happened to them, they had always treated it as a topic of conversation. However, now that it was happening right in front of them, they were afraid.

"Boss, are we going to die today? I really don't want to die. I haven't even had a girlfriend yet," Luo Hang said with a bitter smile.

Leng Yuwei comforted him, "The scale of these Mutant Beasts doesn't seem to be very large, maybe we still have hope of surviving."

In reality, Leng Yuwei knew that their chances of survival were very small. She felt an unbeatable aura from the first few Mutant Beasts in front of them. These were at least third-tier Mutant Beasts.

She was only a second-tier early-stage Transcendent, and even the strongest person in the Gathering Place, Ma Sanyan, was only a Second-tier Peak. Facing a third-tier early-stage Mutant Beast, they might not be able to withstand it, let alone these Mutant Beasts that looked like they were not just third-tier early-stage.

"I didn't expect to encounter a Mutant Beast invasion so soon. If we really have no choice, then we can only..."

Just as the three of them were lost in thought, they heard someone shout, "The Mutant Beasts are coming, 500 meters away... 400 meters away... 100 meters away!"

For Mutant Beasts, this distance was just a charge away. Surprisingly, with so many Mutant Beasts, they didn't charge forward immediately. Instead, they stopped 100 meters away from the Gathering Place.

A white-furred sheepdog walked out with noble steps and kept barking at them.

Woof woof woof...

The people in the Gathering Place were confused. They knew the dog was speaking, but the problem was that they didn't understand dog language.

Mutant Beasts had their own language, and among Transcendents, there were those who had the ability to communicate with Mutant Beasts. They had heard that advanced Mutant Beasts could speak human language, but they had never seen one.

After barking for a while, the sheepdog seemed to realize that these humans couldn't understand it, so it took out a cardboard and had a monkey-like Mutant Beast write something on it, then threw it over.

As the strongest person in the Gathering Place, Ma Sanyan walked over and picked up the cardboard.

But when he saw what was written on it, his face turned black. What the hell was this gibberish!

There were indeed words written on it, but they were so messy and illegible that even cursive handwriting looked neater. Who the hell could read this?

"Ah!" Suddenly, a scream rang out. A Mutant Beast's horn pierced through a person's chest, and then the person was shot to death by others.

This person was the first to die, but definitely not the last.

As the firepower weakened, the Mutant Beasts, who had suffered heavy casualties, finally charged into the Gathering Place. The slaughter began at that moment.

The power of the Mutant Beasts is not something ordinary people can withstand. Without firearms, these ordinary people would be seriously injured even if they were lightly touched by a Mutant Beast.

Only Transcendents can face a first-order Mutant Beast head-on, but even first-order Transcendents rarely engage in close combat with Mutant Beasts. They mostly use firearms.

In just a few minutes, these ordinary people with firearms were almost all killed or injured, and the smell of blood was overwhelming.

"Boss, can we take action now?" a subordinate asked Ma Sanyan.

Some people call him Ma Sanyan in private, but these subordinates all call him "Boss."

Ma Sanyan took a deep drag on his cigarette and said, "Bring out all those area-of-effect weapons and kill these Mutant Beasts."

He felt a pang of pain as he said this.

Even for him, it was not easy to obtain these weapons. This was his savings for more than ten years.

"In this world, besides hope coins, all kinds of weapons are valuable. Anything that can help you survive in this world is valuable."

Then a series of explosions occurred where the Mutant Beasts were located, and all the Mutant Beasts were blown to pieces.

The power of these weapons was no worse than Leng Yuwei's ice grenades, and some were even more powerful.

This time, Ma Sanyan spared no expense to survive. Anyone would use any means necessary to survive.

But when the next batch of Mutant Beasts entered the Gathering Place, and almost all of them were second-order Mutant Beasts, a hint of despair appeared in Ma Sanyan's eyes.

Some of these Mutant Beasts were as strong as him. Even if they fought with all their might, did they really have a chance to survive until the end?

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