Published at 28th of June 2024 05:53:17 AM

Chapter 190: No, We Have Reinforcements!

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Chapter 190: No, We Have Reinforcements!

"Fire, fire!" The soldiers roared.

The middle of the battlefield was chaotic. Normally, the Cannon fire wasn't aimed at this area; all the Cannon fire was aimed at the rear.

Although Mutant Beasts didn't have weapons like Cannon fire, they still had the ability to attack from a distance.

Some of the giant Mutant Beasts threw trees, rocks, and other objects towards the humans behind them. These attacks were no less powerful than Cannon fire. If hit, even low-level Transcendents would certainly die.

In the sky, a squadron of Helicopters and Fighter Jets fought against flying Mutant Beasts. They fought back and forth, with aircraft occasionally crashing or a flying Mutant Beast falling to the ground.

This was a battle between races, with nothing to say. The rule was: when they met, one side would die.

At this time, Leng Yuwei was not conspicuous in the battlefield. The number of Sixth Order Transcendents that appeared here increased.

This was a large-scale Mutant Beast attack, and all the stronger humans who were resting behind the city walls were mobilized.This chapter was first shared on the Ñøv€lß1n platform.

"We cannot retreat. Once we lose this battle, Mutant Beasts will be able to enter our human territory at will. Do you want to see your families being eaten by Mutant Beasts?" A peak Sixth Order Transcendent shouted with raised arms.

"No!" The soldiers were full of fighting spirit.

"Very good, these losers!"

Encouraged by their leader, the human soldiers showed their courage, and they managed to push back the large group of Mutant Beasts for a distance.

In the battlefield, there were some empty spaces where no one dared to approach.

These empty spaces were where Seventh Order Transcendents and Seventh Order Mutant Beasts fought.

Their strength was beyond that of others, even peak Sixth Order Transcendents couldn't help much. This was a battle of soldiers against soldiers, generals against generals.

As for the strongest Emperors, their battles were unknown to others.

At this time, there were two figures in the sky. One was the Eastern Emperor, and the other was the Octopus King.

The Octopus King transformed into a person, becoming a middle-aged man with a cunning expression.

"Eastern Emperor, what do you humans have to compete with us? Numbers or strength? No matter which one, we will crush you." The Octopus King was very proud.

Ten flares were launched, illuminating the sky and making the entire battlefield as bright as day. This allowed humans to see the surrounding situation clearly, and they were able to barely resist the trend of retreat.

However, the flares only helped them level the playing field and could not defeat the Mutant Beasts.

At this moment, the Octopus King suddenly laughed and said, "The battle is too boring. Let me add some fun for them."

"What do you want to do!" Eastern Emperor was shocked and instinctively made a move, but it was too late.


Accompanied by the sound of the Octopus King snapping his fingers, some human soldiers who were fighting Mutant Beasts suddenly turned around and aimed their weapons at their own comrades.

"What are you doing?"

"Why are you killing me?"

Countless questions appeared in the minds of these soldiers. Some of them could not even think, and they were killed on the spot.

These sudden betrayals dealt a heavy blow to humanity. They couldn't imagine why their comrades, who were just fighting for their lives, would turn against them in the next second.

"Parasites?" Eastern Emperor's voice was as cold as ice. He had forgotten that the Octopus King had the ability to parasitize, and this kind of parasitic ability was difficult to detect with current human technology. He did not expect so many parasites to appear among the soldiers.

"How about that? It's interesting, isn't it?" The Octopus King laughed.

The Eastern Emperor punched the Octopus King, but he did not resist and instead dodged.

"Attention everyone, kill those who have betrayed. They have been parasitized by the Octopus King and are no longer your comrades," the Eastern Emperor's voice spread throughout the battlefield.


After a round of killing, humans suffered heavy casualties again. Some young soldiers looked confused, wondering if they could still hold off the Mutant Beasts after losing so many people.

"We are finished! There is no reinforcement!" A soldier suddenly burst into tears.

"No, we have reinforcements!" (To be continued...)

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