Published at 28th of June 2024 05:53:14 AM

Chapter 192: Red Alert Army, Sweeping the Battlefield!

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Chapter 192: Red Alert Army, Sweeping the Battlefield!

The Controller took a hit, touched his nose, and said nothing.

If anyone else dared to speak to him like that, he would make sure they knew the authority of a Controller.

He glanced at the mutated dog beside Leng Yuwei and was certain that it was not just a Sixth Order mutated dog, but one even stronger than himself, likely at least at the level of a Seventh Order mid-stage.

The Controller noticed that even Leng Yuwei looked surprised at the mutated dog's strength, indicating that she did not know how strong it was either.

"No wonder Su Chen asked me not to leave Erhua before leaving. Erhua is so powerful," Leng Yuwei realized that Su Chen had saved her once again.

Since Erhua was Su Chen's dog, saving Erhua was the same as Su Chen saving her.

"This is not the place to talk. The battle is not over yet. I'll go help the others. If you want to, you can go over there and help," the Controller said.

With only three Controllers on the battlefield, he could go assist one person and combine the strength of two Controllers to kill a Seventh Order Mutant Beast.

Soon, all three Seventh Order Mutant Beasts were dead. The terror of three Controllers with nothing to do was evident from the sight of the Mutant Beasts constantly retreating.

In the midst of the battle, the Octopus King suddenly realized that his Mutant Beasts were retreating. What was going on?This chapter was first shared on the Ñøv€lß1n platform.

"Hmm? Where are my Seventh Order subordinates?" Octopus King was shocked.

He saw that the three human Controllers were unscathed, while all three of his own Seventh Order subordinates were dead.

These were the elite among his subordinates, and even among the same level, they would not be weaker than a human Seventh Order. How could they have died so easily without even injuring a single Controller?

Of course, Octopus King did not know that a woman and a dog had changed the entire battle.

"Octopus King, it seems that you have failed again," Eastern Emperor mockingly said.

"No, I haven't failed. As long as I can kill Emperor Yu, everything will be worth it!" Octopus King shouted.

On the other side, Emperor Yu had multiple wounds on his body. As an emperor, he was still too weak and was facing two Eighth Order Mutant Beasts.

"Eastern Emperor, it doesn't matter if I die. You can't die. If necessary, I'll take these two beasts with me!" Emperor Yu sneered.

These words seemed to scare the two Eighth Order Mutant Beasts. They knew that Emperor Yu still had some strength left, and they did not want to be taken down with him.

They only needed to slowly wear down Emperor Yu, and he would eventually be finished.

"Damn, are these suicide trucks? Their power is much greater than any missile!"

If it was only the power of the explosion, that wouldn't be anything special. What was crucial was that the self-destructing trucks carried their own radiation!

That area immediately turned green. As long as any Mutant Beast passed through there, it would be exposed to radiation and turn green, dying on the spot.

This world had not been exposed to nuclear radiation, so they did not have much understanding of its power. They only knew that some chemical elements could produce some radiation.

When they saw the power of the radiation for the first time, they were all shocked.

Of course, there were also the Neural Assault Vehicles that had shown their capabilities in the last battle, as well as the appearance of the Grenade Launchers that could launch cannons from a distance and had decent power.

The most outstanding of them all was the Terror Robots, which appeared on the battlefield for the first time.

They were small in size, resembling a spider, fast-moving, and very agile, making them the killers of Tanks and soldiers!

These Terror Robots quickly moved around in the Mutant Beasts, finding their weaknesses and stabbing them with their sharp claws, taking them down with a single blow.

They were able to dodge attacks with their speed, even avoiding their own allies' attacks. They were the shadow assassins on the battlefield!

Compared to these weapons, the Red Alert troops had nothing to do. They only guarded around the weapons.

Since the appearance of the Red Alert Army, the soldiers found that they had nothing to do.

"Brothers, which Base City are you reinforcements from? How come you're so strong? I've never heard of it before," someone asked.

"We're Soldiers from the Red Alert Base, sent by the Commander to support the Eastern Front," the Soldier replied.

"Red Alert Base? Where is that?"

Not everyone knew about the Red Alert Base, but they all knew about the Red Alert Group. When they heard from the Soldier that the Red Alert Group belonged to the Red Alert Base, they were all stunned.

Seeing that the battlefield was decided, the Eastern Emperor laughed, "Octopus King, you've lost this time."

"You damn bastard, where did these people come from?"

Octopus King was furious and ready to use all his power to defeat the Eastern Emperor and then kill Emperor Yu. In that instant, a chilling attack appeared behind him. (To be continued)

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