Published at 28th of June 2024 05:53:13 AM

Chapter 193: "Stick Your Head Over Here, I'll Give You a Buff"

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Chapter 193: "Stick Your Head Over Here, I'll Give You a Buff"


A cold glint flickered, and a huge wound appeared on the back of the Octopus King. He immediately retreated a few hundred meters before looking back.

Standing in the spot where the Octopus King had been was a man in military uniform, none other than Su Yi!

Su Yi held a dagger in one hand and his eyes were sharp and piercing. He looked at the Octopus King as if he were... food!

That's right, in Su Yi's eyes, the Octopus King was just food. He loved roasted octopus, after all.

"What kind of look is that?" Octopus King was furious. How could he not see the strange look in Su Yi's eyes? He was the only one who saw humans as food. It was the first time someone saw him as food!

This was a great humiliation!


Octopus King roared and his body instantly swelled, turning into a giant octopus over a hundred meters tall. His true form appeared and he descended from the sky. It wasn't that he couldn't fly, but that if his body was too big, it would consume too much energy.

Octopus King's true form landed on the ground, instantly crushing a large number of Mutant Beasts. Unfortunately, even faced with the Octopus King, Mutant Beasts dared not speak out in anger.

Countless huge tentacles reached out towards Su Yi and Eastern Emperor. It was actually challenging two opponents at once!

Eastern Emperor was an Eighth Order Mid-Term who was seriously injured, while Su Yi was an 8th Order Early-Term. In the eyes of the Octopus King, he had the advantage.

At least until Emperor Yu was finished, the two 8th Order Mutant Beasts would be too busy to deal with him. Then he would win!

"Octopus King's body is too large, and he doesn't have an obvious weakness. It's difficult to kill him. You go help Emperor Yu, I'll take care of this." Eastern Emperor shouted to Su Yi.

Just as Su Yi was about to speak, he was stunned for a moment, then said to Eastern Emperor, "Stick your head over here, I'll give you a buff."

"And you too." He said to Emperor Yu.

Eastern Emperor: "???"

Emperor Yu: "???"

Both emperors were stunned by Su Yi's words. What was going on?

"No!" The eighth-order Mutant Beast felt the fatal danger and a large amount of water appeared all over its body. It actually had the Water Stand.

"Water? What a pity." Emperor Yu chuckled lightly. The feathers that had gathered all his strength penetrated the Water Stand and directly severed its neck.

An early-term eighth-order Mutant Beast died!

The other early-term eighth-order Mutant Beast saw this scene and no longer cared about anything, and ran away directly.

"You bastard, come back to me!" Octopus King was almost driven crazy.

It had brought two eighth-order Mutant Beasts to help and thought it could easily break through the Eastern Frontline this time.

As a result, one Eastern Emperor was not enough, and there was another Emperor Yu and this unfamiliar eighth-order human. When did so many emperors pop up among humans?

What made it most angry was that the eighth-order Mutant Beast ran away, leaving it facing three emperors alone!

Octopus King was in a difficult situation!

"No, I am definitely not a match for three emperors. I must run!" Octopus King had the intention to retreat. It was an eighth-order Mutant Beast. How could it die here?

"Flood the Eastern Frontline!" Octopus King roared.

Suddenly, the water covered the entire battlefield.

It must be said that Octopus King's strength was really strong, and only its Stand could reach such a large range.

"What's that sound?" Someone heard a strange sound coming from a distance.

Someone used a telescope to see what was happening in the distance and shouted in shock, "Oh no, a tsunami is coming!"

"How is that possible? There is still a distance from the coast here. How could there be a tsunami..." The person's words could not continue because he saw the huge tsunami.

The tsunami was hundreds of meters high, covering the sky and the earth, surging and bringing the breath of death.

According to this scale, only Transcendents above the seventh-order could survive, and everyone else would be killed by the tsunami.

Despair appeared in the eyes of humans. The Eastern Frontline was really finished this time.

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