Published at 28th of June 2024 05:53:06 AM

Chapter 197: Chrono Legionnaire

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Chapter 197: Chrono Legionnaire

Su Chen really wanted to criticize, how do you usually drink water?

Of course, the real reason is that in an environment with water, the combat effectiveness of the Lizard Dragon will decrease, dropping to a level weaker than the Seventh Order peak.

Even so, the Lizard Dragon is still a formidable force and was teleported to this sub-base by Su Chen.

Seeing water everywhere, the Lizard Dragon instinctively felt disgust, but Su Chen's command was stronger than this feeling of disgust, so it reluctantly went into the water.


The Lizard Dragon transformed into its true form, and now its height exceeded a hundred meters, which means its strength has increased.

Since its core merged with the sub-base, the sub-base's strength has been enhanced, and its strength has increased accordingly.

Originally, the Lizard Dragon's aura was that of an Eighth Order, but when its body entered the water, the aura began to decline, falling below the Eighth Order.

With the Lizard Dragon, this sub-base finally has the capital to contend with the Flood Dragon King. However, this is still not enough, Su Chen needs more help.

He thought carefully, what else can be used to deal with the Flood Dragon King, and at this moment, a type of soldier flashed through his mind.


Su Chen slapped the table and his expression was very excited: "System, are you sure that all the other types of soldiers, except for your conditions, can be used?"

"That's right."

"In that case, don't blame me for using the ace in the hole."

Soon, a soldier wearing a white combat suit and holding a uniquely shaped gun appeared in this sub-base.

His arrival was very low-key and was not noticed by other soldiers. Later, he boarded an armed helicopter and flew over the river.

At this time, a huge figure in the distance of the river was rushing towards them at high speed, it was the angry Flood Dragon King.

The Flood Dragon King is really going crazy. It is a variant of a snake and can be said to be the only one of its kind among the mutant beasts. It gave itself a title, the Flood Dragon King.

Giant Squid approached and tried to bind the Flood Dragon King with its tentacles, but the Flood Dragon King shook its body and they flew out.

The sonar attack of the dolphins seemed to have some effect, but the Flood Dragon King controlled the water flow and knocked all the dolphins out of the water.

All attacks were ineffective against the Flood Dragon King!

Not only that, but the water flow around the Flood Dragon King made Lizard Dragon's body retreat a step, and its defense stance was almost shattered.

The Flood Dragon King's eyes lit up. It found that Lizard Dragon's strength did not seem to have reached the eighth order. Could it be that its strength had weakened?

"Hahaha, Lizard Dragon, you are really a waste! No wonder there has been no movement from you since you became an eighth-order Mutant Beast. It turns out that your strength is only this weak? Too weak, too weak, you are not worthy of being called a king!" The Flood Dragon King mocked loudly.

Lizard Dragon did not speak. It was struggling to hold on.

If it were not for Lizard Dragon's defense, the Flood Dragon King's attack would have destroyed the warships. Compared with eighth-order Mutant Beasts, the power of warships was still too weak.

The Flood Dragon King continued to mock incessantly. Perhaps it had never been so happy before, suppressing another eighth-order Mutant Beast. It could brag about this for ten years!

Just then, a translucent beam suddenly appeared and hit the triumphant Flood Dragon King.

In that instant, the Flood Dragon King's body seemed to be suspended, unable to move.

The water around it lost the Flood Dragon King's control and fell from the sky, with no response.

The source of the beam was from an armed helicopter, and upon closer inspection, the beam was actually emitted from the weapon held by a soldier in a white combat suit.

Like the Flood Dragon King, the soldier who fired the beam also entered a state of immobility.

"It's a Chrono Legionnaire!" A soldier recognized the identity of the person, causing many soldiers to be surprised.

It should be noted that even in the main base, it was rare to see this special unit of soldiers. In fact, most soldiers had never even heard of the existence of this unit. The last time they dealt with the Zerg Brood, this Chrono Legionnaire was just a reserve and had not yet taken action.

This time was the first time the Chrono Legionnaire had truly taken action. (To be continued)

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