Published at 28th of June 2024 05:53:03 AM

Chapter 199: Folk Version

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Chapter 199: Folk Version

The struggle between humans and Mutant Beasts has never ended. The Eastern Front may have been calm for a day, but the next day saw a large number of Mutant Beasts attacking again.

The other three fronts were the same, with the only difference being the absence of Eighth Order Mutant Beasts.

Nowadays, human strength is getting stronger and stronger, and Mutant Beasts have lost several Eighth Order Mutant Beasts, which has made them a little uneasy.

During the Five Emperors era, humans were able to withstand them, and now with three more emperors, they were able to withstand even the Octopus King's attacks. This makes the human threat even greater.

"No, we absolutely cannot let humans continue to grow stronger. Let's start a big war!" said a radical Eighth Order Mutant Beast.

"That's easy for you to say, but who will be responsible if we die in the end? Or do you want to die yourself?" sneered another Eighth Order Mutant Beast.

"Do you want to see humans continue to grow stronger and eventually turn against us? Have you not seen how terrifying their growth rate is?" the radical one retorted.

"However strong humans may become, they will never be stronger than us Mutant Beasts. Even if they rely on numbers, we can still overwhelm them."

The Eighth Order Mutant Beasts argued with each other, but no one could convince the other.

"Shut up!" At this moment, a voice interrupted their conversation.

Although Eighth Order Mutant Beasts can only communicate with other Eighth Order Mutant Beasts they know, there is a special situation where almost all Eighth Order Mutant Beasts can communicate with each other, like joining a group chat.

The only one who can create such a group is the only Mutant Beast among them with strength reaching the late Eighth Order - Wind Tide.

As for the details of this Mutant Beast, few Mutant Beasts know about it. They rarely speak in the group, only when there is a major event happening.

Wind Tide, an Eighth Order Mid-Term Mutant Beast, had just told them to shut up.

"After the last big war, we had only one Eighth Order Mutant Beast left. Now, our number has reached 8. In terms of quantity and strength, we Mutant Beasts still dominate the Earth!" Wind Tide's voice appeared in the minds of every Eighth Order Mutant Beast.

"There are only 8 human emperors, apart from the three new ones and four Eighth Order Mid-Term emperors, the only person we need to pay attention to is South Emperor!"

At that moment, the image of a man appeared in the minds of the Eighth Order Mutant Beasts. Some of the Eighth Order Mutant Beasts who had become so after the last big war didn't feel anything, but those who had experienced the war felt a chill throughout their bodies.This chapter was first shared on the Ñøv€lß1n platform.

"So, we continue to wait?"

"Of course not. We have to show humans some color." Wind Tide's voice was cold.

At the end of the second month, with three days left, Su Chen finally controlled ten Base Cities. He received the reward for the second level task, which was one million energy.

If it were earlier, he might have been excited, but after receiving the reward for the side quest, he didn't value one million as much.

Of course, having something is better than nothing, and one million is not a small number.

"The third level task has been activated. Control fifty Base Cities within three months. If completed, the reward is ten million energy and five chances to draw from the Platinum Edition lottery. Failure will result in a downgrade of Commander privileges."

"System, what is the Platinum Edition lottery?"

"Since the host knows about Red Alert, you should also know that there are not only official versions, but also some unofficial versions, right?"

Su Chen's eyes lit up. He certainly knew about this, but he didn't research Red Alert deeply. He had only played official versions, and the most he knew about unofficial versions was the famous Republic of Glory!

At one point, he even thought that this was the official version, causing some laughter.

In fact, Yuri's Revenge was the legitimate official version, and Yuri's psychic technology was quite powerful, helping Su Chen a lot.

Now, he heard that the System could draw some units from unofficial versions, and Su Chen was really excited.

You see, the official version at least tries to balance things, but some unofficial versions add various settings just for fun, and the units inside are all too strong, even surpassing official settings.

He previously thought that the System only had official versions, but now that he knows there are unofficial versions, he feels excited again.

"Can I spend energy to buy this Platinum Edition lottery chance?" Su Chen asked.

"No, but the host can upgrade four levels of privileges, turning the regular lottery into the Platinum Edition lottery."

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