Published at 28th of June 2024 05:59:51 AM

Chapter 2: Saving the Beauty, Its All a Routine!

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Chapter 2: Saving the Beauty, Its All a Routine!

The degree of misery in this voice made Su Chen shudder.

"Su Yi, go over there and see what's going on," Su Chen gave his first command.

For these soldiers, Su Chen's orders were supreme. They saluted him and quietly left the dilapidated room.

In less than five minutes, Su Yi returned.

"Commander, a group of people are fighting a Mutant Beast. One person was eaten by the Mutant Beast on the spot, and the screams just now were from him," the soldier detailed what he knew.The initial instance of this chapter being available happened at N0v3l.Bin.

Su Chen's face changed slightly. Since he knew he was in an Apocalypse, he knew that death was a normal thing, but accepting it all at once was not that simple.

Suppressing the discomfort in his stomach, Su Chen decided to take nine soldiers and take a look at the situation from afar. He had to know how humans in this world fought Mutant Beasts.

Going down the familiar yet unfamiliar stairs, Su Chen finally saw the outside world. It was a ruin, and almost no intact buildings could be seen, except for Su Chen's house, which was relatively well-preserved for some reason.


Su Chen heard gunshots again. He made a gesture, and the group quietly approached.

When they were about a hundred meters away, Su Chen hid and used the binoculars equipped on the soldier to observe the situation in the distance.

He saw four people holding guns and firing continuously in front of them. The tongues of fire were swallowing, and the sound was piercing. In the direction they were shooting, Su Chen saw something he couldn't imagine.

The so-called Mutant Beast was actually a dog!

Of course, the appearance of this dog had completely changed. Its size had increased at least five times, its ferocious fangs were exposed outside its mouth, its eyes had turned red, and drool dripped onto the ground, emitting green smoke.

The dog's saliva was poisonous!

Bullets hit the mutant dog, but only left a faint blood mark on its body. The bullets couldn't penetrate the mutant dog's defense!

The four of them shouted excitedly. They could transport the mutant dog back alive, and the price of a second-order Mutant Beast would only be higher!

However, they were too happy too soon. Cracks appeared on the ice over the mutant dog's body, and it shattered with a bang.

The voices of the four people stopped abruptly, and a trace of fear appeared in their eyes. Even the ice grenade didn't work, and they had no way out.

"If someone saves me at this time, I'll marry him!" Leng Yuwei made a vow in her heart for the first time in her life.

The mutant dog was getting closer and closer to them. When it was less than ten meters away from them, a gunshot rang out!

The four people were stunned. They didn't fire their guns.

Leng Yuwei reacted the fastest. She knew someone was saving them.

"I can't believe it. I just made a vow casually, and it came true? Can I still change it now?" Leng Yuwei thought of the vow she made earlier and felt a little sad. If the person who appeared was an ugly monster, would she really have to marry him?

Leng Yuwei was anxious, and then she saw a pretty good-looking man walking out from behind. There were nine people in military uniforms behind him.

"Weird, why haven't I seen this kind of military uniform before? Who are these people?" This thought flashed through Leng Yuwei's mind for a moment.

Originally, Su Chen didn't want to appear, but he had to make contact with the people in this world and know the general situation here so that the MCV (Mobile Construction Vehicle) could be deployed. That was his first step.

But what he didn't expect was that among these four people, there was actually a beautiful woman.

It had to be said that even with Su Chen's eyes that had seen countless things, he had to admit that she was a beauty, comparable to a star. [-_-#]

"I didn't expect to also have a hero saves the beauty moment. They say that after a hero saves the beauty, the beauty will offer herself. Will this happen..."

While Su Chen was thinking about some things in his mind, three soldiers walked out from behind him, and the remaining six soldiers surrounded Su Chen to protect him and prevent him from being harmed.

Seeing the three soldiers walking over, the careless young man kindly spoke up, "You are not a match for the second-order mutant dog. Don't go over there."

Not long after, he was stunned, feeling a burning pain on his face. Where did these people come from, and why were they so strong?

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