Published at 28th of June 2024 05:59:26 AM

Chapter 20: Reinforcements for the Base City?

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Chapter 20: Reinforcements for the Base City?

At that moment, Ma Sanyan fell into despair.

Not just him, but also the people from Gathering Place. The second-tier Mutant Beasts didn't care about their thoughts and rushed in, eagerly going after people and enjoying their food.

Ordinary people were already scared out of their wits, fleeing in panic and unable to form an effective defense. Some Transcendents could still fight back, but first-tier Transcendents were no match for second-tier Mutant Beasts and ended up being eaten.

Because Transcendents were more effective than ordinary people, these Mutant Beasts preferred to hunt for Transcendents. The screams could be heard from time to time, making it a living hell.

Leng Yuwei and the others hid in a corner, watching helplessly as a Mutant Beast ate a Transcendent. Cold sweat broke out on their foreheads.

"Sister, what should we do?" Luo Hang was in a panic.

There were Mutant Beasts everywhere, and they were all second-tier. With his strength, he would probably be eaten soon after going out.

If it weren't for the sister bringing out an odor eliminator, they would have been done for.

This was a good thing that only existed in the Base City. He didn't expect the sister to have it on her. It could temporarily eliminate the odor on their bodies and prevent them from being detected by the sensitive noses of some Mutant Beasts. It was a valuable commodity in the Gathering Place.

Leng Yuwei looked outside and whispered, "Wait! These Mutant Beasts will definitely let their guard down at some point. We'll take the opportunity to escape."

In this situation, fighting to the death would only result in death. The three of them could only find a way to escape. At this point, who cared if they were deserters?

They waited for ten minutes, and Leng Yuwei noticed that there were no Mutant Beasts nearby. She led the other two out of the corner. As they walked, Luo Hang suddenly exclaimed, "Look at the sky, is that reinforcements for the Base City?"


Leng Yuwei instinctively looked up and saw a black dot in the sky. Upon closer inspection, it seemed to be a helicopter.

There weren't many people who still had helicopters these days, at least they hadn't heard of any Gathering Place owning one. Only the Base City had such a thing.

Luo Hang instinctively thought that this was reinforcements sent by the Base City. There might be several powerful Transcendents on board, which would mean that the Base City was saved.The debut release of this chapter happened at Ñòv€l-B1n.

"Get out of the way!" Suddenly, Ma Sanyan shouted and walked over in a somewhat embarrassed manner. He respectfully looked at the helicopter. It was obvious that the person who could fly a helicopter here was from the Base City, and he seemed to be a powerful one.

"Sir, I'm Ma Sanyan, the third son of the Ma family. I hope you can take me back to the Base City for the sake of the Ma family." Ma San Ye had a flattering expression on his face, which shocked the others.

When had they ever seen such a flattering third son?

The helicopter hovered in mid-air, and a voice came from above: "Ma's youngest son, I don't think I've heard of you before."

The others didn't think much of the voice, but Leng Yuwei recognized Su Chen's voice immediately and was stunned.

"That's Su Chen's voice. He even has a helicopter?" Leng Yuwei exclaimed in surprise.

"What? This is his helicopter? I thought only the base city had helicopters?" Luo Hang couldn't believe it.

"It seems that the base we saw last time was just the tip of the iceberg," Zhang Tao sighed.

As Su Chen's voice fell, five soldiers in military uniforms descended from the helicopter. Ma Sanyan's face changed immediately upon seeing the uniforms. He recognized them as the same uniforms worn by Su Chen's men.

Ma Sanyan realized that things were not looking good, but before he could leave, he was surrounded by five mutant beasts. His face turned pale.

There was no escape now!

"Big sister, we're done for. I hope I won't suffer too much when I die," Luo Hang said with a bitter smile.

The mutant beasts around them emitted a terrifying aura, each one a second-order mutant beast that they couldn't possibly handle. They had almost been wiped out by a dog that had just become a second-order mutant beast before, let alone now with five of them.

Only Leng Yuwei didn't look hopeless. She remembered that Su Chen's men were able to handle second-order mutant beasts before. Although there were now four more, she believed that Su Chen could handle them.

Sure enough, the actions of the Red Alert soldiers that followed confirmed Leng Yuwei's belief. Their combat power shocked everyone, and Ma Sanyan was so scared he almost wet himself.

Where did these people come from, and how could they be so powerful? Those were second-order mutant beasts!

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