Published at 28th of June 2024 05:52:59 AM

Chapter 201: Men and Women Working Together, No Fatigue in Work

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Chapter 201: Men and Women Working Together, No Fatigue in Work

Su Chen was living a comfortable life, but things weren't going so well for humanity.

Since the incident on the Eastern Front, humanity had suddenly realized that the attacks by the Mutant Beasts had become even more frenzied than before, resulting in the loss of many elite soldiers.

The four major defensive lines began to contract and adopt a defensive stance.

As usual, Number One Spy ordered his subordinates to attack the location where the Wolf King was located. The Wolf King's location was outside of human territory, bordering the territory of the Four-Armed Emperor.

It could be said that without Number One Spy obstructing him, the Wolf King could break through the Mutant's territory and enter human territory unimpeded.

The previous Four-Armed Emperor might not have clashed with the Wolf King, but the current Four-Armed Emperor was Number One Spy.

"Four-Armed Emperor, there's something I want to discuss with you," a voice appeared in Number One Spy's mind.

"What is it?" Number One Spy's expression changed, and he burst out with eighth-order strength in response.

"This time, we're planning to take action against humans. If you're willing to ally with us, all Mutant Beasts within human territory will obey your orders, and we'll pay you some advance payment," the voice said.

Number One Spy's expression didn't change, but he was thinking about what the Mutant Beasts were up to now.

That's right, the one who contacted him was an eighth-order Mutant Beast. He was very familiar with this voice; it was the Wolf King's voice.

Mutant Beasts had learned a lot from humans, even the term "advance payment."

Number One Spy didn't agree directly. That would be too obvious. He pretended to hesitate for a while before replying, "Okay, I'm not happy with humans. It would be great if we could wipe them out."

"Hahaha, it seems like we can cooperate like this. I also hope that the Four-Armed Emperor and I can turn our swords into plowshares. After all, the distance between the two of us, as emperors, is not far, and we don't want to be laughed at by others," Wolf King's words carried a hint of reconciliation.

"Not for the time being. After all, Mutants are still relatively democratic. If I just let them come back, how can I lead them in the future?" Number One Spy refused directly.

Wolf King almost cursed. Do you think I don't know that the strong rule the weak among Mutants? Are you kidding me?The inaugural upload of this chapter took place via N0v3l-B1n.

But he didn't dare say that directly, as he was the one who needed Number One Spy's help now.

While Su Chen was thinking about how to deal with this, the number one spy spoke up, "Commander, there's no need to worry. This is also a good opportunity for humans. If used properly, almost all of the Mutant Beasts in human territory can be wiped out at once."

"Oh, how so?"

Su Chen still had a lot of trust in the number one spy's intelligence. After all, he had witnessed the spy's various amazing operations, so he believed that the spy wouldn't let him down this time.

"When Mutant Beasts gather, they certainly won't be very close to the Base City. Once a large number of Mutant Beasts gather together, it's almost impossible to escape. As long as the Commander uses a big weapon at that time, these Mutant Beasts will be finished in an instant."

Su Chen's eyes lit up. After hearing what the spy said, he thought of a very practical weapon, a nuclear bomb!

Since coming to this world, he had used the Weather Control Device, but he had not tried a nuclear bomb yet. He really wanted to see what the mushroom cloud would look like when a nuclear bomb was dropped.

However, it seemed that the spy had guessed Su Chen's thoughts. He said directly, "Commander, I'm not talking about a nuclear bomb. I'm talking about another super weapon, the Gene Mutator."

"Why this one?" Su Chen was puzzled.

"The Gene Mutator can cause genetic mutations in a certain range of organisms, turning them into various berserk beasts that are completely obedient to the Commander. This way, the Commander can get a large number of berserk beast subordinates for free and solve the problem of Mutant Beasts in human territory. Isn't it killing two birds with one stone?"

"Very well, number one spy, you've done it again. What reward do you want?" Su Chen was very satisfied with the number one spy.

"Following Commander's orders and risking our lives is our duty. Commander's orders are our only motivation!"

Su Chen felt a headache. These soldiers were extremely loyal, but they had no demands at all, making it difficult for him as a commander.

Suddenly, Su Chen thought of something and asked the System, "Can I choose a female spy for the next construction of a spy?"

"Yes, you can."

Su Chen had thought of a reward: to build a female spy and make her a partner with the number one spy.

As the saying goes, when men and women work together, the work is not tiring. This was a commander's care for his subordinates.

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