Published at 28th of June 2024 05:52:56 AM

Chapter 203: Renting Out Beastmen

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Chapter 203: Renting Out Beastmen

The people of Baiyun City had no idea that Su Chen had helped them avert the crisis of the city's destruction.

So many Beastmen had become Su Chen's subordinates all at once, which made him very happy. After all, even if he combined all the soldiers under his command, their numbers would not be as many as the Beastmen.

But then a problem arose. What should he do with so many Beastmen? Would it be too wasteful to keep them all in the base?

"Commander, I have a suggestion," said Spy No. 1.

"Let's hear it."

"There are too many Beastmen, and the base cannot sustain them all with its current food reserves. Why don't we let all of humanity help us feed them?"

"What do you mean?" Su Chen raised his eyebrows.

"We can start a security company and rent out the Beastmen as bodyguards. They can even be hired as mercenaries to kill Mutant Beasts or Mutants, and all they need is a certain amount of food and payment in return."

According to Spy No. 1's idea, if the millions of Beastmen were really dispersed to 99 Base Cities, then each Base City would have at most only a few tens of thousands of them, which wasn't too many.

"Okay, we'll do it your way. Who should we assign to handle this?"

Of course, Su Chen himself couldn't handle this, and neither could Spy No. 1, as he still needed to disguise himself as the Four-Armed Emperor.

Just then, Su Chen received a message from the System: "Ju Ling has broken through to the Eighth Order and acquired an evolution template. She is on her way back to the main base."

Su Chen's eyes lit up as he thought of a candidate. Ju Ling was his strategist among his subordinates, and before the appearance of the Spies, she was responsible for many things.

"Bring her to me."

Soon, Ju Ling appeared before Su Chen. "Greetings, Commander. Ju Ling has not failed you."

"Very good." Su Chen was satisfied.

He had sent all the super soldiers out to gain experience, in order for them to improve their strength and even acquire evolution templates. Now, it seemed that Ju Ling had not disappointed him.

He looked at Ju Ling's information and saw that she was an intelligence type, which greatly enhanced her intelligence. This was exactly what Ju Ling needed, as a shooter. She needed to calculate various factors to ensure her accuracy, and intelligence could enable her to do that, making her more deadly.

"You've got some nerve! Do you want to kill me? Don't you know what those Mutant Beasts have turned into?"

Wolf King was even more confused. Mutant Beasts were just Mutant Beasts. What could they have turned into?

Then Four-Armed Emperor transmitted some images to him, which was a very energy-consuming way of communication. Wolf King was shocked when he saw that the Mutant Beasts had suddenly transformed into standing beasts. What was going on?

Could it be that the Mutant Beasts had undergone a second mutation?

"I informed those Mutant Beasts that have undergone transformation, but they didn't listen to my orders. I'm done with this. You can find someone else to deal with this."

No matter how Wolf King tried to contact Four-Armed Emperor, he remained silent.

This incident was strange, and Wolf King didn't know what was going on. But he knew one thing: the conspiracy was over.

They had fought so hard just to let the conspiracy succeed, to destroy Baiyun City and undermine human confidence.

But with this strange incident, continuing the fight was pointless.

Humans were surprised to find that the Mutant Beasts that had been fierce just a moment ago had retreated.

They couldn't understand the behavior of the Mutant Beasts, and in the end, they could only assume that the Mutant Beasts had gone crazy.

A few days later, Giants appeared in various Base Cities. They were Su Chen's beastmen.

"Red Alert Security Group's security division has begun to station in human Base Cities. For a small amount of food and Energy Crystals, you can have the lowest-level, third-tier combat power at your disposal. Don't miss this opportunity."

Security company advertisements were everywhere. Humans had never expected to see security companies in the Apocalypse. Was this real?

"Are these your security guards? They don't look like humans," someone asked.

"That's right. They're not real humans, but our company's research products. They can perfectly protect our clients' safety. If clients need to go on expeditions, they can hire a security guard. Isn't that great? These security guards will obey your every command, of course, certain illegal activities are not allowed."

As they demonstrated the strength of the beastmen, some people were tempted and placed orders, and Su Chen's Energy Crystals increased significantly.

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