Published at 28th of June 2024 05:52:49 AM

Chapter 207: Safety First Before Dealing with External Threats

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Chapter 207: Safety First Before Dealing with External Threats

"Cough, cough, my body can hold on for now. As long as you can become stronger, humans will never perish in our hands," South Emperor's voice was full of determination.

"The Eighth Order Mutant Beasts are not a problem. You should know that my little brother has a weapon that can kill an Eighth Order Mutant Beast. The Golden Peng died from this weapon," said Zhu Hui.

This immediately caught the attention of all the emperors. They only found out about this later and were interested in a weapon that could kill Eighth Order Mid-Term Mutant Beasts, especially one as fast as the Golden Peng.

"Old Zhou, tell us about it. Why haven't we heard of this weapon before?"

"I've never seen the weapon myself, but it's definitely a weapon that can control the weather. At that time, it was cloudy with lightning and thunder. Lightning struck the Golden Peng repeatedly, but miraculously, it didn't touch me. This is definitely a mature weapon."

Recalling that scene, Zhu Hui was still amazed that humans could control the power of nature.

Upon hearing Zhu Hui's words, the other emperors were speechless. Could humans really do this?

"Soon you'll see it for yourselves, and then you'll believe it."

"So what should we do next?" This was the voice of the Golden Emperor, the second spy. He needed to know the news here and pass it on to the Commander.

"The next step is to deal with the internal problems of humans, the Beast slaves and Mutants!"

The problem of Beast slaves had existed since the Apocalypse, but they hadn't been dealt with before because they needed their existence to make the Mutant Beasts think they were controlling humans.

Now that humans have broken free from that situation, they will soon retaliate, and the Beast slaves will no longer be necessary. Mutants are the same; they have threatened human survival and must be eliminated!

The decisions made by human emperors would soon be implemented, causing turmoil within human society. Most people were unaware of these matters.

Zhang Qing was a fifth-order Transcendent from Longxin City, and on the surface, he didn't seem to have any special qualities. However, no one knew that he was a Beast slave.

From an early age, he believed that humans would eventually perish. He thought it was better to join the Mutant Beasts early than to wait until it was too late. So he became a Beast slave.The inaugural upload of this chapter took place via N0v3l-B1n.

As a Beast slave, he transmitted a lot of human intelligence, including many secrets about Longxin City.

He alone caused a great deal of damage to humans.

Zhang Qing did not feel guilty about this; he wished he could give Longxin City to the Mutant Beasts. He even wished he was a Mutant Beast rather than a human.

Almost all of these Mutants were under the control of the Four-Armed Emperor. Therefore, they were preparing to take action against him.

Just as they were discussing their plans, Su Chen called.

"You're planning to take action against the Mutants, right?" Su Chen asked.

"You really are something, little brother. You can even guess that," they replied.

"It's fine if the Mutants die, but don't kill the Four-Armed Emperor. He's my man. Just put on a show when the time comes."


The emperors were stunned. The Four-Armed Emperor was Su Chen's man? What was going on?

Su Chen did not explain to them, but they would find out later.

The Mutants had been quite stable recently, not attacking humans or Mutant Beasts.

But this time, humans were preparing to take action against the Mutants!

All Base Cities received the emperor's order to wipe out all Mutant gathering points around them, leaving none alive!

"Hahaha, we're finally going to take action against the Mutants. Those damn guys who call themselves New Humans, pah!"

"Who's forming a team? Take me with you. I've bought a Grizzly tank and I need a cannon operator."

"What's a Grizzly tank? I've bought a Light Refraction Tank. Anyone forming a team with a Light Refraction Tank?"

"A bunch of trash. My armed helicopter is much more badass than your tank."

"I'm not targeting you guys. I'm targeting everyone here. You're all trash! I'll sweep the Mutant gathering points with my AK-47!"

"Get lost!" (To be continued)

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