Published at 28th of June 2024 05:52:45 AM

Chapter 210: Weapon Upgrade Opportunity

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Chapter 210: Weapon Upgrade Opportunity

Thanks to the mecha reinforcements that Su Chen sent over, the four main battlefronts had temporarily stabilized. After all, mechas were incredibly powerful, with strong air superiority and the ability to launch bombing attacks on the ground.

Although the Mutant Emperor wanted to make a move, he was stopped by the Human Emperor.

Now, it was clear to everyone that these mechas were capable of turning the tide of the war.

The situation on the four main battlefronts was being broadcast in real-time, and those within the human ranks knew exactly what was happening.

To be honest, when people found out how many Mutants there were, many were worried that the four main defenses wouldn't hold. But in the end, a batch of reinforcements arrived and saved the four main defenses. And those reinforcements were mechas!

Now, within the human ranks, mechas had become the hottest topic, with everyone discussing them.

"I have nothing to say, from now on Red Alert Base is my idol. They actually managed to develop mechas. This kind of technology is at least a hundred years more advanced than ours."

"According to a prediction made by a scientist back then, it would take at least fifty years to develop a mecha that could be sent onto the battlefield, and it might take more than a hundred years. But who would have thought that mechas would be developed so quickly."

"These are Red Alert Base's mechas. Do they really have mature mecha technology? We strongly demand that Red Alert Base contribute their mecha technology so that every Base City can build their own mechas."The inaugural upload of this chapter took place via N0v3l-B1n.

"Are you an idiot? Why don't you contribute everything you have? The last person who said that was already roasted. You'll be next."

There are all kinds of people in this world.

Some people think that if something is helpful to all of humanity, it should be contributed for free. But they don't realize that they can't even do it themselves. They try to morally blackmail others, which is amusing.

This kind of situation is not unique, but no matter how heated the discussion gets, it has nothing to do with Su Chen.

The reason why Su Chen doesn't release the mecha technology isn't that he doesn't want to. Even if he did, it would take many years for scientists to fully understand it. But with the Mutant Beasts, does humanity have that much time?

If he hadn't drawn Yun Ru, who had truly researched mechas before, he wouldn't have gotten such good mechas.

"Literal meaning: the master can select a weapon and upgrade it. This does not simply mean increasing its level, but rather endowing the weapon with its potential future. For example, upgrading a Patrol Cannon once will turn it into an Advanced Patrol Cannon, with at least ten times the power. Upgrading it again will transform it into a Laser Defense Cannon, and a third upgrade will turn it into a Photon Cannon."

Su Chen stood up in shock. He had no idea that the System had this kind of function. It was like turning a weapon into an entirely new form. If a regular Patrol Cannon could become a fearsome Photon Cannon, what would happen if he upgraded an already powerful weapon three times?

"How can I obtain this Weapon Upgrade Opportunity?" he asked.

"Everything depends on the master's own efforts."

Su Chen was not surprised. This ability was too powerful and could instantly boost his technological level by hundreds of years.

"These three opportunities are crucial and cannot be used carelessly. If you only upgrade three weapons, their levels will only surpass this era by a few decades. That's not enough. It's best to upgrade one weapon at a time. Only then will the weapon greatly surpass this era. But what should I upgrade?" Su Chen was immediately torn. The System's ability had brought him happy trouble.

After thinking for a while, he had an idea. "Can this upgrade opportunity be used on a Super Weapon?"

"The master does not have the privilege, and most importantly, the master does not yet possess a Super Weapon."

Su Chen slapped his forehead. He had forgotten that he only had the opportunity to use a Super Weapon, not actually own one.

"Please tell me what you recommend," he said.

"You guys, help me think. What weapon should I use the three upgrade opportunities on?" Su Chen contacted his subordinates, including two Spies and a few Super Soldiers. One person couldn't think of anything, but couldn't a group of people come up with something?

At this point, they put down everything they were doing and began to help Su Chen think about this matter. It was crucial to their future and couldn't be taken lightly.

"Commander, I suggest upgrading the MCV (Mobile Construction Vehicle). If we do that, the starting point of any future Sub-base we build will be higher than others, and who knows what other functions the upgraded MCV will have," Ju Ling suggested.

"I think upgrading the Tank would be better. No matter where we attack, Tanks are always the absolute main force. I wonder how powerful the Tank will become after being upgraded three times," Guangtou Qiang said.

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