Published at 28th of June 2024 05:52:40 AM

Chapter 213: It's Time to Enter the 3G Era

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Chapter 213: It's Time to Enter the 3G Era

With the threat of internal Mutants and Mutant Beasts eliminated, the happiest people were not those in Base City, but rather those living in Gathering Places.

These were the groups that faced the threat of Mutants and Mutant Beasts every day, and now they finally had a minimum sense of security.

With Mutants eradicated and the remaining first and second level Mutant Beasts unable to even breach Gathering Places, let alone Base City, they had become prey for humans!

Someone even suggested the idea of artificially breeding some first and second level Mutant Beasts to provide meat.

This idea was quickly approved, and various Base Cities began capturing Mutant Beasts and experimenting with breeding.

These events enraged the eighth level Mutant Beasts who had received word of it. Since the Apocalypse, when had Mutant Beasts ever been bred like poultry? This was something that only happened before the Apocalypse, and it was a disgrace to Mutant Beasts!

"Humans, you are provoking us. If you don't want a major war, then release those Mutant Beasts. Otherwise... even if we have to fight to the death, we will still fight to the death with you!" roared an eighth level Mutant Beast.

The roar of the eighth level Mutant Beast spread throughout human territory, and some timid people were frightened by the sound of Mutant Beasts, thinking it would be better not to do such things.

Previously, humans had only hunted and killed Mutant Beasts outside, but now that they were being bred, the nature of the relationship had changed.

"A bunch of cowards! When have we humans ever submitted to Mutant Beasts? Wasn't it just breeding? Thirty years ago, all the meat we ate was bred. Don't think that becoming a Mutant Beast makes you impressive. They are still our food!"

"I still have some breeding pictures from before the Apocalypse. I'll send them to you... 1%... %... damn G network, it's driving me crazy."This chapter was first shared on the Ñøv€lß1n platform.

"Don't send pictures upstairs. You're still sending pictures in the G network era. Have you not woken up yet? Do you think this is the 4G era before the Apocalypse?"

"I remember the last person who sent a picture. It took half an hour just for one picture. I really admire that person's patience."

As they chatted, the topic of these people shifted from breeding Mutant Beasts to complaining about the G network era.

Unfortunately, some people had experienced the 4G era before the Apocalypse and now returning to the G era felt very awkward.

At this time, Su Chen murmured, "It's time to enter the G era."

All the people in Base City received a message that the Red Alert group was preparing to upgrade the network from G to the 3G era.

"Take me there."

Led by a Red Alert Soldier, Su Chen arrived in front of a wooden hut prison.

Unlike others, these people couldn't easily come into contact with others, so they were being held in a separate cell and hadn't become Miners.

"Open it."

The Red Alert Soldier opened the wooden hut, and Su Chen walked straight in.

Inside were three people, two men and a woman, all wearing white coats and looking a bit dirty and messy.

"Let us out! You don't have the right to detain us. This is illegal!" Seeing Su Chen, a researcher who looked to be in his thirties shouted at him.

At this point, the Red Alert Soldier walked up and knocked the man unconscious with the butt of his gun, and the surroundings immediately quieted down.

"What do you want? You've kept us locked up for over a month." Another older man pretended to ask calmly.

"Nothing, I just want to know about the ruins." Su Chen smiled.

"We don't know anything about the ruins, we're just ordinary researchers." The only woman who looked to be in her thirties spoke up.

"It seems like you're not willing to cooperate. What a pity."

Su Chen snapped his fingers, and soon their expressions became dull, like idiots.

Su Chen didn't like using torture to extract information. Mind control was very useful at this time, so he simply controlled the two people and obtained the information he wanted directly from their mouths.

After questioning them, Su Chen learned that the older man had actually been one of the archaeologists who had visited the ruins.

Of course, at the time, he was just a small, insignificant character, but he could never forget the scene then.

The ruins, some people called them the relics of prehistoric civilization. When they first discovered the place, it was by accident. When they tried to enter for the second time, they were surprised to find that the place was gone.

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