Published at 28th of June 2024 05:52:36 AM

Chapter 216: An Earthquake?

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Chapter 216: An Earthquake?

Su Chen was shocked. Since obtaining the System, this was the first time he had witnessed such an unscientific event in this world.

A passage had appeared on a wall. Can you believe it?

"What is this, a subspace?"

Ju Ling immediately dispatched a team of soldiers to enter the peculiar space. After about half an hour, they emerged and underwent various checks.

It was ultimately determined that there was oxygen inside and no presence of any viruses or other harmful substances.

"Commander, the situation inside is unclear. I suggest sending in some soldiers to explore and confirm that it is 100% safe before Commander enters."

Su Chen also thought this way. What were his subordinates for, if not to take orders?

With Su Chen's command, around five hundred soldiers entered. This team was quite diverse, not just Red Alert soldiers, but also other types of troops. Most oddly, Su Chen had brought ten engineers with him.

From the mouths of those researchers, Su Chen learned that there was a certain level of danger inside and that the engineers might have a special role to play.

As they entered, Su Chen immediately switched to the perspective of a soldier and saw that there seemed to be a corridor inside. The walls were silver-white metal, and the most peculiar thing was that this metal did not seem to be one known on Earth.

"Nothing dangerous detected within five hundred meters ahead. Use remote-controlled tanks for a comprehensive search."

Soon, small remote-controlled tanks appeared and advanced into the depths of the corridor. Each one was also equipped with a terrifying robot.

How could Su Chen be willing to let his soldiers risk their lives exploring a known danger? At a time like this, wasn't it better to rely on technology?

Remote-controlled tanks were spread throughout the strange place, but nothing was found for the time being. As that person had said, it was too big here.

"We've found something. Remote-controlled tank number three has discovered a room filled with strange instruments that seem to have been emptied out. Only some instruments of unknown use remain." Ju Ling reported to Su Chen.

"Get the footage."

Soon, a screen appeared before Su Chen's eyes. It was the footage from the remote-controlled tank, showing a room the size of a football field filled with all sorts of strange instruments, all of them broken. Everything else was gone, apparently taken away.

After a while, Su Chen appeared in an ecosystem.

Looking around, if it weren't for the silver metal walls at the edge, he might have thought he was standing in a primitive forest on Earth. Everything was too real.

Looking up, he could even see the blue sky and white clouds, which was unbelievable.

"Is the blue sky and white clouds real?" Su Chen asked Ju Ling beside him.

"I don't know. I had a Rocket Trooper fly up, but he flew for a long time and couldn't reach the top. But when he came down, it didn't take much time," Ju Ling replied.

Su Chen squinted his eyes. He knew that there were still many technologies to be explored here, but unfortunately, he didn't know where to start. Even if he asked Yun Ru to come and study, she wouldn't be able to figure out the principles.

"Is it really worthy of being called the ruins of a prehistoric civilization? They had such powerful technology, but how did they perish?" Su Chen muttered.

Su Chen continued walking forward. According to the Soldier's reconnaissance, the ecosystem was about the size of ten football fields, and there were many plants living inside, none of which they recognized. They were probably prehistoric plants.

Su Chen saw a tree with at least ten different kinds of fruit growing on it. If it were outside, people would probably think it was a hybrid product.

"These plants are just sitting here, it's such a waste. Can you distinguish the uses of these plants and cultivate them on a large scale outside?" Su Chen asked.

"I will have someone research it. Please wait and see, Commander," Ju Ling replied.

Ju Ling was smart. These plants that could be left here by the prehistoric civilization must have had something unusual about them. If they were cultivated outside, they might be able to change people's current way of life.

Currently, Bug protein was the main food source for humans, and only a small number of Transcendents could afford to eat Mutant Beast meat. Ordinary people couldn't.

But now that there were no threats in human territory, humans could leave Base City, cultivate the land outside, and agriculture might gradually recover. These prehistoric plants might play a significant role.

As the two walked through the forest, there was suddenly a violent tremor.

"An earthquake?" Su Chen was shocked.

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