Published at 28th of June 2024 05:52:32 AM

Chapter 218: Starting with a Dog

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Chapter 218: Starting with a Dog

"I don't know," Old Man shook his head decisively.

Su Chen almost couldn't resist giving him the middle finger. If you don't know, why did you bring me here?

"Then how do I start the trial?"

Su Chen was very interested in the secret of the Qiluo civilization that Old Man mentioned. After all, there might be the real reason why the Qiluo civilization betrayed humanity.Witness the debut of this chapter, unveiled through Ñôv€l--B1n.

Of course, the most important thing was that Old Man said that he could only leave here by passing the trial, otherwise he would be stuck here forever.

"Come here, any nasty posture will do, I will help you start the trial," Old Man pointed to himself.

Su Chen walked over with big steps and came to the only bright spot in this space. He saw those dummies below and curiously asked, "What are those dummies?"

"Oh, they were all people from this shelter. In their last moments of life, they chose to pray, but as you can see, they all died in the end. There was no god to respond to their prayers," Old Man said in a plain voice.

Su Chen shrugged. He was an atheist and never believed in such things.

"Let's get started." Su Chen sat cross-legged on the ground, feeling very cool.

Su Chen only saw Old Man extend a finger and touch his forehead, and the next second he lost consciousness.

In a daze, Su Chen opened his eyes and found himself lying next to a big tree. The most surprising thing was that there was a dog next to him.

The appearance of this dog was exactly the same as the Hounds that Su Chen had built. He almost thought it was Dahua.

"Where am I? How did I get here? Wasn't I just in that trial space?" Su Chen was very puzzled. He clenched his fist and felt that this was his real body, not an illusion.

The big tree next to him felt very real, and even the fur on the Hounds was the same.


Seeing Su Chen wake up, Hounds seemed very happy, wagging its tail and circling around Su Chen.

"Don't spin around. Do you know if there is anything special here?" Su Chen felt that there must be some purpose in starting with a dog.

Sure enough, Hounds walked towards a direction, and Su Chen followed.

"Whether it's real or not, I must pass the trial. If I can't go back, it will be troublesome."

Su Chen didn't act rashly. A space-time mining vehicle was no threat to him. Even with an AK-47, he could easily destroy it.

The problem was that Su Chen didn't know what kind of base was behind the space-time mining vehicle. If the other party was powerful, he would be in trouble with his small body.

At this point, he had to be like Voldemort.

Su Chen slowly moved along the edge of the forest, letting Hounds indicate the direction every once in a while, searching for the place that Hounds had told him.

Finally, after leaving the open-air gold mine, the surroundings became deserted again. Su Chen took the opportunity to run out with Hounds and headed towards the place where Hounds had led him.

Su Chen had no other choice but to trust Hounds.

"It's really a desert here, it's so hot, but I don't even feel thirsty. What's going on?"

After running for so long, Su Chen realized that he still had various feelings, but he didn't feel hungry or thirsty, as if he had become a robot.

After running for who knows how long, Su Chen still didn't feel tired. At this point, Hounds stopped and barked ahead.

Su Chen climbed up a small hill in front and saw something that shocked him.

A Mobile Construction Vehicle (MCV)!

"Damn, am I really playing Red Alert? But why not just let me use the mouse to click? Why make me play it in person? I don't like this kind of immersive game experience," Su Chen complained, but unfortunately no one paid attention to him.

Su Chen stood in front of the Mobile Construction Vehicle (MCV). Although it wasn't the first time he had seen the Mobile Construction Vehicle (MCV), seeing it here felt completely different.

"Mobile Construction Vehicle (MCV), deploy!" Su Chen shouted loudly.

One second, two seconds... ten seconds passed, but nothing happened. Su Chen kept his hands in the deployed position, and there was silence all around, with an awkward atmosphere.

"Cough, cough, does this thing need to be recognized by the owner?" Su Chen cleared his throat and ignored the embarrassment.

When his hand touched the Mobile Construction Vehicle (MCV), it deployed.

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